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G040: Lecture 10 Report Briefing Notes Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

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1 G040: Lecture 10 Report Briefing Notes Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

2 Session Objectives Understand the content of your report

3 Report The second communication you need is to inform people about different methods used to communicate information and the technologies which support them. As well as counting towards one of your six communications the content of the report is marked out of 6, For high marks in depth descriptions of at least six communication methods, with explanations of how each is used and the technologies that support each, including how they work and their relative advantages and disadvantages needs to be included.

4 Report Content Methods of Communicating: Paper-based; Screen-based; SMS (short message service – telephone text messaging); MMS (multimedia messaging) Radio; Television; Telephone; E-mail; WWW (world wide web) RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication) Bogs Podcasts VLEs Public Information Systems Technologies Used to Support: Personal computers; Touch screens; Digital broadcasting; DVD (digital video disc); HD / blue ray Mobile phones including 3G; Audio/ Video Compression Technologies The Internet; WAP (wireless application protocol).

5 Research You need to research the different methods of communication in depth – all sources should be recorded in a comprehensive bibliography (as usual!!), Try and find content which will inform the audience words alone are sometimes not enough - diagrams should be used to illustrate how different technologies work, This task lends its self very well to using automation – styles, auto content pages and indices are especially useful, Remember that simply copying and pasting content from the internet or books is not acceptable and will result in marks being deducted from your final mark!!

6 Developing Your Report Read Task B, Part 4 of the assignment and produce a report which Fly-A-Way Travel can used to train its office staff. You need to select the methods carefully – a minimum of six need to be written about. Purpose – to inform staff of different methods used to communicate information and the technologies used to support them. Audience – staff who work within the office Follow the communication development cycle again. Draft VersionsCommentaryFinal VersionPlan

7 Summary: Content Choose 6 methods of communication only – no need to do more For each method of communication research and report on the following Definition of the method What it is used to communicate how it is used Advantages of using the method Disadvantages if using the method How the method works and technologies which are used to support it

8 Summary: Good Report What Makes a Good Report? Level of English needs to be formal Content needs to be relevant and factually correct Structure Title page, abstract, content page, content (spilt with subheadings), index, bibliography References – throughout and in formal bibliography at the end Diagrams – only to expand and make sure clear and not pixilated Presentation – watch for widows and orphans

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