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University of British Columbia

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1 University of British Columbia
LTP promotes proliferation and neuronal differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells Yu Tian Wang Brain Research Centre Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia

2 Neurodegenerative diseases require cell replacement therapies
Huntington Disease Parkinson’s Disease

3 Neurons in the core region die following stroke insults
Neurons die immediately Penumbra Neurons die 1 to 3 days later -Delayed cell death


5 Stem cell therapies to replace the dead neurons in the brain
Neurostem Cells Core Replacement with neuronal progenitor stem cells

6 Current challenges for stem cell transplantation
Not survive long enough Not fully differentiate into neurons Not fully integrate into functional network with host neurons Improvements in all these fronts will be the key for the successful application of stem cell therapy in replacing injured and/or repairing neuronal circuits in neurodegenerative diseases.

7 How can we go about it?

8 How can we go about it? 2007, 25:562–570 J. Neural Eng. 6 (2009)

9 How can we go about it? 2007, 25:562–570 J. Neural Eng. 6 (2009) Can we create an effective brain stimulation protocol that promotes neurogenesis of stem cell/neural progenitor cells, thereby facilitating brain repair?

10 Discovery of High-Frequency-Stimulation to induce LTP in the hippocampus
Bliss and Lomo (1973) J Physiol. 232:331-56 Bliss and Gardner-Medwin (1973) J Physiol. 232:

11 Synaptic transmission in the brain
Synapse Synaptic transmission

12 NMDAR activation stimulates PI3K-Akt, thereby leading to LTP expression
Basal LTP Ca2+ CaMKII Ras PI3K Akt NMDAR AMPAR T840-p

13 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway is critical for cell proliferation and survival
PI3-Kinase PTEN Growth Proliferation survival Akt/PKB 1 1

14 Hypothesis: LTP-inducing brain stimulation promotes proliferation/survival and neural differentiation of NPCs LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs LTP increases neurogenesis of transplanted NPCs LTP promotes neurogenesis partially via BDNF

15 Hippocampal DG exhibits LTP in response to HFS, and also contains endogenous neural progenitor cells (NPCs) NPCs shown in green, neurons in red. Photo: Univ. of California-Irvine NPCs are are self-renewing cells between stem cells and neurons, capable of giving rise to three main cell types of the nervous system: neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.

16 In Vivo microinjection and electrophysiology setup

17 HFS reliably induces NMDAR-mediated LTP in rat hippocampal DG in vivo
0.05Hz + 0.9% Saline LTP 5ms, 2mV fEPSP slope (% baseline) fEPSP slope (% baseline) Time (min), n=8 Time (min), n=9 0.05Hz + CPP CPP + HFS fEPSP slope (% baseline) fEPSP slope (% baseline) Time (min), n=9 Time (min), n=8

18 PCNA+/DAPI cells (% control)
Induction of LTP promotes proliferation/survival of endogenous DG-NPCs in the rat hippocampus LTP PCNA staining Protocol: Day 0 Day 7 PCNA+/DAPI cells (% control) ** 0.05Hz+CPP 0.05Hz+Saline LTP CPP+sTPS 100 200 300 PCNA DAPI PCNA DAPI Control DG DG LTP Control (0.05Hz+Saline) LTP

19 Can LTP promote adult neurogenesis in hippocampal DG?
Retrovirus-GFP HFS Sacrifice - 90min Day 0 Day 3 Day 10 CPP Immunohistochemistry

20 Induction of LTP promotes proliferation/survival and neuronal differentiation of hippocampal DG endogenous NPCs in the adult rat

21 Summaries LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs

22 Summaries LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs
Can LTP induction also increase neurogenesis of transplanted NPCs?

