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July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 1 Forbidden Beta Transitions in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Kazuo Muto Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 1 Forbidden Beta Transitions in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Kazuo Muto Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 1 Forbidden Beta Transitions in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Kazuo Muto Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology 1. Quenching of spin-dependent transitions 2. Violation of isospin symmetry 3. Nuclear monopole interaction

2 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 2 The mass term of 0  decay There appear three nuclear matrix elements, VAVA VAVA The momentum integral of the virtual neutrino gives rise to a neutrino potential, which acts on the nuclear wave functions, being a long-range Yukawa-type (“range” ~ 20 fm). A V with two-body nuclear transition operators.

3 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 3 Multipole expansion of NME (QRPA) spin-parities of nuclear intermediate states

4 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 4 Part 1 Quenching of spin- dependent transitions

5 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 5 Renormalization of operators due to model space truncation Nuclear structure calculations (QRPA and shell models) in a finite model space Renormalization of effects of coupling: model space and outside the model space  NN interaction (eg. G-matrix)  Transition operators First-order approximation by effective coupling constant

6 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 6 Quenching of GT Strength Systematic analysis of GT beta decays in sd-shell nuclei The experimental data are well reproduced with a quenching factor of 0.77, in (sd) A-18 calculation.

7 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 7 The strength distribution, deduced from the charge- exchange (p,n) reaction, extends to high-excitation energy region, far beyond the giant resonance. T. Wakasa et al., Phys. Rev. C55, 2909 (1997) outside the model space GT-strength Distribution

8 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 8 Magnetic Stretched States (J  = 4 , J  = 6 , J  = 8  )  Transitions between single- particle orbits with the largest in respective major shells  Unique configuration within excitation  The observed strengths are quenched considerably, compared with the s.p. strength, probably due to coupling with higher excitations:

9 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 9 Quenching of M4 strengths (1) A perturbative calculation of M4 transition strength in 16 O with G-matrix.

10 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 10 Quenching of M4 strengths (2) first order second order

11 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 11 Quenching of M4 strengths (3) Reductions in amplitude (%): at q = q peak at q = 100 MeV/c

12 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 12 Part 2 Violation of isospin symmetry

13 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 13 Multipole expansion of NME (QRPA) The large 0 + contribution in QRPA calculations is due to isospin symmetry breaking.

14 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 14 BCS formalism (1) Ansatz for the BCS ground state with Variation with respect to the occupation amplitudes for the modified Hamiltonian with constraints for expectation values of the nucleon numbers

15 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 15 BCS formalism (2) The variationgives the BCS equations pairing interaction two-body interaction between valence nucleons s.p.e. for the core nucleus

16 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 16 Isospin symmetry in BCS The proton and neutron systems are coupled through the proton-neutron interaction. Isospin symmetry is conserved, if (1) the s.p.e. spectra of the proton and neutron systems are the same (or a constant shift) for the N = Z core nucleus, (2) s.p.e. are calculated with the two-body interaction.

17 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 17 Isospin violation in BCS In QRPA calculations, we usually replace the s.p.e. by energy eigenvalues of a nucleon in a Woods-Saxon potential. This introduces a violation of isospin symmetry. Shell model and self-consistent HF(B) calculations conserve the isospin symmetry, or a small violation.

18 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 18 Part 3 Nuclear monopole interaction

19 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 19 Definition of single-particle energies (1) Prescription by Baranger Nucl. Phys. A149 (1970) 225

20 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 20 Definition of single-particle energies (2) monopole interaction with the core nucleons interaction with the valence nucleons the same form as the BCS formalism

21 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 21 Monopole interaction The monopole interaction is defined as the lowest-rank term of multipole expansion of two-body NN interaction. Proton-neutron interaction Like-nucleon interaction exchange monopole interaction : exactly the same quantity that appears in s.p. energies.

22 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 22 Universality of pn interaction when normalized by the monopole J.P. Schiffer and W.M. True, Rev. Mod. Phys. 48, 191 (1976) particle-particle particle-hole

23 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 23 Roles of C, T , LS interactions j<j< j>j> j’ > j’ < central + tensor + LS When both spin-orbit parners, j, are filled with nucleons, For s.p. energies of j’ , (1) Central forces give the same gain, (2) Tensor forces give no change, (3) Spin-orbit forces enlarge the splitting.

24 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 24 G-matrix is not good! USB: filled symbols G-matrix: open symbols “G-matrix is good except the monopole” The monopole strengths are accumulated in s.p.e., especially in a calculation with a large model space.

25 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 25 Conclusions Spin-dependent transitions are quenched by a factor of about 0.75 in amplitudes in a truncated model space due to coupling to higher-lying configurations. The quenching factor seems to be independent of the multipoles. Approximations in the commonly used QRPA model violate the isospin symmetry, which overestimates the 0 + component of the 0  NME to a large extent. Improvement is necessary in the monopole component of effective NN interactions. A more reliable prediction of the 0  NME requires detailed comparison between results of QRPA, shell- model and IBM calculations.

26 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 26

27 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 27 0  decay transition operators Double Gamow-Teller ME (magnetic type) Double Fermi ME (electric type)

28 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 28 J  = 1 - Component  Isovector Electric Dipole Transitions  E1 excitation strengths in the same nucleus well satisfy the TRK sum rule. Highly collective  No renomalization of the coupling constant

29 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 29 J  = 2 + Component  Electric Quadrupole Transitions  Systematic analyses of E2 transitions have shown that  Isoscalar transitions are enhanced,  Isovector strengths have no renormalization.

30 July 29-30, 2010, Dresden 30 J  = 0 + Component  The largest component of the double Fermi ME about 1/3 of  A shell-model calculation (for 48 Ca) gives almost 0.  This large value is possibly due to violation of isospin symmetry in QRPA calculations.

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