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Biomedical Team Malick Fofana, Margaret Culver, Ryan Coleman.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomedical Team Malick Fofana, Margaret Culver, Ryan Coleman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomedical Team Malick Fofana, Margaret Culver, Ryan Coleman

2 Table of Contents Project Goal Customer Needs Assessment Background Research Other products on the market Specifications Ideas Evaluation First Exhibit: Surgery Man Second Exhibit: Disease Progression Modeling Appendices

3 A tech building will create opportunities for interactive learning and increase tourism in South Central, PA STEM Education Tourism

4 Customer needs were established through a survey of Penn State students and a biomedical engineering professor

5 A strong pre med program at Juniata led us to narrow our focus to exhibits involving medicine FieldClass of 10Class of 11Class of 12Class of 13 Medicine 8/10=80% 6/8= 75% 8/9= 89% 14/17= 82% 14/17= 82% 7/8= 88% 9/9= 100% 14/17= 82% Acceptance Rate for Juniata Students into Medical School

6 Research conducted revealed many cutting edge technologies that could be applicable to our tech house

7 Specifications were based on six main categories: size, functionality, adaptability, safety, interactivity and education

8 A list of ideas was generated based on existing models and new innovative ideas A: EKG monitoring game B: Interactive anatomy surgery thing (laproscopic) C: Interactive animated skull D: X-Ray & Broken Bones E: Brain EEG F: Interactive Heart G: Disease Progression Display (HD Touch Screen) H: Microbiology (Microscopy, germs, bacteria, …) I: Interactive Neurons

9 Our ideas were evaluated by concept screening and scoring with an emphasis on interactivity, visual appeal and education

10 Surgery Man allows patrons to perform surgeries on the body while following along with the virtual surgery

11 Disease Progression Modeling allows patients to track the way a disease attacks the human body

12 Summary The design process began with recognizing the opportunity and continued through the selection of our exhibits Surgery Man is an interactive anatomy model that allows people to explore the human body and common surgeries Disease Progression Modeling will be a lifesize display that will show how a disease affects the body and how medicine helps the body fight back

13 Appendix A: Gant Chart

14 Appendix C: Concept Screening Concept Variants Selection CriteriaAB CDFG Number of People that can be engaged at one time000-0+ Level of oversight needed-++++0 Easy to use/ user friendly00++0+ Visually appealing0+-00+ Maintenance Required-00+0- Cost--0+-- Ease of Installation+0-+++ Safety0+++++ Interactive++0-0+ Educational++--++ Age Appropriate+++0++ PLUSES464658 SAMES444251 MINUSES313312 NET151346 RANK525431 CONTINUE?yes no combine with Ayes

15 Appendix B: Concept Scoring

16 Gaumard Scientific

17 Virtual Surgeries Nanoparticles and Brain Tumors

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