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A history of New Zealand. Pre-European New Zealand New Zealand history is very short in comparison with other countries. It was not settled by the first.

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Presentation on theme: "A history of New Zealand. Pre-European New Zealand New Zealand history is very short in comparison with other countries. It was not settled by the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 A history of New Zealand

2 Pre-European New Zealand New Zealand history is very short in comparison with other countries. It was not settled by the first people, the Maoris, until around 1300. Many birds lived in New Zealand and one particular bird, the moa, was the largest bird in the world, until it was hunted to extinction by 1500. The Maoris lived tribal lives and fought wars with other tribes often.

3 Europeans in New Zealand The first European to see New Zealand was Dutch man named Abel Tasman. James Cook in 1769 was the first man to properly map New Zealand, and he also traded with the local tribes. By 1840 more and more Europeans had settled in New Zealand, and tensions had risen between the Maori and Europeans. The Treaty of Waitangi on February 6 1840 said that the Maori had control of their land yet still allowing New Zealand to be a part of the British Empire. Dispute still goes on today about whether the Treaty is fair or unfair.

4 Modern New Zealand No significant event stands out that changed New Zealand as radically as the Treaty of Waitangi did. The most important thing to remember, is that New Zealand went from being completely uninhabited in 1300, to being the country that it is today. In comparison with other countries this is a very short time.

5 Modern New Zealand New Zealand’s economy now largely relies on international trade. It exports dairy, meat, timber, wine, fruit and wool. Tourism and agriculture are the two largest generators of income for New Zealand.

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