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60 years of living with Down’s Syndrome Debbie Race2015.

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Presentation on theme: "60 years of living with Down’s Syndrome Debbie Race2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 60 years of living with Down’s Syndrome Debbie Race2015

2 1950’s Jenny born 1950 News from the doctor Debbie born 1951 Learning together School or not

3 1960’s Friends Battles for more with Mencap Joining in - Brownies, Guides and church Leaving school Leaving home?

4 1970’s Settling in to work A bridesmaid and godmother Traveller Leaving home?

5 1980’s New choices New medical techniques Adam born 1985 The battle for school Learning by being included

6 1990’s Long service award A village school and more A dementia diagnosis Losing a job First boyfriend Leaving home

7 2000’s Qualifications College Jenny dies 2004 Finding a job First girlfriend Living with a brother

8 2010’s Losing a job Service cuts Usher and uncle Teacher A home of his own Getting engaged

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