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REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality,

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality,"— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning MANAGING & MODIFYING THE KVHS ALGEBRA I COURSE USING THE CONTROL PANEL THURSDAY & FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 & 15, 2008

2 GOALS: Treatment Teachers will: Receive updates regarding the Hybrid Research project. Construct Knowledge & Practice using student access TOOLS. Construct Knowledge & Practice using teacher access CONTROL PANEL for managing and modifying the KVHS ALG I Course. Review planning facilitated instruction using the KVHS Algebra I Course.

3 HOUSEKEEPING W-9 Forms Teacher Commitment Forms Mileage Reimbursement Substitute District forms Class Schedules Summer Training Stipends School $500 Reimbursement On-Line Monthly Collaboration, August 25- 29,2008


5 Student Control Panel Algebra I Master Course- You are a student Communications Course Tools

6 Teacher View- Control Panel Content Area Course Tools Course Options User Management Assessment Help

7 Communications Announcements Discussion board Recommend turn OFF: –Collaboration –Group Pages –Messages –Roster –Email –Live Classrooms –Pronto –Voice boards –Wimba Broadcast –Voice Emails

8 To Make an Option ‘Unavailable’ Control Panel Manage Tools Tool Availability & Building Block Tool Availability

9 Course Tools To Keep –Announcements –Discussion Board –Glossary –Tasks –Calendar –Course Objectives To Remove- –Everything else

10 Resources Opening multiple tabs/windows Ctrl & T Ctrl & N –Join this space

11 To Add an Announcement Control Panel Announcements Click ‘Add Announcement’ Type Subject and body of message –Add a link –Add math type Check the five options Click ‘Submit’

12 COURSE OPTIONS Manage Course Menu - turning off Lessons until you want them to be viewed Manage Tools – to make tools available to students and to make tools unavailable to students. There are some know glitches in the latest release from Blackboard making it difficult to make some tools unavailable. KDE is aware and working to fix them.


14 Applying The Principles of How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom Building on Prior Knowledge – by engaging students in prior understandings, there is a context to link/connect to new knowledge. Building Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Fluency, & Connected Knowledge – by connecting to other forms of knowledge, everyday experiences, concrete examples, & visual representations – there is a conceptual framework that enables retrieval and application. Building Resourceful, Self-Regulating Problem Solvers – by thinking with and about mathematical procedures & concepts, as well as, reflecting on /articulating about thinking & learning assist with making connections across representations. How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom, National Research Council

15 Critical Elements Before Interacting With a KVHS Lesson Building on Prior Knowledge: What do you already know about _____? What can I expect when viewing the lesson? How will I track what I know and have learned? What are the learning expectations?

16 Critical Elements While Interacting with a KVHS Lesson Building on Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Fluency, Connected Knowledge: What prior knowledge connects to the new concepts? What properties within the structures of Algebra provide conceptual knowledge? How will I track what I learn, and check procedural fluency that I have garner? What visual models represent the concept? What are some concrete examples? How can I practice the procedure? What are the learning expectations?

17 Critical Elements After Interacting with a KVHS Lesson Building Resourceful, Self-regulating Problem Solvers: How can I communicate what I know? What system or process is in place to monitor my thinking? How can I get assistance with concepts I do not understand and procedures that do not work out? How will I track what I know and have learned? What are the learning expectations?

18 Build a lesson Experience a lesson that you/your school will use early using Spotlight Connections to KVHS ALG I.docSpotlight Connections to KVHS ALG I.doc Create a tracking tool Create an Announcement Create a Discussion board prompt

19 KDE CONTACTS Kari S. Welch Secondary & Virtual Learning - KY Virtual Schools Kentucky Department of Education 500 Mero Street, 19th Floor CPT Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-4772 or (866) 432 – 0008 (#4501) Grace Yeh (#4543) Paula White (#4512) Identify yourself as COHORT II, HYBRID ALGEBRA RESEARCH TEACHER Blackboard Support: (866) 590-9240

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