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CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 1/13 LTE-Advanced Evaluation by TTA PG 707 CJK-IMT25-xxx Seong-Jun Oh, Korea University

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Presentation on theme: "CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 1/13 LTE-Advanced Evaluation by TTA PG 707 CJK-IMT25-xxx Seong-Jun Oh, Korea University"— Presentation transcript:

1 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 1/13 LTE-Advanced Evaluation by TTA PG 707 CJK-IMT25-xxx Seong-Jun Oh, Korea University ( TTA PG707 Vice Chair CJK IMT 25 Beijing(北京), China May 19, 2010

2 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 2/13 ToR (Terms of Reference) of TTA PG707  Evaluate proposals of IMT-Advanced RIT/SRIT –Develop evaluation report / Submit evaluation report to ITU-R  Cooperate and coordinate with other standardization bodies related to evaluation works –ITU-R WP5D, 3GPPs, IEEE 802, CJK SIG, SDOs Mobile Communication Technical Committee (TC7) in TTA IMT- Advanced PG(PG701) IMT WiBro PG(PG702) Mobile Platform & Service PG (PG703) WLAN PG (PG704) Cognitive Radio PG (PG705) VHO PG (PG706) IMT Evaluation PG(PG707)

3 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 3/13 About TTA PG 707  Members –13 organizations, 47 members –ETRI, Korea Univ., Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, TTA, LG Telecom, Intel, KT, Qualcomm Korea, LG-Nortel, RRA, KEIT, Telcoware  Web-site – wEngList_pop.jsp?commit_code=PG707 wEngList_pop.jsp?commit_code=PG707  Chair –Dr. Chung HK, ETRI,  Vice-chairs –Prof. Oh, Seong-Jun, Korea University –Dr. Kim, Ki-Jun, LG Electronics –Dr. Cho, Jaeweon, Samsung Electronics  Secretary –Mr. Choi, Hyoungjin, TTA,

4 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 4/13 LTE-A Evaluation Process  Full scale evaluation of LTE-A FDD  Contribution based Approach –Members submit contribution (simulation results) –On-line/Off-line meetings to discuss the technical issues including detailed simulation configurations –Evaluation report after the consensus –For non-simulation results, we validate the self-evaluation report

5 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 5/13 Summary of Simulation Results  In all four configurations (InH, UMi, UMa, RMa), the simulation results show that LTE-A meets the ITU-R requirements –Most of simulation configurations and parameters are from 3GPP’s self-evaluation –For some configurations, Rel-8 features are enough to meet the requirements –We try several antenna deployment configurations for the full buffer simulation  Our numbers are similar to 3GPP’s self-evaluation

6 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 6/13 CSE and CEUSE (DL) InHUMiUMaRMa Cell-Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 4.842.892.312.99 3GPP self ITU-R Req. Cell-edge User Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 0.2170.0940.0710.099 3GPP self 0.220.0870.0660.09 ITU-R Req. 0.10.0750.060.04  MU-MIMO 4 x 2 (c) configuration

7 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 7/13 CSE and CEUSE (DL) InHUMiUMaRMa Cell-Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 4.063.672.911.98 3GPP self ITU-R Req. Cell-edge User Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 3GPP self ITU-R Req. 0.10.0750.060.04  Rel-8 SU-MIMO 4 x 2 (a) for InH and RMa  MU-MIMO 8 x 2 (c) for UMi and UMa

8 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 8/13 CSE and CEUSE (UL) InHUMiUMaRMa Cell-Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 3.261.851.541.68 3GPP self ITU-R Req. Cell-edge User Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 0.2320.0680.0650.080 3GPP self 0.240.0730.0620.082 ITU-R Req.  Rel-8 SIMO 1 x 4 (c) configuration

9 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 9/13 CSE and CEUSE (UL) InHUMiUMaRMa Cell-Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 3GPP self 4.3 N/A ITU-R Req. Cell-edge User Spectral Efficiency TTA PG707 0.260.08 0.11 3GPP self 0.25 N/A ITU-R Req.  SU-MIMO 2 x 4 (a)configuration

10 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 10/13 VoIP Capacity InHUMiUMaRMa TTA PG707 (UL) 120657072 TTA PG707 (DL) 125726578 3GPP’s self 140806891 ITU-R Requirement 5040 30

11 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 11/13 Mobility Spectral Efficiency InHUMiUMaRMa TTA PG707 (NLOS) 2.471.171.051.13 3GPP’s self (NLOS) 2.561.211.081.22 TTA PG707 (LOS) 3.071.351.261.42 3GPP’s self (LOS) 3.151.421.361.45 ITU-R Requirement 1.00.750.550.25

12 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 12/13 For Non-Simulation Metrics  We have checked the following items of the 3GPP’s self evaluation by inspection and analysis –Control Plane Latency –User Plane Latency –Handover Interruption Time –Peak Spectral Efficiency

13 CJK IMT 25, Beijing, China 13/13

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