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Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Carol K. Hall Department of Chemical.

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Carol K. Hall Department of Chemical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Fibrillization Carol K. Hall Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering North Carolina State University

2 Objective To develop a computational tool that allows investigation of spontaneous fibril formation. This tool should: -capture the essential physical features ( geometry and energetics) of real proteins -allow the simulation of many proteins within current computer capability -reveal the basic physical principles underlying fibril formation.

3 Polyalanine– A Model System for Studying Fibrillization Speculation - fibril formation is natural consequence of peptide geometry, hydrogen-bonding capability and hydrophobic interactions under slightly-denatured, concentrated conditions. Polyalanine peptides form fibrils in vitro at high concentrations (C > 1.5 mM) and high temperature (T > 40 o C) (Blondelle et al., Biochem. 1997). Peptide Sequence: KA 14 K  -helix  -sheets in a fibril

4 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Folding Packages: Amber, CHARMm, ENCAD, Discover, etc. Force fields:describe interactions between all atoms on protein and in solvent at atomic resolution Desired Output: “folding” trajectory of a protein Limitation: very difficult (impossible?) to simulate folding of a single protein even with the fastest computers Implications for our work: sacrifice the details if you want to learn anything about protein aggregation

5 Discontinuous Molecular Dynamics Discontinuous Molecular Dynamics Traditional MD: Forces based on Lennard Jones (LJ) potential. Follow particle trajectories by numerically integrating Newton’s 2nd law at regularly-spaced time steps. Simulations are slow Discontinuous MD: Forces field based on square-well potential. Follow particle trajectories by analytically integrating Newton’s 2nd law whenever collision, capture or bounce occur.

6 Building a Protein Model to Use With DMD: Representation of Amino Acid Residue United atom: NH, C a H, CO, R Excluded volume: hard spheres with realistic diameters Virtual AtomDiameter, s (A o ) NH3.3 C  3.7 CO4.0 Smith & Hall, Proteins (2001) R CH3 4.4 Smith & Hall, JMB (2001) CH 3 CHCH CO NH

7 Building a Protein Model to Use With DMD: Maintaining Chain Connectivity Sliding links (repulsion at (1-  ) l, attraction at (1+  ) l ) allow bond length to fluctuate around ideal value, l, with tolerance  ~2.5%. Bond lengths set to ideal experimental values. BondLength l (A o ) N i -C ,i 1.46 C ,i -C i 1.51 C i -N i+1 1.33 C ,i -R CH3,i 1.53 NH i CO i CH 3,i CHiCHi CO i+1 NH i+1 C  H i+1 CH 3,i+1 l

8 Pseudo-bonds maintain:  ideal backbone bond angles  residue L-isomerization  trans-configuration Pseudo-bonds fluctuate around ideal lengths with tolerance  ~2.5%. NH i CO i CH 3,i CHiCHi CO i+1 C  H i+1 CH 3,i+1 Building a Protein Model: Maintaining Proper Bond Angles, Chirality, Peptide Bond NH i+1

9 Model Forces: Steric Interactions United atoms in the simulation are not allowed to overlap. NH i CH 3,i CHiCHi CO j NH j CO i CHjCHj CH 3,j Hard-sphere repulsion

10 NH i CH 3,i CHiCHi CO j NH j CO i CHjCHj Square-well attraction Hydrogen bonds between backbone amine and carbonyl groups are modeled with a directional square-well attraction of strength  H-bonding. Model Forces: Hydrogen Bonding

11 The solvent is modeled implicitly by including the hydrophobic effect: tendency of hydrophobic sidechains to cluster together through a hydrophobic interaction with a square-well attraction of strength  hydrophobicity NH i CO i CH 3,i CHiCHi CO j CHjCHj NH j CH 3,j Square-well attraction  hydrophobicity = R*  H-bonding ; R = 1/10 Model Forces: Hydrophobic Interactions

12 Folding of Single KA14K Chain t*=0t*=50.99t*=70.33t*=86.16t*=103.74t*=130.11 Nguyen,Marchut & Hall Biophys. J (2004)

13 A Constant-Temperature Simulation: 48 Peptides at c=10.0mM, T*=0.14 Nguyen & Hall, PNAS (2005)

14  -Helix Formation at Various Concentrations and Temperatures Formation of  -helices is highest at low temperatures and low concentrations. There is an optimal range of temperatures for forming  -helices.

15 Fibril Formation at Various c & T* Fibril formation peaks at high temperatures and high concentrations. Critical temperature for fibril formation decreases with peptide concentration.

