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Toni Hull English Language Fellow at Cho Moi Secondary School, March 25, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Toni Hull English Language Fellow at Cho Moi Secondary School, March 25, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toni Hull English Language Fellow at Cho Moi Secondary School, March 25, 2010

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3 3 play clip 2. How is learning to speak English similar to learning to dance?

4  Do you know what the Nike slogan is? Just do it! 4


6 Students standing.  T. starts: ◦ X, what time did you go to bed last night?  X answers and calls on any other student: ◦ I went to bed at 11:15. Y, what time did you go to bed last night?  Y answers and continues the round. After a student has spoken he/she sits down. To make sure sitting students are paying attention: T. can randomly stop and ask any S. what the last person’s answer was. 6

7  In groups, think of other language points you could focus on in a similar activity.  The drill can be as easy and/or controlled as the example – or more challenging and/or open, requiring more choices by the students.  Demonstrate your drill. 7

8  Why is it so hard to teach (and learn) English Speaking in Vietnam? Consider the issue from multiple points-of-view (teacher, student, administrator, DOET (Department of Education & Training), parent, etc.). Jot down 3-5 reasons. Then discuss. 8

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10 Objective: all students in small groups must be involved in discussions, especially final decisions; they may have to report to the class  put students in groups of 4  in each group, students assign themselves numbers between 1 and 4 (without telling the teacher)  students do activity  teacher calls for reports on discussion by calling on different groups  teacher calls on one student at random, using number cards, cubes, dice, etc. 10

11  Work in small groups.  Find a way to complete the sentences so they are true about your group.  Try to think of creative and unique ideas (different from other groups).  Everyone must participate, and must know the sentences you create.  One of us can …  Two of us can …  Three of us can …  All of us can …  None of us can … 11

12  One of us _____________  Two of us _____________  Three of us _____________  All of us _____________  None of us _____________ 12

13  What you need:  1 copy of game for each group  Dice  Markers 13

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15 15 ASKING QUESTIONS: 1. Player A rolls dice and moves marker number shown on dice. 2. Player A has 10 seconds to form question using the structure in the box. 3. If correct, Player B answers the question. If answer is correct, Player B rolls dice, etc. 4. If Player A’s question is not correct, Player A must go back.

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17 17  Objective: Grammar Practice  Structure: Past Continuous WHEN Past Simple ◦ X was/were doing WHEN Y did ◦ ex: We were eating dinner WHEN the phone rang.  TASK: mime a series of actions that illustrates the “PC when PS” structure ◦ diagram the sentence on the board, with one “underline” for each word – fill in words as the class guesses ◦ students guess what happened – using correct structure  in pairs, groups, full class – but orally

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19  One person whispers a sentence in his/her neighbor’s ear. (T. provides sentences.)  The second person then whispers it to the next person and so on. ◦ Students should concentrate on speaking clearly and listening carefully. ◦ Only the student whispering should be talking. 19

20  When the whisper reaches the end of a row, the last person should stand and whisper the Reported Speech sentence in the T.’s ear. ◦ He/she can talk to the next to last student about how to convert the sentence.  If the conversion is correct, the student stays standing. If it’s incorrect, he/she sits down. When all rows are done, the students still standing say the converted Reported Speech sentence and they get one point for their teams.  Rows then rotate, so there is a new person at the end of the row. 20

21  The students stand in a circle.  The first student begins by miming an action or activity, such as eating noodles.  The student to his right asks, “What are you doing?” and the first student replies with something different, such as “I’m shaving.”  The second student must then do that action (in this case, shaving) while the third student asks, “What are you doing?” and then the second student answers with something random, such as, “I’m dancing.” The game continues until you get back around to the first student. 21

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23  Watch the film clip.  Question (open class): What do you think is going to happen next?  Predict (groups): The cat does not eat the fish. Why not? What do you think happens to stop the cat?  Guess (open class): This is an advertisement for a service. What do you think it is an advertisement for? 23 play video

24  Videos:  Nike commercial – 2 dancers:  Avista commercial – Cat and Fish:  Movie trailers:  Titanic trailer:  The world’s English mania -   Boardgames:     Methodology:  Thornbury, S. (2005). How to teach speaking. Essex: Longman. 24

25 Toni Hull English Language Fellow PowerPoint of this presentation is available at:

26 play clip 26

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