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S ERGEY E SENIN. Was born: October 3, 1895 Died: December 28, 1925 Genre: poetry.

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2 Was born: October 3, 1895 Died: December 28, 1925 Genre: poetry

3 A BOUT THE AUTHOR Esenin was born into a peasant family. Russian Village, the nature of Russia, folklore, and most importantly - Russian classical literature had a strong influence on the young poet, sent him a natural talent. Like every great poet, Esenin is not mindless singer of their feelings and experiences, and the poet-philosopher. Like any poetry, his philosophic poetry. Philosophical poetry - this is a poem in which the poet speaks of the eternal problems of human existence, is a poetic dialogue with man, nature, earth. After retiring from a life of 30 years, Esenin left us a wonderful poetic heritage. And while the living earth, Esenin-poet, destined to live with us.

4 W ORKS The Scarlet of the Dawn (1910) The Birch Tree (1913) Autumn (1914) I left the native home (1918) Hooligan (1919) Confessions of a Hooligan (1920) I am the last poet of the village (1920) I don't pity, don't call, don't cry (1921) Pugachev (1921)

5 Land of Scoundrels (1923) One joy I have left (1923) A Letter to Mother (1924) Tavern Moscow (1924) Confessions of a Hooligan (1924), Desolate and Pale Moonlight (1925) The Black Man (1925) To Kachalov's Dog (1925) Goodbye, my friend, goodbye (1925) (His farewell poem)

6 M Y FAVORITE WORK Слезы Слезы... опять эти горькие слезы, Безотрадная грусть и печаль; Снова мрак... и разбитые грезы Унеслись в бесконечную даль. Что же дальше? Опять эти муки? Нет, довольно... Пора отдохнуть И забыть эти грустные звуки, Уж и так истомилася грудь. Кто поет там под сенью березы? Звуки будто знакомые мне - Это слезы опять... Это слезы И тоска по родной стороне. Но ведь я же на родине милой, А в слезах истомил свою грудь. Эх... лишь, видно, в холодной могиле Я забыться могу и заснуть.

7 A TTITUDE TOWARD THE AUTHOR I met not with all poems by Sergei Esenin, and therefore can not say I love his work or not, but I can say that it is a wonderful poet. It's unfortunate that he was an unhappy man, with a tragic fate. But it could throughout his life carry the love for all living things.


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