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Politics are changing, interest groups start to pop up. Political sides are changing, and The Progressive Party emerges in 1912. Ideas of what women should.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics are changing, interest groups start to pop up. Political sides are changing, and The Progressive Party emerges in 1912. Ideas of what women should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics are changing, interest groups start to pop up. Political sides are changing, and The Progressive Party emerges in 1912. Ideas of what women should be are changing. Many laws against birth control are challenged. Birth rate continues to drop anyway. Workers rights are challenged along with women’s rights. The new ideas create Women’s Suffrage in the west.

2 This Cartoon appeared in order to show the ways in which women’s suffrage was spreading.

3 One problem with women’s suffrage is that it does not address race. Many who opposed thought women would be corrupted if brought into the same sphere as men. The anti-saloon league is one of the first successful interest groups. Alcohol is seen as a depravity in some areas, and a way of social life in others. Racial tensions still grow. Racism leads to lynching.

4 W.E.B. Du Bois was the first African American to receive a Ph. D. from Harvard. He argued that if African Americans did not fight for rights continuously they were guilty as well. He helps to found the NAACP Socialists and the Industrial Workers of the World started to fight for laborers. The 1900s usher in the journalists who start to “expose” corruption in business and government. Termed muckrakers.

5 Muckraking soon extends to books-The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is the most famous. He is a Socialist, and wants to show corrupt industry. Two acts are the result of all this muckraking: Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Plans to manage the cities come into being during this time as well. This also lead to city planning and regulations.

6 Public health, mental health and social work emerge as careers. Advances in education emerge, as well as school boards. Governmental advances occur as well, the introduction of lobbyists, as well as term limits are a couple. Roosevelt is elected and challenges big business. He uses trustbusting to take on the businesses. Instead of busting them he wanted them regulated. The Square Deal is also his invention.

7 Roosevelt also regulated the R.R. and Natural Resources. In 1903 he gains access to the Panama Canal. In 1905 he got involved in the Russo-Japanese War In 1907 he gets Japan to limit emigration. Roosevelt pushes Taft into running for Presidency. Taft supported Square Deal, but hated the rest of it. Supports a Federal Income Tax. Multiple problems during his office.

8 In 1912 Marines suppress a rebellion and agree to collect customs for Nicaragua. The Great White Fleet of ships was used to impress Americans as well as the world. Roosevelt wants social and labor reform during his attempt at reelection in 1912. Bull Moose Party was Roosevelt’s party of Progressives. Taft was supported by Republicans and they split so Democrats have a shot. Both Wilson and Roosevelt think they are Progressive.

9 Feels Roosevelt’s regulations were not successful. Addressed Congress in person. Regulation of Banking is priority. 1914 Federal Trade Commissions Act regulates unfair competition in business. Did little to stop racism. Socially Society changed as well. Novels tend toward the social happenings. In painting realism gives way to impressionism.


11 Baseball and Ragtime are two of the new popular past times. Traveling performers are also popular. World’s Fair is a popular exhibition. Due to Teddy Roosevelt, and then Wilson, and later F.D.R. the idea of the Presidency is strengthened.

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