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Dining Etiquette Part ii UrbanGirlz Image Etiquette Workshop © 2009 – 2015 UrbanGirlz..Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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Presentation on theme: "Dining Etiquette Part ii UrbanGirlz Image Etiquette Workshop © 2009 – 2015 UrbanGirlz..Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dining Etiquette Part ii UrbanGirlz Image Etiquette Workshop © 2009 – 2015 UrbanGirlz..Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

2 Napkin - Unfold napkin into rectangle. Place the unfolded side toward you. - When using the napkin, dab both sides of the mouth gently. Don’t wipe or smear your napkin over your entire mouth. - The napkin stays on your lap the entire dinner unless using to blot your mouth or if you excuse yourself. - Don’t hit each other with the napkin. - After the hostess signals the dinner is over by placing the napkin on the right of the plate, follow his or her lead.

3 Finished Position Place your silverware together across your plate or turned over to the right of the plate when you are finished eating and are ready for your plate to be removed.

4 Most Common Dining Mistakes 1.Cutlery: Waving your fork and knife can be dangerous. Leave the dining utensils in their place until the courses of dinner are served. 2.Napkins: Don’t’ wipe your mouth hard with your napkin. Dab both sides of your mouth gently. Don’t flap your napkin to open it and don’t leave you napkin in you plate. 3.Chewing: Though this goes without saying, chew slowly with your mouth closed. Don’t put additional food in your mouth if you’re not finished chewing. 4.Posture: Remember during dinner to sit up straight. Don’t put your elbows on the table, instead gently rest your forearm on the table. 5.Bread and Butter. Don’t butter your entire roll at once, instead tear bread into bite- size pieces and butter each piece just before you eat it. 6.Eating Pace: You should eat at the same pace as all the dining guests. 7.Don’t pick! If you have something between your teeth, don’t pick! You should excuse yourself from the table and pick the food out of your teeth in the bathroom. 8.Lipstick: Leaving lipstick smeared on your napkin and glass is not very appealing. Lightly dab the sides of your mouth to avoid making a big lip stick stain on your napkin. 9.Smoking: Though you may be in a restaurant that allows others to smoke, during dinner never smoke when other dining guest don’t. 10.Purses and briefcases: Should be placed on the back of the chair or underneath the table.

5 Mr. or Miss or Rudy - Rudy gets invited to dinner with the family and complains from the moment she sits down. Other rude behaviors include: -Eating before the hostess signals dinner has begun. -Reaching over other’s plates. -Arriving late causing dinner guest to have to wait until his/her arrival. -Put his/her feet on the chair. -Eating with his/her mouth open and talking with food in his/her mouth.

6 Miss I Don’t Care - Stretches her legs out while not leaving others room under the table. - When passing food during dinner, she takes a long time to decide which piece of food she wants, and then won’t pass the platter to the next person. - She/he put her personal eating utensils in the general serving dishes. - She/he pokes others with her elbows while cutting her/his meat, etc. - She talks loud at the table.

7 Mr. or Miss Unpleasant - She eats faster than a soldier in the army. She lowers her head to the food instead of bringing the fork to her mouth. - She chews noisily, slurps her drink loudly, smacks and burps at the table. - She chews and talks with her mouth open. -She pushes the food around her plate with her fingers and then licks them clean. -She picks her teeth at the table with her finger or eating utensils. -She doesn’t wipe her hands or mouth before drinking and leaves lip smears and finger smudges on her glass. - She blows her nose or uses her napkin to pick her nose at the table. -She talks about inappropriate things at the table.

8 Restaurant Staff Maitred/Hostess Captain/Head Waiter Chef Sommelier Busser Server/Bartender

9 Maitred/Hostess$10 – 20.00 Captain/Head Waiter 5% Sommelier15% Server20% Restaurant Tipping Chart

10 Thank You!!!

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