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CS61B L10 Exceptions (1)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB 2003-09-17  Dan Garcia ( Kathy Yelick  (

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Presentation on theme: "CS61B L10 Exceptions (1)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB 2003-09-17  Dan Garcia ( Kathy Yelick  ("— Presentation transcript:

1 CS61B L10 Exceptions (1)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB 2003-09-17  Dan Garcia ( Kathy Yelick  ( 1 Handout: notes Computer Science 61B Data Structures and Advanced Programming Lecture 10 – Exceptions

2 CS61B L10 Exceptions (2)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Change which lines to protect invariant? 1: none 2: 2 3: 2&3 4: 2&4 5: 3&4 6: 2-4 7: 2-5 1)public class Landlord { 2) public Vector myPlots; 3) Landlord (Vector initP) { myPlots = initP; } 4) Vector getPlots () { return myPlots; } 5) Plot plotAt(int i) { return myPlots.get(i); } 6) } // invariant: Plots do not overlap

3 CS61B L10 Exceptions (3)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Users’ variables Which Variables Are Problems? owner myPlots myStart mySize myStart mySize internalVec internalPlot internalVec is a problem, internalPlot is not … …

4 CS61B L10 Exceptions (4)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Representation Exposure A well-designed data abstraction can guarantee its representation invariants –Variables are usually private to ensure invariants User may still be able to violate the invariants –Representation exposure: giving the user of an abstract data type access to the internals, allowing them to violate representation invariants If all fields are private, how does this happen? –Taking mutable objects from user and putting them into the internal state –Returning mutable parts of the state

5 CS61B L10 Exceptions (5)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Abstraction Functions Given any legal concrete object, what is its abstract value? –A concrete object is the set of internal variables »The below-the-line view –The abstract value is in the programmer’s mind »The above-the-line view »e.g., a Fraction is a rational number, int1/int2 –A concrete object is legal if the representation invariant holds, I.e., repOk is true This object represents the rational number ½ : So does this one: 1 myNumer 2 myDenom 4 myNumer 8 myDenom 1212

6 CS61B L10 Exceptions (6)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Abstraction Functions Abstraction functions map concrete to abstract values (below to above the line) –They are often many-to-one, because several concrete states may represent the same abstract object Liskov talks about abstraction functions as a documentation idea, but notation is difficult Instead, we will use the toString method as the abstraction function –The toString result is the abstract value The different implementations of Fraction have different toString methods: –If stored in lowest form, then toString is one-to-one –If not, toString is many-to-one

7 CS61B L10 Exceptions (7)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB What Makes a Good toString ? Design toString carefully; it should: 1.Distinguish between all distinct abstract values »If 2 objects are not.equals, their toString should not be 2.Not reveal internal information »If 2 objects are. equals, their toString should be Sometimes #1 is becomes too cumbersome: –A Landlord is shown: ---DD--KKK--D----- if Dan, Kathy, and David have all rented plots #2 means: don’t reveal redundant information –A linked list with a tail pointer or a size field –Information added to speed up operations

8 CS61B L10 Exceptions (8)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Data Abstraction Summary Data Abstraction is a powerful programming tool –Hide the implementation details –Allow for future changes (better/faster…) Representation Invariant –Rules about how the internal variables are managed –repOk() checks whether rules have been violated Abstraction Function –Maps concrete representation to the abstract value –toString() typically defines this function Benevolent side effects –Modifications of internal state that are not externally visible

9 CS61B L10 Exceptions (9)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB What to do with Erroneous Input In mathematics, two kinds of functions: –Total function is one that is defined everywhere –Partial function is only defined on some values Same applied to programs –Methods are total if the spec has no @requires –Methods are partial if they do: behavior is not defined when must condition is not met Methods that are only partial are harder to use: –But what to do about “bad” input? »Creating a bank account with a negative balance »Reading from a file, which is suddenly deleted –Change the spec to define a particular behavior for every input, but was is the right behavior?

10 CS61B L10 Exceptions (10)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Approaches to Handling Bad Inputs What to do about this (rare) kind of “exceptional” behavior? –Have every method take an extra parameter, which will be mutated if there is an exception –Have every method return a status, e.g., 0 for normal, nonzero if some exception occurred What about methods that already return values? public IslamicDate tomorrow() Return an object containing the normal value + status? Need to define a new class (Yuck!) Can we add an extra int argument for status? public IslamicDate tomorrow (int status) No: need to pass in a mutable status object (Yuck!)

