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First Things First: You need your folders/files out. You need to have your essential questions chart out. If you missed that lesson then there are copies.

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Presentation on theme: "First Things First: You need your folders/files out. You need to have your essential questions chart out. If you missed that lesson then there are copies."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Things First: You need your folders/files out. You need to have your essential questions chart out. If you missed that lesson then there are copies in the vertical hanging file by the door. If we get through the main activity today in 30 minutes there is a TV episode of Community cued up to watch.

2 Writing a thesis Goal: You will be able to create a theme statement that acts as a thesis to give your essay writing the kind of depth required for strong grades.

3 What is a thesis? A thesis is the stance or point of view that you take about a topic. Within the context of English exams, the thesis is the stance you take in relation to the topic or question you choose to write about.

4 Why have a thesis? Having a thesis statement clarifies and focuses your point of view, allowing for a more structured response. Thesis statements also develop the thinking involved, which will lead to more sophisticated content in your essay.

5 How do I make the theme thesis statement? Take the essential question or questions you are most interested in. Turn the director’s answer into a statement which incorporates the question and the answer. Make sure you use the words ‘Almost Famous’ and ‘theme’, too. You might also like to use some of the following words: Cameron Crowe, director, purpose, intent.

6 How do I know if I have a strong thesis statement? Use this checklist. Does my thesis statement… Relate to the topic? Make a claim that I have to defend? Sound interesting? Have clarity and precision?

7 Here’s an example: Essential question: Are people, ultimately, good or evil overall? Director’s answer: Though a lot of people have evil tendencies – they are self-serving, dishonest and greedy for example – we all have the capacity to make good decisions, which most of us in the end will do. Theme thesis statement: Even though we have a strong instinct for evil, we also have a capacity to make decisions that are right making human nature, ultimately, one that is good.

8 In a sentence: The main theme of Almost Famous is even though we have a strong instinct for evil, we also have a capacity to make decisions that are right making human nature, ultimately, one that is good.

9 Checklist: Type the theme, thesis statements here: Does my thesis statement… The main theme of Almost Famous is even though we have a strong instinct for evil, we also have a capacity to make decisions that are right making human nature, ultimately, one that is good.  Relate to the topic?  Make a claim that I have to defend?  Sound interesting?  Have clarity and precision?

10 What we’re doing today… Using your ‘director’s answers’ to the essential questions you are going to create a statement about a theme (or combine themes) that can act as a thematic thesis statement. You may create this in groups. Each statement will then be published on the whiteboard and tested to make sure it is a strong statement. Statements will then be edited if necessary. Choose a theme statement to explore during our second viewing of the film.

11 What to do: Create a theme statement:Does my thesis statement… Use the ‘director’s answers’ to the essential questions. You may combine answers. Focus the statement around theme. Relate to the topic? Make a claim that I have to defend? Sound interesting? Have clarity and precision?

12 Thesis statements for Almost Famous: Type the theme, thesis statements here: Does my thesis statement…  Relate to the topic?  Make a claim that I have to defend?  Sound interesting?  Have clarity and precision?

13 The final test: Does your thesis statement fit into the following topics? (2013 exam) Analyse how symbolism was used to highlight the purpose of the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how a sense of triumph or achievement was developed in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how visual or sound effects were used to emphasise a theme in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how the setting of time and / or place presented the values of a culture in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how the nature of a character or individual was revealed by their response to events in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how the interaction of characters or individuals created a sense of hope in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how tension was developed to show opposing viewpoints in the visual or oral text(s). Analyse how a main character’s attitudes and view of the world were presented in the visual or oral text(s).

14 Theme tracker You will track one theme thesis statement you have created through the second viewing of the film. Write your theme statement on the tracker.

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