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 Last Day to Turn in Projects (for a very late grade)  Last Day to Take Quiz and to show me your science journal  If you want to keep your project,

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Presentation on theme: " Last Day to Turn in Projects (for a very late grade)  Last Day to Take Quiz and to show me your science journal  If you want to keep your project,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Last Day to Turn in Projects (for a very late grade)  Last Day to Take Quiz and to show me your science journal  If you want to keep your project, take it home.  Any left over projects will all be thrown away at the end of the day before I leave for break!

3  Understand how our view of the solar system has changed over time and how discoveries made have led to our changing our view of the solar system.  Learn planetary characteristics such as number of moons, size, composition, type of atmosphere, gravity, temperature and surface features.  Understand the movement of planetary bodies.  Understand which planetary characteristics are more important than others when it relates to our understanding of other worlds.  Understand how proximity to the sun influences planets.  Understand the methods and tools scientists use to learn about other planets and moons in our solar system.  Understand the conditions needed for a habitable world and determine if there are habitable worlds in our solar system or outside the solar system.  Understand how we look for and study solar systems other than our own. 1.Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 2.Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. 3.Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. 4.Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level.


5  Atmosphere  Greenhouse Gases  Planet Temperature  Inverse Square Law  Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of each article on the right hand side  You can work as a group to answer once everybody has read each article

6  Atmosphere  Answer 1  Answer 2  Greenhouse Gases  Answer 1  Answer 2  Planet Temperature  Answer 1  Answer 2  Inverse Square Law  Answer 1  Answer 2

7 Climate Change is Boring Bill Nye on Climate Change Climate Change Explained Is Climate Change Just a Bunch of Hot Air? 13 Misconeptions about Climate Change 1 Thing I Learned 1 Thing I Knew 1 Question I still have Coolest Fact from the clip

8 3 Things I didn’t know 2 Things I did know 1 Question I still have This episode is on the website!








16  We SHOULD NOT be concerned about GHG on Earth.     We SHOULD be concerned about GHG on Earth.   

17  We SHOULD NOT be concerned about GHG on Earth.  Earth needs ghg to be habitable, they regulate/balance temperature  Important to other organisms (plants)  Most of our atmosphere is not ghg, and steps are being taken to reduce ghg emissions  The Earth normally goes through periods of hot and cold.  We SHOULD be concerned about GHG on Earth.  More ghg and higher temperatures than ever before  Our gh effect could spiral out of control and turn our planet into one like Venus  Temperature increases from ghg trapping energy are changing ecosystems (some catastrophically, some only a little)  Our average global temp is rising much faster than at any point in the last 800,000 years

18 We should be concerned about changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere and the effects of such changes. We do not need to be concerned about changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere and the effects of such changes.

19 MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranus Neptune Rotation (hours) 140758322424.69.910.717.216.1 Revolution (years).24.6111.8811.929.4483.8163.8

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