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Molecules in Space Continuum and Compartmental Approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Molecules in Space Continuum and Compartmental Approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecules in Space Continuum and Compartmental Approaches

2 Review: There are just two things molecules can do:  React:  Move: discrete motion continuous motion  Here we consider motion

3 Review: there are two kinds of motion  Convection: molecules move because they are carrried by a moving medium.  Diffusion: molecules move independently of the motion of the medium  Convection and diffusion (typically parallel)  Convective diffusion (typically orthogonal)

4 Molecular motion is driven by potential – not concentration

5 Motion to, from, and between compartments

6 Compartments are entered by flow streams (mostly convection) or through permeable areas (mostly diffusion – ordinary or forced)  Convection, general case.  Convection (liquid, fixed volume)

7 Diffusion and Permeation  Permeability  Saturable transport (permeases)

8 Most compartments have fixed volume  Some don’t:

9 Steady State  Balance among three processes:  Reaction  Permeation  Convection Usually between two of the three –

10 Reaction-Permeation

11 Convection-Reaction Notice that the outflow concentration must equal the compartment concentration

12 Permeation-Convection What are the units of each term – with and without the units of c, which is common to each term?

13 The clearance (Cl) model ( always steady state) Extraction of a solute by an organ (reactive, diffusive) is modeled as producing two outflows that sum to the inflow: one at the inlet concentration, one at zero concentration. Cl is the flowrate of the (virtual) stream at zero concentration. Q > Cl > 0. Cl [=] flow (l 3 / t)

14 Multi-compartment Systems  Simple Artificial Kidney models  The body  Single compartment  Multi-compartment – ‘rebound’  The artificial kidney  The quasi-static assumption  A very simple compartmental model  (The continuum model comes later)  When quasistatic behavior won’t suffice.

15 The body (solutes) [single compartment] Simple exponential fall in concentration with time

16 The body (solutes) [two compartments] Bi-exponential decay. Post-treatment “rebound” For Simulink, try V1 = 15 L, V2 = 35 L, Cl = 0.2 L/min, PA between compartments 0.15 L/min. Treatment time 3 hr. Observation time 5 hr.

17 Quasi-static Assumption  Kidney example:  The dialyzer responds far faster than the body  The dialyzer is always in steady state.  Assumption is general and widely used.

18 A simple kidney  Two compartments separated by a membrane. Notice that the direction of flow is immaterial  Compartment volume is immaterial in quasi-static steady state.  Equations:

19 Which, with a little algebra, gives the neat result (If any of q A, q B, or PA becomes too small, it limits the clearance.)

20 Cascades: the ‘controlling’ resistance  The bathtub metaphor  Applies to similar as well as different processes in the cascade.

21 Dialysate recirculation:  The effect of recirculation pattern on dynamics.

22 Compartmental Modeling  The tracer concept  The traced substance (tracee)  The tracer  A superposition of the steady (or quasi- steady) and the unsteady state.

23 Compartmental Modeling  Functional Compartments

24 Compartmental Modeling  Spatial Compartments

25 Compartmental Modeling  Overlaying spatial and functional compartments

26 Compartmental Modeling  Recirculation phenomena  Regional perfusion

27 Continuum Problems  One-dimensional steady state problems  Flow along a line contacting a uniform medium.  Flow along a line that contacts flow along another line.  Flow with reaction along a line  Axial dispersion along the flow axis  Molecular diffusion is negligible  Taylor dispersion is not negligible

28 Flow along a line contacting a uniform medium

29 Flow along a line that contacts flow along another line

30 Flow with reaction along a line

31 Axial dispersion  The general effect and its asymptotes  Taylor dispersion

32 Diffusion in Tissue  Cellular aggregates

33 The Krogh Tissue Cylinder

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