11 CS61B L10 Exceptions (11)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Java’s Approach to Exceptions Java allows you to write a method that either –Returns a normal value –Or returns a special “Exception” object A throw statement says to throw the Exception. if (input == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (“null input”); } Throwing an exception is like “return”: –The method exits  it should be inside a conditional or at the end of a method – nothing after it will run. –It will send back the given Exception object

12 CS61B L10 Exceptions (12)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB What are Exceptions? Exceptions are objects –Exceptions have methods, like getMessage() –The can be passed around and stored –They can be created using a constructor new Exception (“That was bad input”) –Are instance of Exception class, or some other class that is a subtype of Exception »Seen in the java API in the list at the top »More on this later They have special behavior: –Can throw and catch exceptions Object Exception... Integer

13 CS61B L10 Exceptions (13)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB When an Exception is Thrown Example of a Java method that doesn’t always work public static int readInt(BufferedReader br){ String input = br.readLine(); return Integer.parseInt(input); } Problem: readLine will fail sometimes if there are I/O problems, e.g., the file you are reading from is removed The specification for readLine says: public String readLine()throws IOException …stuff omitted Throws: IOException - If an I/O error occurs A method that calls readLine must handle the exception

14 CS61B L10 Exceptions (14)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Handling Exceptions: Approach 1 Handle the exception in the caller public static int readInt(BufferedReader br) { try { String input = br.readLine(); return Integer.parseInt(input); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(“Unable to read int, ” + “defaulting to 0”); return 0; } No change to signature, but changes the internals Right approach if the problem can be fixed –The above example is dubious style, defaulting to 0

15 CS61B L10 Exceptions (15)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Exception Handling in General General format for try/catch: try { Statements0 } catch (ExceptionName1 var1) { Statements1 } Statements2 Two possible executions: 1.Execute Statements0. If no exception occurs, skip catch and Statements1 and continue with Statement2 2.Start executing Statements0. If an exception occurs, stop in the middle of Statement0 (wherever you are), and jump to Statements1. Then go to Statements2. Declares name for exception object var1 can be used inside Statements1, e.g., var1.getMessage()

16 CS61B L10 Exceptions (16)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Handling Exceptions: Approach 2 The second approach is to “pass the buck” Re-throw the exception from this method public static int readInt1(BufferedReader br) throws IOException { String input = br.readLine(); return Integer.parseInt(input); } This changes the signature and is the right approach if –The exception makes sense to callers of the method –Problem cannot be fixed within this method

17 CS61B L10 Exceptions (17)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Throws vs. Throw A throws clause in a method signature says: 1.This method may throw the listed Exceptions 2.If any called procedures within throws them, they will be passed along public static int readInt1(BufferedReader br) throws IOException {... } A throw statement says to actually throw the throw new IOException(“No file”);

18 CS61B L10 Exceptions (18)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Two Kinds of Exceptions All Exception types (named …Exception by convention) are subtypes of Exception 2 Kinds: “checked” exceptions “unchecked” exceptions Object Exception RuntimeException IllegalArgumentException NullPointerException IndexOutOfBoundsException (many others not shown) IOException (many others not shown) 1.Unchecked exceptions are subtypes of RuntimeException 2.Checked exceptions are everything else

19 CS61B L10 Exceptions (19)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Exceptions When writing a method that throws an Exception: –Checked: Java requires throws in method signature –Unchecked (RuntimeException): Throws in method signature is allowed but not required When calling a method that throws an Exception: –Checked: Java requires either: »try/catch around method call »throws in method signature –Unchecked Exceptions do not require these. A “catch” clause with an exception type will catch any subtype, e.g, try {…} catch (Exception e) { } –This is very dangerous, why?

20 CS61B L10 Exceptions (20)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB PRS Question Given the Account class with the deposit method below, what will the the last line print? 1: 50 2: -950 3: Undef: behavior not specified 4: Compiler err 5: Runtime err public deposit (int amt) { int tmpBal = myBalance; myBalance -= amt; if (myBalance < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); myBalance = tmpBal; } // remaining code outside in main kathy = new Account(50); kathy.deposit(-1000); System.out.println(kathy.balance());

21 CS61B L10 Exceptions (21)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Announcements - Quiz Open book/open notes Topics: –Basic Java 1.Writing and using classes and methods 2.Conditionals, loops, and recursion 3.Parameter passing 4.Primitive values vs. objects (and references to them) 5.public and private 6.static and non-static (hw3) 7.Using Exceptions (lab 4) 8.Vectors/Enumerations (lab 4) Note: repOK and loop invariants will not be on this exam –Specifications (@param, @return, @requires, modifies”) –Testing (lab 3, not specific test framework in next lecture)

22 CS61B L10 Exceptions (22)Garcia / Yelick Fall 2003 © UCB Announcements - Quiz Review session –Tuesday or Wednesday evening: watch newsgroup for details Exam questions often use examples you have seen. –We will include the code, but you will have time problems if you’re seeing it for the first time. Examples from labs and homeworks (through lab 4 and homework 3): –Account (lab) –Fraction (lecture) –StringFormat (hw) –StringCheck (lab) –IslamicDate (hw2) –Vector and Enumeration (lab) Solutions for labs and homeworks online

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