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REGISTRY WEEK RESULTS Katie Kitchin and Chere Bradshaw Oct. 8, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "REGISTRY WEEK RESULTS Katie Kitchin and Chere Bradshaw Oct. 8, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGISTRY WEEK RESULTS Katie Kitchin and Chere Bradshaw Oct. 8, 2012

2 The Memphis Team and Approach A strategy of the Mayors’ Action Plan to End Homelessness More than 90 volunteers surveyed unsheltered individuals Oct. 3-5 Teams met at 4:45 each morning, covered all of Shelby County; interviewed those sleeping outside. Focus for the Good photographed the project.

3 Summary Findings 259 unsheltered individuals completed the survey. 135 determined “vulnerable” = statistically at high risk of mortality due to medical, mental health, and substance abuse

4 Self-reported conditions 29% were tri-morbid (chronic medical issues + MH and SA) 130 reported serious medical concerns 140 reported mental health disorders (though prevalence rate is much higher) 197 reported substance abuse issues

5 Homeless Histories Average length of time homeless = 9 years vulnerable, 5 years not vulnerable Average age = 49 Very few reported regular shelter stays, 80% slept mostly outside year-round. 84% met chronic homelessness criteria = disability, continuous homelessness 102 reported having been subject of a violent attack while homeless.

6 Health-Related Data 55 had more than 3 ER visits in the past 3 months 130 had a serious health condition 356 hospitalizations in the past year 442 ER visits in past 90 days. 71% had no health insurance. 15% had Medicaid

7 Veterans Data 41 Veterans surveyed 25 vulnerable vets with average length of homelessness = 12 yrs. 14 Viet Nam era, 12 more recent 10 with heart problems, 6 with cancer, 8 HepC, 5 TB

8 Estimated Impact National studies show conservative estimate = $30,000/person/year in safety net expenses. 218 chronically homeless individuals likely cost $6.5M/year

9 Next Steps Second-level assessments/priority list established Securing housing: 55 units secured; 40 in the pipeline. Support services to begin simultaneously Intensive, home-based services will be provided 1:15 ratio

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