16 Amorphous Aggregate Formation at Various c & T* Formation of amorphous aggregates at low temperatures and intermediate concentrations Amorphous aggregates contain  -helices The trends described thus far qualitatively agree with experimental data (Blondelle et al., Biochem. 1997) c=2.5mm, T*=0.08

17 Equilibrium Simulations: 96 Peptides Use the replica- exchange methods to simulate 96-peptide systems at different temperatures and peptide concentrations. These trends qualitatively agree with experimental data (Blondelle 1997) Nguyen & Hall Biophys. J. (2004 )

18 Intra-sheet distance: 5.05 ± 0.07A, comparable to experimental values of 4.7 - 4.8A for a variety of peptides (Sunde et al., JMB 1997) Fibril Structure: Intra-sheet Distance

19 Inter-sheet distance: 7.5 ± 0.5A, comparable to experimental values of 8 – 10A for the transthyretin peptide (Jarvis et al., BBRC 1993) Fibril Structure: Inter-sheet Distance

20 93.3 ± 5.7% peptides in fibrils are parallel, same as experimental results for the A  1-40) peptide (Antzutkin et al., PNAS 2000) Fibril Structure: Peptide Orientation N- C- -C -N -C

21 Fibril Structure: Peptide Orientation Most peptides are in-register, same as experimental results for the A  10- 35) peptide (Benzinger et al., PNAS 1998)

22 Forming Various Structures versus t*: c=5mM, T*=0.14  Amorphous aggregates form instantaneously, followed by  -sheets, and then fibrils after a delay, called the lag time.  Appearance of a lag time indicates that this is a nucleated phenomenon. all aggregates Nguyen & Hall, J. Biol. Chem (2005)

23 Fibril Formation in Seeded and Unseeded Systems at T*=0.14, c=2mM Adding a seed eliminates the fibril formation lag time, as is found experimentally.

24 Seeding Experiments to Find Nucleus # Sheets# Peptides/Sheet% Seeds 134.48 142.03 150.81 160.41 227.65 2317.52 2426.18 2510.18 263.30 271.20 280.41 290.43 333.30 347.89 351.20 430.39 44 530.43 250 simulations conducted at T*=.150, each containing a seed with randomly-chosen size & shape taken from simulations at T*=0.135 What is minimum size seed that will lead to the formation of a fibril in a fixed time?

25 Seeding Experiments to Find Nucleus Minimum size seed that can induce fibril formation at a high temperature (T*=0.150) is a fibril with two sheets, each containing two peptides # Sheets# Peptides/Sheet Fibril Formed? 13no 14 15 16 22yes 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 43 44 53

26 Fibril Growth Mechanisms  Two mechanisms of fibril growth:  Lateral addition: adding already-formed  -sheets to the side of the fibril  Elongation: adding individual peptides to the end of each  -sheet of the fibril These mechanisms are similarly observed by Green et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 2004) on human amylin (hA) peptide (type 2 diabetes).

27 Fibril Structure: Size 12 peptides: 2-3  -sheets24 peptides: 3-4  -sheets 48 peptides: 3-6  -sheets96 peptides: 4-6  -sheets This fibril size is typical of experimental results (Serpell et al., JMB 2000)

28 Effect of Chain Length Ac-KA L K-NH 2 on Fibrillization at c=2.5mM Increasing chain length shifts fibril formation to higher temperatures

29 Fibril Formation at Various Hydrophobic Interaction Strengths R for the 5mM System Increasing the hydrophobic interaction strength further to R=1/6 reduces  -sheet formation and totally prevents fibril formation. Amorphous aggregates are formed instead. Fibril formation

30 Electrostatic Interaction U 0 r σ λσ ε salt-bridge Square-well attraction The salt-bridge formed between residues D23 and K28 are modeled as a square-well attraction between the side chains with strength ε salt-bridge where ε salt-bridge is equal ε H-bonding. D23 K28 1 K28 2 Each side chain is represented by either one or two united atoms.* * Wallqvist & Ullner, 1994

31 Simulation Snapshots: ABeta 10-40 Simulation Box with Periodic Boundary Conditions ABeta 10-40 (zoomed in)

32 Simulation Snapshots: ABeta 10-42 Simulation Box with Periodic Boundary Conditions ABeta 10-42 (zoomed in)

33 Comparison with Tycko Structure ABeta 10-42 (zoomed in) Cross-section of ABeta structure found By Petkova et al. Proposed Fibril Structure We see beta-hairpins form with intra-strand hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic groups sticking out of the plane of the strand; while Tycko and coworkers see a hydrophobic horseshoe which leaves the peptide backbones free to hydrogen bond with each other. Hydrophobic Positive Negative Polar

34 Conclusions  First simulations of spontaneous fibril formation  Our results qualitatively agree with experimental data in general, and specifically with those obtained by Blondelle et al. (Biochemistry, 1997) on polyalanines.

35 Acknowledgements Dr. Hung D. Nguyen Alexander J. Marchut Dr. Anne V. Smith Dr. Hyunbum Jang Dr. Andrew J. Schultz Victoria Wagoner Erin Phelps National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation

36 Intermediate Resolution Model Representation of Glutamine NH 2 CO CH 2 Blue spheres have square wells for hydrophobic attraction. Green spheres have directionally-dependent square wells for hydrogen bond donors. Red spheres have directionally-dependent square wells for hydrogen bond acceptors. NH 2 CH 2 CO NH CO CαHCαH CαHCαH NH

37 24 Polyglutamine 16mers Form Nanotube R=0.125; c=5mM; T*=0.155 Reminiscent of Perutz’s prediction of nanotubes (Perutz et al. 2002) Curved nature of polyglutamine beta sheets leads them to roll into a tube.

38 Annular Structures Observed Experimentally R=0.125 ; c=5mM ; T*=0.185Wacker et al. 2004 4nm 100nm

39 24 16-residue PolyQ Random Coils

40 Simulation results: Voet and Voet* results: Voet & Voet (1990) Model Test: Steric Interactions alanine: CH 3 CHCH CO NH  

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