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《 Family and Friends 》 We have something new to watch!

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2 《 Family and Friends 》

3 We have something new to watch!

4 Do you know other audio-visual equipment 视听设备? 摄录相机新闻 电视节目 纪录片 遥控器 广告频道

5 Read and guess : What is it? 1. This tells you about things you can buy. 3. You can use this camera to make films. 2. This TV programme gives you information( 信息 ). 4. To change( 换 ) the channel on the TV, what can you use? advertremote controlcamcorder ___________________ documentary ___________________

6 Match and say 1. We use the camcorder 3. We use the remote control 2. We turn on the radio 4. We watch the documentary 5. We turn on the TV b. change the channel c. watch cartoons d. listen to music e. make the video a. learn about animals to ANSWERS:2 d1 e 4 a3 b 5 c

7 Whodoingwhere My best friend My best friend use the computer use the computer brush the teeth brush the teeth Miss Ju and Miss Gao Miss Ju and Miss Gao open the door open the door go swimming go swimming My parents My parents watch the advert watch the advert buy the iPad buy the iPad The dog The dog went to the zoo went to the zoo dance dance Yao Ming Yao Ming turned on the radio turned on the radio play football play football Amy Amy went to the cinema went to the cinema ride a bike ride a bike Mum is washing hands is washing hands catch the fish catch the fish The dog The dog is listening to music is listening to music learn the song learn the song AA SS QQ RR XX WW VV UU TT JJ II KK CC LL DD EE FF GG HH MM NN OO PP BB Play a game : 从同一颜色的字母三个竖排里各选一个字母组成一句话并朗读。 Play a game : 从同一颜色的字母三个竖排里各选一个字母组成一句话并朗读。 to + base form =infinitive (to 加动词原形等于不定式) 例如: We use the mobile phone to make a call.

8 1.What are they doing? 2.What does Mum give them? 3.What are they watching at last?

9 1.Why are the children arguing? 2.What did Leo want to watch? 3.What did Max want to do? 4.Do Amy and Holly want to watch TV? 5.What is the DVD of?





14 1.Why are the children arguing? 2.What did Leo want to watch? 1.Because…. 5.What is the DVD of? 4.Do Amy and Holly want to watch TV? 3.What did Max want to do? 2.Leo wanted to watch the basketball match. 3.Max wanted to play a video game. 5.It’s the DVD of their holiday. 4.Yes, they do.

15 Mum: Why are you arguing? Please give me the remote control. Leo: I turned on the TV to watch the basketball match. But Max Turned it off to play a video game. Amy: Well, my favourite programme is on now. Can I watch it, please? Holly: And I want to watch it, too! Mum: Let’s find something new to watch. How about this new DVD? Max: What is it? Mum: Put it on. Then you’ll see. Leo: It’s our holiday DVD. Wow! Amy: Ahh. It’s when we went in the boat to see the dolphins! Max: Thanks. This is much better than playing a video game. Mum: And it’s much better than arguing!

16 Mum: Why are you ?Please give me the. Leo: I turned on the to watch the match. But Max turned it off to play a. Amy: Well, my favourite programme is now. Can I watch it, please? Holly: And I want to watch it, too! Mum: Let’s find to watch. How about this new ? Max: What is it? Mum: Put it on. Then you’ll see. Leo: It’s our DVD. Wow! Amy: Ahh. It’s when we went in the boat to see the ! Max: Thanks. This is than playing a video game. Mum: And it’s much than arguing! arguing video game TV something new on DVD basketball remote control dolphins holiday much better

17 Leo, Amy, Holly and max are a ___________to Why are you ?Please give me the. Leo: I turned on the to watch the match. But Max turned it off to play a. Amy: Well, my favourite programme is now. Can I watch it, please? Holly: And I want to watch it, too! Mum: Let’s find to watch. How about this new ? Max: What is it? Mum: Put it on. Then you’ll see. Leo: It’s our DVD. Wow! Amy: Ahh. It’s when we went in the boat to see the ! Max: Thanks. This is than playing a video game. Mum: And it’s much than arguing! video game TV something new on DVD basketball remote control dolphins holiday much better

18 From the story, what is much better than playing the video game or arguing? 从这个故事中,什么比玩视频游戏或争吵好得多?

19 Don’t let the electronic products are full of our life. 不要让电子产品 充斥我们的生活。 Affection is much warmer than anything else. 亲情比任何东西 都温暖。

20 Which TV programme would you or your family like to watch? Why? Talk about I’d like to watch…Because it’s… I can/ I like/I want to… My mother/father/grandfather…would like to watch… Because… ( Happy Camp, Voice of China, Documentary, Super Brain, News, Advert, Cartoons, CCTV5, Movies, TV Plays, Where is Dad going?...)

21 1. Act out the story. 2. Spend more time with your family.

22 video, dolphin to + base = infinitive arguing, much better Something new to learn



25 Yesterday, we watched some different TV ________. First my sister and I watched ________because my sister loves the funny drawings. When Mum came in, she picked up the remote ______and changed the___. We watched a _______about history. It was very interesting. My dad was out, but he phoned from his _______ phone to say he was coming home soon. When Dad got home, he watched the ______, to see what was happening in the world. I went to my room and listened to the ______. After dinner we all watched a DVD of our family holiday on our new _____. Dad said this was the best TV to watch, because it doesn’t have any_______.

26 In spring, it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. We like spring. In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. In winter, it is cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter. Read the poem by yourself. 自己试着读一读小诗。 What do you think of the poem? 你觉得这首小诗怎么样?


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