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Europe: Physical Geography Notes. Europe 2 nd smallest continent in land area Shares land mass with Asia Known as a “Peninsula of peninsulas” = encouraged.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe: Physical Geography Notes. Europe 2 nd smallest continent in land area Shares land mass with Asia Known as a “Peninsula of peninsulas” = encouraged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe: Physical Geography Notes

2 Europe 2 nd smallest continent in land area Shares land mass with Asia Known as a “Peninsula of peninsulas” = encouraged sea travel and trade

3 The Shape of Europe Collection of peninsulas: – Scandinavian – Jutland – Iberian – Apennine – Balkan – Crimean – Anatolian – Peloponnesian

4 The Shape of Europe Long jagged coastline Surrounded by: Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea North Sea Baltic Sea

5 The Shape of Europe Scandinavian peninsula has narrow inlets called fjords

6 Northern Peninsulas Jutland Peninsula Scandinavian Peninsula

7 Southern Peninsulas Iberian Peninsula Apennine Peninsula Balkan Peninsula Anatolean Peninsula Crimean Peninsula Peloponnesian Peninsula

8 Mountains & Plains: “Giant Sandwich” Northern Mts – older (top piece of bread) _ Southern Mts – Younger & Steeper (bottom piece) 1.Alps – Spain to Greece-S 2.Pindus, Pyrenees, & Apennines – all shaped by glaciers-S North European Plain: Major agriculture area (France to Poland) – (middle of sandwich)

9 The Land of Europe North European Plain

10 The Land of Europe Dense Forests Black Forest in Germany


12 Moutains&PeaksMoutains&PeaksMoutains&PeaksMoutains&Peaks Moutains&PeaksMoutains&PeaksMoutains&PeaksMoutains&Peaks Alps Mts. Pyrennes Mts. Apennines Mts. Dinaric Alps Carpathian Mts. Caucasus Mts. Ural Mts. Mt. Etna ^ Mt. Vesuvius ^ Mt. Olympus ^

13 The Alps Cover most of Switzerland, Austria, and parts of Italy and France. Cover most of Switzerland, Austria, and parts of Italy and France.


15 Mt. Blanc in the Alps Highest mountain in the Alps: 15,771 feet Highest mountain in the Alps: 15,771 feet

16 The Caucasus Mountains The origin of the word Caucasian. The origin of the word Caucasian.

17 Transylvania in the Carpathian Mountains Home of Vlad Tepeš, the Drakul (“Count Dracula”) Home of Vlad Tepeš, the Drakul (“Count Dracula”)

18 Ural Mountains: “The Great Divide” Divides the European and Asian sections of Russia. Divides the European and Asian sections of Russia. 1500 miles

19 The Ural Mountains

20 Pyrenees Mountains- Spain and France

21 Glaciers

22 Seas & Oceans Following Seas & Oceans touch Europe: – Baltic, North, Mediterranean, & Black – Atlantic & Arctic Most Europeans live within 300 miles of major waterways.

23 B o d i e s of W a t e r B o d i e s of W a t e r Mediterranean Sea North Sea Atlantic Ocean Baltic Sea Black Sea AegeanSe a Adriatic Sea Strait of Gibraltar Arctic Ocean English Channel Caspian Sea

24 Islands & Rivers Iceland – volcanic activity British Isles- Great Britain (England & Scotland) & Ireland Several in Mediterranean Sea: Rivers- good for trade, transportation (linked by canals), irrigation, and electricity production. – Rhine, Danube, Po, Seine, Thames, Rhone, Elle, Loire, Tiber, & Volga

25 Rhine River

26 Rhine River Map

27 The Danube River 1770 miles

28 The Danube River Flows through the 12 countries of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Ukraine. Flows through the 12 countries of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Ukraine. Where Buda & Pest Meet Biking Along the Danube

29 The Volga River The longest river in Europe --> 2,300 miles. The longest river in Europe --> 2,300 miles.

30 The Volga River e The river is so polluted that the sturgeon catch has been decreased by 60%.

31 Resources Energy – Nuclear Power, Hydroelectric, Gas & Coal Rich farmlands in North European Plain Waterways Minerals – Coal & Iron– goods needed for the growth of the modern industrial age. (1800’s Industrial Revolution)




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