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Yorkshire & the Humber Strategic Clinical Networks Mental Health, Dementia, Acute & Chronic Neurological Conditions David Black Medical Director South.

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Presentation on theme: "Yorkshire & the Humber Strategic Clinical Networks Mental Health, Dementia, Acute & Chronic Neurological Conditions David Black Medical Director South."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yorkshire & the Humber Strategic Clinical Networks Mental Health, Dementia, Acute & Chronic Neurological Conditions David Black Medical Director South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Area Team (host) 17 th September 2013

2 Strategic Clinical Networks “Clinical networks are an NHS success story. Combining the experience of clinicians, the input of patients and the organisational vision of NHS staff, they have supported and improved the way we deliver care to patients in distinct areas, delivering true integration across primary secondary and often tertiary care.” Bruce Keogh, Medical Director and Jane Cummings, Nursing Director 2

3 What are Strategic Clinical Networks? SCNs operate as engines for change across complex systems of care, maintaining and or improving quality and outcomes. They bring primary, secondary and tertiary care clinicians together with partners from social care, the third sector and patients SCNs are nationally mandated, hosted by NHS England and will receive national commissioning funding for their core functions 3

4 Why Mental Health, Dementia, Acute & Chronic Neurological Conditions? Stigma, low awareness and education in the general population Some symptoms are not visible. There are opportunities across the pathways in common:  prevention needs more focus  early detection and earlier diagnosis are priorities to enable smooth routes to diagnosis and into services and support

5 Why Mental Health, Dementia, Acute & Chronic Neurological Conditions – (2) ?  There are variations in care despite many National Frameworks/Strategies and Challenges over the last few years  Services need to be joined up and responsive when there is an unexpected event or crisis;  Care needs to be co-ordinated across mental and physical health, and across teams/sectors, including social care and third sector  Cancer, cardiac and stroke have had enormous national focus over the last 10 years…..time to link overall mental health with physical health Many people are surprised at how much common ground there is between the conditions 5

6 Common difficulties with developing and implementing good practice Strategic Clinical Networks can help overcome some of these problems:  Supporting commissioners and providers for delivery of responsive, appropriate services that meet people’s needs.  Engaging clinicians and working across organisational boundaries - Sharing what works well with other areas and teams in Y+H and nation wide  Developing approaches to measuring outcomes.  Helping regain a collective memory after large organisational change and transition.  Using data to highlight variation, inequity and opportunities for improvement.  Do once and share 6

7 Contact Details Dr David Black Medical Director SYB Area Team 7

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