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EUCAARI data submission and database Ann Mari Fjaeraa, John Burkhart and Andreas Stohl, Norwegian Institute for Air Research.

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Presentation on theme: "EUCAARI data submission and database Ann Mari Fjaeraa, John Burkhart and Andreas Stohl, Norwegian Institute for Air Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUCAARI data submission and database Ann Mari Fjaeraa, John Burkhart and Andreas Stohl, Norwegian Institute for Air Research

2 Outline Short history of NILUs database’s EMEP web interface EUCAARI data, and data submission Data formats

3 Data centre The database activity started at NILU in the early 1980s, with the OECD database for Long Range Transport. The EMEP database ’EBAS’ was mainly developed and maintained inside the NILU firewall during 1995-2000. The CREATE aerosol database was established at NILU as part of the FP5/GMES project CREATE (Construction, use and delivery of an European aerosol database), in January 2002 -December 2004. Within the EUSAAR project (start 2006) an important goal is to improve accessibility to European monitoring data and to provide users with better tools to extract information from archiving systems. The first official version of EBAS was made available to the general public in October 2008.

4 NILU also hosts databases for other projects; GEOmon NADIR (NILUs Atmospheric Database for Interactive Retrieval)

5 The EMEP database web interface EBAS The database currently contains more than 34000 datasets, more than 16000 open. Data from national and international programs ranging from monitoring activities to research projects; EMEP, AMAP, CREATE/EUSAAR, EUCAARI, GAW-WDCA and many more.

6 The EBAS web interface has dynamic web pages that allows searching for aerosol data from any instrument or location. The web interface furthermore provides on-line visualisation of data. The Langrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART is run backwards in time for 20 days from all EUCAARI measurement sites, including mobile platforms.

7 4 th Networking-Joint Research Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 20 October 2009 FLEXTRA products

8 Data collection in EUCAARI: EUCAARI Data Exchange Protocol: The aims of the EUCAARI data exchange protocol are: A) to ensure rapid dissemination of data and results within the project consortium. B) to protect the data ownership of the contributing scientists. C) to ensure that project data are preserved and made available after the end of the project. After signing the data protocol, the user will receive an email from NILU with personal login information and instructions on how to upload and download data from the database. At the moment 43 users have signed the data protocol.

9 Data collection in EUCAARI: EUCAARI Format: Preliminary data must be made available to other project participants as soon as possible. Final data must be submitted to the NILU archive no later than 10 months after the measurement was taken. For ground based in-situ measurements, data should preferably be formatted in the NASA-Ames 1001 format. For other types of data, the NASA-Ames 1001 format is recommended, but not required, e.g. Aircraft data are submitted in NetCDF format.

10 The data collected within EUCAARI are stored in EBAS if reasonable to use the required NASA-Ames format. (i.e. the in-situ measurements.) All data available (incl. aircraft data and data from other platforms) are stored at a common area located at the NADIR data center at NILU, on the machine, in subfolders of the parent directory /viper/nadir/projects/other/eucaari/ is accessible via ssh and sftp

11 Data upload: By ftp to By email to General questions to

12 Outline Data are submitted as-is and QC is done by submitting partner, but the data in EBAS are run through an extra QC at NILU before made available in the database. Within EUSAAR a level-structured data format for EBAS, Level0, Level1 and Level2, is developed. Level0 : Raw information Annotated raw data of the instrument, essentially all parameters an instrument provides as they come out of the instrument. Level1 : Pre processed intermediate data in STP Data with all processing applied, still in original temporal resolution. Level2 : EUSAAR quality objectives Processed data in hourly temporal resolution, concentrations given for standard conditions of temperature and pressure (273.15 K, 1013 hPa).


14 Status of data in database: EUSAAR data for EUCAARI: Most 2008 data (level 2, 1h res) are available in EBAS. Data on > hostname > pwd /viper/nadir/projects/other/eucaari > ls -l 2008_eucaari_data 2008_eusaar_data_for_eucaari cabauw_impact_may2008 longrex

15 Status of data in database: 2008_eucaari_data i.e. AMS data, H-TDMA data.

16 Status of data in database: LONGREX

17 Status of data in database: Data mirrored from preliminary campaign server at KNMI + data directly uploaded to NILU from IMPACT May 2008.

