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Leadership and Innovation Bernie Sammons University of New England Dr. William Doughty Educational Leadership- EDU 701 December 1, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Innovation Bernie Sammons University of New England Dr. William Doughty Educational Leadership- EDU 701 December 1, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Innovation Bernie Sammons University of New England Dr. William Doughty Educational Leadership- EDU 701 December 1, 2012

2 Leadership Role Webster’s online dictionary defines a leader as “A person who has commanding authority or influence.” Despite being given the opportunity to serve as 1 st grade lead teacher, I do not consider myself to be someone with commanding authority or influence. In my new role as grade level lead teacher, my first priority was to make sure everyone understood that while I may be the lead, our goal is to work together for the benefit of the students. I encouraged all to share their ideas and concerns.

3 Group Brainstorming Shortly after accepting the position as grade level lead, I asked all 1 st grade teachers to meet. The day before our meeting, all were asked to come ready to share 3 issues they believe are facing our 1 st grade students.

4 Brainstorming - continued As I began our meeting, the suggestion was made to have everyone introduce themselves. This was due to 1 st grade having 3 teachers new to our school. Many believed that by doing so, we would be more cohesive & a culture of teamwork would be established. When we began our discussion of the issues facing us, it was important that all understood that issues facing one teacher may not apply to all of us. However, it was important that we come to a consensus about the issues facing all 1 st grade classes.

5 1 st Grade Challenges As a result of our grade level discussion about challenges facing our 1 st grade students, the following challenges were identified: 1. Poverty- Students are not receiving the necessary support at home. This may be in the form of no food, money, or loss of family home. 2. Lack of parental support- Many students come from single parent homes, while other students are living with people that are not their parents. 3. Behavior- Many students are modeling the behaviors of older students or siblings. These behaviors are often violent in nature.

6 1 st Grade Challenges- continued 4. Attendance- Due to family circumstances, many students are absent or tardy on a regular basis. 5. Curriculum- While all teachers are teaching 1 st grade curriculum, there is no grade level alignment in resources used to teach Spelling or Math. For example, for spelling test words, some teachers use the Fry sight word list, some the Dolch sight word list and others the word list in the Trophies Teacher’s Manual. As a result, an accurate measurement of student achievement across grade level is not possible.

7 Identification of major challenge While we agree that all of these challenges are important and need addressed, I suggested that we concentrate on the challenges we could control. After careful consideration and discussion, we decided to focus on the area of curriculum. This discussion involved the benefits and short comings of the various methods being used to teach spelling. The discussion was concluded by coming to a consensus as to why we need to have a uniform way for teaching spelling. It was determined that reliable student evaluations were not possible across grade level unless a consistent approach to teaching spelling existed.

8 Major Challenge- continued All agreed that the main shortcoming of our current teaching method is the various methods of assessment. Currently, one teacher has her students take a spelling test every Friday. These scores are then recorded in her grade book. Another teacher has her students take the spelling test on Wednesday with access to the spelling words. Students then take a test on Friday without the words. The 2 scores are then averaged together & recorded as the official score for the student. 3 teachers follow the method of having students take a practice test on Wednesday and the official test on Friday. A uniform testing system must be established for 1 st grade.

9 Solution We began our discussion on aligning the spelling curriculum by discussing each method currently being used. We immediately eliminated the words used in the Trophies manual. This was due to the lack of high frequency words being used by Trophies. Next, we discussed the Dolch sight word list. While this list consists of many sight words used in today’s world, we all agreed this list was outdated. This due to the fact that the Dolche list was created in 1936, first published in 1948. However, it has not changed with the times. It was after agreeing that today words such as Santa Claus & Kitty aren’t considered high frequency words that we chose not to continue using this method.

10 Solution- continued Unlike the Dolch list, the Fry High Frequency word list was recently created by Edward B. Fry, Ph.D. Professor emeritus at Rutgers University. While the complete list consists of 1,000 words, the first 300 w0rds are used 65% of the time in written materials such as newspapers and magazines. It is for this reason that we chose as a grade level to use the Fry high frequency word list as our resource for spelling words. We can now assess all 1 st grade students on their spelling, knowing that the assessment and information being assessed is reliable across the grade level.

11 Solution- continued Now that 1 st grade has established the resources that will be used for teaching spelling, a uniform method of assessment has to be established. Our goal is to assess all students on their mastery of reading and spelling the 1 st grade high frequency words..

12 Solution- conclusion The following method was agreed upon: 1. Students will be given a weekly spelling list consisting of 10 sight words and 1 bonus word every Friday for the following week. The bonus word will be either the name of a month or day of the week. 2. A practice test will be given on Wednesday, so that students may know the words they need to practice. 3. Students that get all words correct on Wednesday, will not have to take the test on Friday. The Friday test score will be the official score for students that did not get all words correct on Wednesday.

13 Challenges facing implementation As we prepare to implement the new spelling curriculum, several challenges have been presented before us. First, only 1 teacher has the Fry Word list and a schedule for using the words. Second, some teachers are nervous about changing the way they teach their students spelling. Third, Parents have not been notified of the change in a timely manner. Fourth, While our principal appreciates our “go get em” attitude, she is hesitant to agree to the change.

14 Timeline for overcoming challenges Now that we have identified the challenges to implementation, the following schedule was created to overcome these challenges. Before implementation, meeting will be held with principal. Examples of various methods currently being used will be shown, explaining that a uniform method must be used to accurately assess spelling levels across grade level. Once our principal is on board and agrees to the changes, teacher manuals will be ordered for all teachers.

15 Timeline- continued After manuals are received, a grade level training will be held to train all teachers on the Fry spelling method. 1 week before implementation, a parent letter will be sent home explaining the changes & how they will affect their child. For teachers that are still nervous about teaching the Fry method, they will be given opportunities to visit classrooms currently using the Fry method for spelling.

16 Conclusion The first ISLLC standard states “ A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.” The change in the teaching of spelling is a prime example of this standard. As this method is implemented and teachers, students, parents and administrators see the success of using this method, excitement will grow and lead to all grades teaching spelling using the same method.

17 Conclusion- continued As the discussion and preparation for implementing the Fry method for teaching sight words, one principle was always the focus of group. This principal was “To ensure the timely and effective transition in developing a new spelling method to ensure the success of as many students as possible.” As Glanz states in Finding Your Leadership Style, “We have an opportunity to make a difference with kids. We cannot however, make a difference unless we demonstrate a deep love for all kids no matter who they are or where they came from.” What better way can we show this than by making sure we are using the most effective methods for teaching them?

18 References Definition of Dolche sight word list, retrieved December 2, 2012 from Definition of Fry Sight Word List retrieved December 1, 2012 from Definition of leader, retrieved December 1, 2012 from http://www.merriam- ISLLC Standards, retrieved Glanz, J. (2002). Finding your leadership style, a guide for educators. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

19 References Definition of Dolche sight word list, retrieved December 2, 2012 from Definition of Fry Sight Word List retrieved December 1, 2012 from Definition of leader, retrieved December 1, 2012 from http://www.merriam- ISLLC Standards, retrieved December 1, 2012 from Glanz, J. (2002). Finding your leadership style, a guide for educators. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

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