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The internship results, including thesis plan and main results achieved tefan Popa 3rd TecTNet CONSORTIUM MEETING.

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Presentation on theme: "The internship results, including thesis plan and main results achieved tefan Popa 3rd TecTNet CONSORTIUM MEETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 The internship results, including thesis plan and main results achieved tefan Popa 3rd TecTNet CONSORTIUM MEETING

2 Thesis plan and main results achieved Internship impact on thesis Internship overview Table of contents 2

3 Technical University of Košice — TUKE, Košice city, eastern Slovakia 3 Internship overview - where University Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Protection

4 Jakab Frantisek Director, University Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Protection (UCITT) University of Kosice 4 Internship overview - mentors Ing. Zlatica Dolna, PhD.Technical University of Kosice International Relations Office

5 prof. Ing. Jan Saliga, PhD. Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications Technical University of Kosice 5 Internship overview - mentors prof. Ing. Linus Michaeli, PhD. PhD. Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications Technical University of Kosice

6 6 Internship overview - the internship experience I was interested by:  How the intellectual property protection services to University staff and students works  Processes related to creating science and technology park and business incubator for innovative companies  Supporting the efficiency of research, development and innovation  Marketing promotion of the university

7  Enrich my skills of promoting values.  Better understanding the relation between community needs and research activities  I have broadened my critical thinking skills (reasoning, problem solving).  I developed a commitment to making a difference in my community.  I developed an awareness of community problems or social concerns. 7 Internship impact on thesis

8 Theory “Business and community development with time banking: from idea to solution” 8 Thesis plan and main results achieved Practice Co-production and innovative approaches to creating co- production, timebanking Software product that helps communities and business to use timebanking

9 Co-production and innovative approaches to create it 1 History of community currency systems 2 Theoretical foundation of timebanking 3 Cultural Implications of timebanking 4 9 Thesis plan and main results achieved Thesis chapter I

10 Reciprocity, co-operation and mutual aid 12 Spheres of exchange in modern societies 3 10 Thesis plan and main results achieved Thesis chapter II Gift-exchange as the structuring force behind society

11 Analyzing potential surface areas 1 Planning timebank pilot project 2 Implementing timebank pilot project 3 11 Thesis plan and main results achieved Practice

12 Built Researched Timebanking Community development Co-production 12 Thesis plan and main results achieved Results achieved Innovative software tool for timebanking


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