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HWI Cultural Competence Modules for Allied Health Rosanna Balistreri, MA Cultural & Linguistic Consultant CHIA – President 2010 & 2011 REACH-reaching diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "HWI Cultural Competence Modules for Allied Health Rosanna Balistreri, MA Cultural & Linguistic Consultant CHIA – President 2010 & 2011 REACH-reaching diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 HWI Cultural Competence Modules for Allied Health Rosanna Balistreri, MA Cultural & Linguistic Consultant CHIA – President 2010 & 2011 REACH-reaching diversity t. 619-252-2321 f.619-276-2860

2 Objectives To develop curricular content in Cultural Competence to integrate into existing Allied Health program To create short and user-friendly modules that can be used by faculty members with varying levels of knowledge of Culture Competence

3 Modules Topics TIMELINE FOR CULTURAL COMPETENCE MODULES Jun-1111-SepDec-11Mar-12Jun-12 1. Cultural Awareness (Culture versus Personality) 3. Levels of Cultural Awareness- Moving towards Responsiveness- 6. Cross-Cultural Communication Style and Differences 10. CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE- MALE/FEMALE ROLE 14. Cultural Knowledge Alternative Medicine 2. Cultural Awareness (Visible and Non- Visible Cultural Aspects) 4. Cultural Humility and Responsiveness 7. Patient-Centered Communication with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Patients 11. CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE- CAUSE OF ILLNESS 15. Cultural Knowledge Knowledge - Diets and Foods 5. Communications Styles- Paralanguage and Elements of Body Language 8. Bilingual Staff vs. Trained Medical/Healthcare Interpreters 12. CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE- LGBQT Population 16. Cultural Knowledge -Family Involvement Versus Self-Management and Patient Autonomy 9. Managing Effective Patient Communication Through Medical/Healthcare Interpreters 13. CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE- PAIN EXPRESSION AND MANAGEMENT 17. Cultural Knowledge - End of Life Decision

4 Modules completed by June, 2011 Mod 1 - Cultural Awareness (Culture versus Personality) Mod 2 - Cultural Awareness (Visible and Non- Visible Cultural Aspects)

5 Modules completed by September, 2011 Mod 3 - Levels of Cultural Awareness- Moving towards Responsiveness Mod 4 - Cultural Humility and Responsiveness Mod 5- Communications Styles- Paralanguage and Elements of Body Language

6 Modules completed by December, 2011 Mod 6 - Cross-Cultural Communication Style and Differences Mod 7 - Patient-Centered Communication with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Patients Mod 8 - Bilingual Staff vs. Trained Medical/Healthcare Interpreters Mod 9 - Managing Effective Patient Communication Through Medical/Healthcare Interpreters

7 Modules to completed by March 2012 Male / Female Role Cause of Illness LGBT Population Pain Expression and Management

8 Modules to completed by June 2012 Alternative Medicine Diets and Foods Family Involvement versus Self-Management and Patient Autonomy End of Life Decisions

9 Module Format Module Estimated Time Statement of Purpose Objectives Terminology Individual Module Activities – Time – Materials – Preparation Instructions – Content

10 Auxiliary Material Module PowerPoint Presentations Module Hand-outs Module Video or links

11 Rosanna Balistreri REACH-reaching diversity t. 619-252-2321 f.619-276-2860 ? Let’s look at Module 8 in detail…

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