18 EUCAARI-FLEXPART ASPAspvreten, SwedenMPZMelpitz, Germany BEOBEO Moussala, BulgariaMTCMonte Cimone, Italy BIRBirkenes, NorwayMSYMontseny, Spain CBWCabauw, NetherlandsOBKKosetice, Czech Republic FKLFinokalia, GreecePALPallas, Finland HWLHarwell, United KingdomPDDPuy de Dôme, France JFJJungfraujoch, SwitzerlandPLAPreila, Lithuania JRCJRC-Ispra, ItalySMRHyytiälä, Finland KPOK-Puszta, HungaryVHLVavihill, Sweden MHDMace Head, IrelandZEPZeppelin, Spitsbergen, Norway Standardized model set up – 20 day backward runs, 3-hourly output: 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 – 1º x 1º spatial resolution, 91 vertical levels, nested domain: 0.25º – ECMWF input – 40,000 particles Customized runs for campaigns – Forward & backward runs


20 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Products Improved web portal – Updated project information – Station status in real time Access to traditional FLEXPART interface – Retroplume Summary – Potential Emissions Sensitivity – Emissions Time Series Developing new interface to interact with NILU-EUCAARI Database

21 NILU EUCAARI-FLEXPART Products – Main page for FLEXPART – Model details, help resources, maillist| – EUCAARI front page – Direct links to project resources – Real-time station status updates


23 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Emissions Tracer Time Series ▪ Total ▪ Agespectrum ▪ North American, Asian, European, African, South American, Australian Retroplume Summary Column Residence Time (Total PES) Footprint Residence Time (Footprint PES) Source Contributions: CO, NO2, SO2

24 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Emissions Time Series Total Agespectrum CO, NO2, SO2 North American, Asian, European, African, South American, Australian

25 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Retroplume Summary Three dimensional product: – Particle plume centroid locations plotted by circles – Size is a function of number of particles in cluster – Color represents elevation – Numbers indicate days back in time Centroid characteristics are also shown: – Altitude – % ABL – atmospheric boundary layer – %STR – stratosphere

26 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Potential Emissions Sensitivity Total Column PES Integrated over all vertical layers Analagous to 'trajectory' Includes 'retroplume' centroid locations Units: ns m kg -1

27 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Footprint Emissions Sensitivity Footprint PES lowest model layer 0-100m Units: ns kg -1

28 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: CO, NO2, SO2 Source Contribution Product: – we fold (i.e., multiply) the PES footprint with the emission flux densities (in unitsof kg m−2 s−1) taken from an appropriate emission inventory. Result: potential source contribution (PSC) plot (in units of ppbv m−2) global EDGAR 3.2 Fast Track 2000 dataset (Olivier et al., 2001) and blend this global inventory with higher-resolution regional inventories where North American inventory from Frost et al. (2006) European inventory from the UNECE/EMEP (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of Long Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe) emission database (Vestreng et al., 2005).

29 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Traditional Products: Emissions Time Series Agespectrum North American, Asian, European, African, South American, Australian Advantage of integrated system: comparing model results with measured time series of long-lived tracers (e.g., CO), the model’s skill can be checked. Cases where an observed event is not reproduced by the model can be identified. Likely indicates: – a source missing in the emission inventories used, or – errors in the simulated transport. This important quality check cannot be done when using classical trajectories.

30 EUCAARI-FLEXPART Improved product browser WP: 5.2.3 Goals – Provide easier navigation between products – Easier date access – Improved access to other stations for comparison – Direct links to measurement data Status – In development – Real-time station status updates

31 Using the data: – Its open access, freely available – We have no registration – We would like involvement with analysis – We can provide specialized products, custom inventories, etc. – Overall... who is using the data now?

32 The future of FLEXPART: – Considering continuation of model products for the EUCAARI Stations – NEED justification (i.e. Publications!) – Requires significant hardware costs, storage requirements, man hours. – Please contact: John Burkhart:

33 Thank you.

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