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3246 JSF Support in JBuilder 2005 Karl Ewald R&D Engineer Borland Software Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "3246 JSF Support in JBuilder 2005 Karl Ewald R&D Engineer Borland Software Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 3246 JSF Support in JBuilder 2005 Karl Ewald R&D Engineer Borland Software Corporation

2 Primary Presentation Goals To introduce you to JBuilder’s JavaServer Faces (JSF) support and show you how to maximize your productivity while working on JSF applications in JBuilder.

3 Speaker’s Qualifications Karl Ewald is an R&D Engineer at Borland working on the JBuilder Team Karl was one of Borland’s representatives on JSR-127, JavaServer Faces

4 Presentation Overview JSF Crash Course JBuilder’s Design Philosophy Demo Summary Q & A

5 JSF Crash Course JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a user interface (UI) framework for Java web applications. It is designed to significantly ease the burden of writing and maintaining applications that run on a Java application server and render their UIs back to a target client. From: JavaServer Faces specification

6 JSF Crash Course Oh, the Complexity! How to Simplify: Identify Your Role “Backing” Beans JSF Expression Language Programming Models Controlling Navigation

7 Identify Your Role Application Development –JSPs, “Backing” Beans, Navigation, Converters, Validators… Component Development –Components, Render Kits, Renderers... Application Configuration –Factories, Handlers, Resolvers, etc...

8 “Backing” Beans Referenced Bean: Defines the logical name and the type of a bean that will be available within one of the scopes at runtime. Managed Bean: Defines the logical name, type, and scope of a bean that will be made available via the JSF Framework. –“Concrete” vs. “Dyna” –Managed Properties –List / Map Entries

9 JSF Expression Language Searches in scoped storage for an object by name Allows access to the object’s methods and properties Uses the delimiters “#{“ and “}”

10 JSF Expression Examples #{foo} #{} #{} #{foo[bar]} #{foo[“bar”]} #{foo[3]} #[foo[3].bar} #{[3]}

11 Programming Models Value Bound - The component values are bound to properties in the “backing” in beans. Advantages –Clean separation of view and model –Less casting in business logic –Covered extensively in books Disadvantages –More difficult to manipulate components programmatically

12 Programming Models Component Bound - The components are bound to properties in the “backing” in beans. Advantages –Easy to manipulate components programmatically Disadvantages –Need to cast to get meaningful values –Blurs the line between view and model –“Your results may vary…”

13 Programming Models Which model should I use? Have a bias to the Value Bound Model… …but do what you need to do. –Simplicity –Minimize view/model blending –If you must, bind components as generically as possible

14 Controlling Navigation The UICommand Components –Setting the “action attribute a hard coded outcome method binding expression Default Navigation Handler –The three keys: From view ID From outcome From action

15 Controlling Navigation Navigation Rule –From view ID The views for which this rule is active Can include the wildcard character, “*” –Collection of Navigation Cases Navigation Case –From outcome –From action –To view ID

16 JBuilder Design Philosophy Easing development is the goal Assume developers will touch the code –No extra artifacts –No unnecessary fluff –Encompass the breadth of the spec What elephant?...WYSIWYG

17 Demo

18 Things to Remember Configure JBuilder to your liking “Sketch” your application’s flow Exploit the JSF Palette Exploit code templates Let ErrorInsight lead the way

19 Usability Testing Testing takes place Monday and Tuesday, 1-5pm, in the Computer Lab. Testing Areas: –Code generation and manipulation –Running, debugging, deploying –Web & JSF features –EJB features

20 Questions?

21 Thank You 3246 JSF Support in JBuilder 2005 Please fill out the speaker evaluation You can contact me further at …

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