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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation “INSPIRE 360°demonstration” MIG-T face 2 face meeting Robert Tomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation “INSPIRE 360°demonstration” MIG-T face 2 face meeting Robert Tomas

2 Main aim: To work together with MS volunteers (MIG) to create an “ideal” fully INSPIRE based infrastructure as a Testing technical environment – INSPIRE laboratory To create “reference” implementation to facilitate/support INSPIRE M&I&E To facilitate development of an added value application (by a third party) based on the full INSPIRE infrastructure

3 Geographic, data, component scope: Aim is to select a small natural area (e.g. River Basin District, water shed, protected area, national park etc.) that spreads across at least two countries The area where the MS will offer the largest number of datasets that would ideally cover the majority of the INSPIRE data themes The data scope should be strictly follow the INSPIRE core models/application schemas It should cover all INSPIRE components (MD, Services, Data) The services/data should be fully INSPIRE compliant +

4 Scope cont. MD (datasets/services) should be “ideally” created e.g.: -Correct links between MD records and services -Additional keywords to enable e.g. better user filtering -Harmonised conditions on limitation to use -Harmonised information on data quality and potential use View services with e.g.: - harmonised data content (INSPIRE core) - harmonised layer naming and styles Download services e.g: -on-line (GML) -Off-line(..) -SOS (measurement data) -WCS (coverage data) …..Transformation (e.g. CRS), SDS

5 Technical solution for INSPIRE 360°app to reuse the INSPIRE Pilot Geoportal SW infrastructure as an “empty” copy of the current INSPIRE Geoportal INSPIRE services (Discovery, View, Download, Transformation…) provided by involved/selected MS organisations If available, data and services from current Geoportal will be reused Data/services providers should have the necessary INSPIRE knowledge/expertise in setting up services web infrastructure (several EU INSPIRE based project partners)

6 Foreseen benefits For our UNIT practical technical knowledge with implementing /using INSPIRE-like infrastructure concrete INSPIRE 360°technical demonstration to refer to when “promoting”/ Using INSPIRE for other policies/ other JRC UNITS etc. Harvesting the UNIT expertise / team building (core + temporal personal) “open lab” to “play with” – new services, formats, VGI..etc.. improving our role as an overall EU INSPIRE technical coordinator

7 Foreseen benefits For MS/other DGs/EEA..: Concrete demonstration of a functional INSPIRE infrastructure = keeping the momentum Facilitate development of new innovative applications/services (DSM) Improving cost and benefits analysis ready infrastructure for “extensions” – evolution / utilisation of INSPIRE support of capacity building (INSPIRE training)

8 Draft roadmap INSPIRE 360°App Project proposal (2_2015) Call for participation (mid 3_2015) Preparation of the INSPIRE 360 app environment (mid 4_2015) Launch of the project with selected MS 1.5. 2015 Evaluation of the available datasets for the selected area MD creation + CSW registration Data harmonisation INSPIRE services creation (View, Download, Transform..) INSPIRE 360 fully operational 12_2015 Launch of the Competition for innovative application / services 1_2016 Demo of the new application 4_2016

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