23 Isolation and proliferation of NSCs from the embryonic rat brain in vitro
Neurospheres NSCs from the telencephalon of E14 Wistar rats were isolated and maintained in N2 supplemented with bFGF, EGF, and LIF. Nestin Neurons Nestin Vimentin MAP2 NSCs β-actin Nestin/DAPI MAP2/DAPI GFAP

24 Transplantation of GFP-NPCs into hippocampal CA1 region following LTP induction in the rat
Immunohistochem. CA1 Day 0 After 2-6hr Day 7-14 CA1 CA1 ML DG GFP-NPCs 100 80 1mV 20ms 60 EPSP slope (% Change) LTP 40 CONT 20 -20 -30 -15 15 30 45 60 75 90 Time (minutes)

25 LTP promotes the proliferation/survival and neuronal differentiation of NPCs transplanted into the hippocampal CA1 region in rats Control

26 Summaries LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs
LTP increases neurogenesis of transplanted NPCs

27 Summaries LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs
LTP increases neurogenesis of transplanted NPCs How does LTP promote neurogenesis?

28 Mechanisms in cultures
Studying mechanisms underlying LTP-promoted neurogenesis in NPC-Neuron co-cultures LTP in animal models Mechanisms in cultures Day 0 Neurospheres Day 2 Day 3 NSCs+Neurons BrdU Day 14 Day 11 cLTP PBS or Day 25 Immunocytochem. Neurons NSCs-GFP cLTP GFP 1 1

29 LTP promotes neurogenesis in NPC-Neuron co-cultures
100 150 50 200 Neurons NSCs-GFP cLTP *** MAP2+ GFP/GFP+ (% control) PBS cLTP APV LTP+APV PBS cLTP

30 Glycine stimulation does not alter neurogenesis in NPC cultures
cLTP Pure NSC culture NSCs-GFP LTP NSC MAP2 Control LTP 100 MAP+ on GFP (% Control) 50 23mm Control

31 Direct contacts (synapses) or diffusible factors?
How does LTP induction in neurons affect neurogenesis of NPCs in co-cultures? GFP MAP2 Direct contacts (synapses) or diffusible factors?

32 Glycine-induced LTP promotes NPC neurogenesis in co-cultures via releasing diffusible trophic factors NSCs Neurons LTP PBS No stim Media Neurons 0.2 ㎛ filter, centrifugation NSCs NSCs alone DAPI MAP2 50 100 200 MAP2+ /DAPI cells (% control) * No stim. Cond. Med. 150 PBS

33 Conditioned medium from LTP stimulated cells
LTP-conditioned medium promotes NPC neurogenesis in pure NPC cultures in part by BDNF-TrkB signaling Conditioned medium from LTP stimulated cells Phospho-TrkB 165kDa 96kDa TfR Control LTP (C.M.) LTP.+ K252a * 50 100 150 200 Phospho-TrkB/TfR (% control) Time (min) Neurotrophins (pg/ml) 10 30 60 1 day 20 40 50 * ** BDNF NGF NT-3 LTP+K252a Control LTP (C.M.) ** 40 DAPI MAP2 100mm 30 MAP2+ (% DAPI) 20 10 Control (C.M.) LTP (C.M.) LTP + K-252a

34 Neurogenesis induced by glycine-induced LTP in NPC-Neuron co-cultures was prevented by TrkB inhibitor GFP MAP2 50㎛ 40 ** 30 MAP2+ GFP-cells 20 10 LTP Control LTP+K252a Control LTP LTP + K252a

35 Summaries LTP increases neurogenesis of endogenous NPCs
LTP increases neurogenesis of transplanted NPCs LTP promotes neurogenesis partially via BDNF

36 Clinical Relevance Chronic LTP-inducing Electrical stimulation increases neurogenesis, thereby facilitating recovery following neuronal damage such as stroke. LTP induction with electrical stimulation or glycine may be performed prior to NPC transplantations, thereby promoting their survival and neural differentiation, and ultimately functional integration into hosting neuronal network

37 Acknowledgements Collaborators: Supports: Taesup Cho
Dr. Changiz Taghibiglou Dr. Jie Lu Gary Evans Yuping Li Dr. Yuan Ge Collaborators: Dr. James G. McLarnon Jak Kyu Ryu Supports: CIHR HHMI HSFC/BC

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