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I'm going to study computer science.

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Presentation on theme: "I'm going to study computer science."— Presentation transcript:

1 I'm going to study computer science.
Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. Section A 单击页面即可演示

2 Enjoy the song and find out the jobs.

3 How many jobs do you know?
Bill Gates Kobe a computer programmer 电脑程序设计师 a cook /'prəʊgræmə(r)/

4 an engineer a pilot /'paIlət/ 飞行员 /endʒI'nIə/ 工程师

5 a driver a doctor

6 Memory challenge (根据记忆,说出职业)
Game : Memory challenge (根据记忆,说出职业) writer computer programmer pilot nurse actor dancer doctor engineer waiter reporter basketball player teacher

7 表示职业、身份的名词 以-er结尾 teacher 老师 bus driver 汽车司机 engineer 工程师 basketball player 篮球运动员 computer programmer 计算机程序设计员 以-or结尾 doctor 医生 actor 演员 visitor 参观者 inventor 发明家 以-ist 结尾 violinist 小提琴手 pianist 钢琴家 artist 艺术家 scientist 科学家 以-man结尾 policeman 警察 postman 邮递员 以-ian 结尾 musician 音乐家

8 /grəʊ/ What do you want to be when you grow up (长大)?
I want to be a basketball player.

9 小组接龙 A:I want to be a famous teacher.
What do you want to be when you grow up? B:… C:… 张丽莉

10 He wants to be . a computer programmer
What does he want to be when he grows up? He wants to be a computer programmer

11 What does he want to be when he grows up?
He wants to be an engineer.

12 Pairwork A: What does he/she want to be when he/she grows up? B: He/She wants to be a / an …

13 Challenge yourself! Speak out as soon as possible. You can ask like this: Does he want to be a/an …when he grows up?

14 practice basketball every day
basketball player/ host/ actor/ practice basketball every day engineer/ practice speaking every day take acting(表演) lessons study math really hard computer programmer/ study computer science doctor/ pilot/ study hard exercise every day —What do you want to be when you grow up? —I want to be a/an… —How are you going to do that? —I am going to … —I want to be a host. —How are you going to do that? —I am going to practice speaking every day.

15 practice basketball every day a basketball player A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B: A: How is he going to do that? He wants to be a basketball player. He is going to practice basketball every day.

16 A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B:
a computer programmer study computer science A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B: A: How is he going to do that? He wants to be a computer programmer. He is going to study computer science.

17 A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B:
study math really hard an engineer A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B: A: How is he going to do that? He wants to be an engineer. He is going to study math really hard.

18 an actor take acting lessons A: What does he want to be when he grows up? B: A: How is he going to do that? He wants to be an actor. He is going to take acting lessons.

19 A:What does she want to be when she grows up? B:
move to New York a pilot A:What does she want to be when she grows up? B: A: Where is she going to move? She wants to be a pilot. She is going to move to New York.

20 A: What does Gina want to be when she grows up?
Gina’s dream A: What does Gina want to be when she grows up? B: She wants to be a dancer and she is going to move to (移动,搬动)Hollywood. A: When is she going to do that? B: She is going to do that when she is 18 years old. Hollywood好莱坞

21 Dream Stage 梦想舞台 You are a host(主持人) of Dream Stage from CCTV. You are making a survey about the teenagers’ life in 20 years. Try to do it. H: Good morning! Welcome to Dream Stage. What are you going to be in twenty years? T: … H: Where are you going to work? T: … H: What is your life going to be like? T: I am going to have… H: Why are you going to work there? T: … H: When are you going to do that? T: … H: What a beautiful future! Thank you.

22 My dream I want to be a teacher who the students like. First, I am going to work hard. Then I am going to make friends with my students. As a teacher, I am going to work in the mountain villages. Because the children there need my help. I am going to give them my love as much as possible. I think my dream can come true(实现) soon.

23 Fly our dreams! Write down your dreams.
The following questions can help you. 1.What’s your name? 2.What do you want to be when you grow up? 3.How are you going to do that? 4.Where are you going to work? Why? 5.What else(别的) are you going to do when you grow up?

24 Check yourself Ⅰ.根据汉语提示完成句子。
1. My brother wants to be a computer p__________. 2. — What does your father do? — He’s an e_______. He works in a factory. 3. They are going to take a______ lessons every day if they become famous. 4. Li Lei wants to be a p______ because he likes to travel by plane. 5. I didn’t go there. So I am not s________ about that thing. rogrammer nginner cting ilot ure

25 B C C B II. 单项选择。 ( )1. What do you want _____ when you grow up?
A. be B. to be C. do D. does ( )2. I ______ my uncle in Shanghai this summer vacation and I want to have a cool vacation there. A. visit B. visited C. am going to visit D. visits ( )3. What ____ you ____ to do when you ____ high school? A. are, want, finish B. are, going, are going to finish C. do, want, finish D. are, want, are going to finish ( )4. —________ are you going to be a basketball player? —I'm going to practice basketball every day. A. What B. How C. When D. Where B C C B

26 教师寄语 It’s important to dream. So hold on to your dreams,
they may come true one day. 有梦想很重要,因此坚持你的梦想, 总有一天他们会实现。

27 Homework Imagine you work for our city. It’s your job to make Tai’an cleaner. What are you going to do? Think of a six-point plan.

28 Goodbye!

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