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Welcome to NMRT! A roundtable of ALA Anne Robert SLIS Graduate Student Fall 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to NMRT! A roundtable of ALA Anne Robert SLIS Graduate Student Fall 2004."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to NMRT! A roundtable of ALA Anne Robert SLIS Graduate Student Fall 2004

3 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20042 Notes for Professor PowerPoint created using Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Templates: Damage Control design template, Fireworks design template Sounds: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Stadium Roar Damage Control Template and Stadium Roar Sound downloaded from Microsoft Office Online

4 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20043 Contents What is NMRT? NMRT Goals Joining NMRT Benefits of NMRT –Footnotes –Mentoring Program –Resume Review Service –NMRT-L –NMRT Committees –SASCO –Grants & Awards

5 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20044 Contents, continued Conference Activities Next ALA Conference For more information The end!

6 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20045 What is NMRT? The New Members Round Table (NMRT) provides a place for those members of the American Library Association (ALA) who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both.

7 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20046 What is NMRT? NMRT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests in three significant ways. NMRT is a Gateway to the Profession NMRT is a Pathfinder through the Maze of ALA NMRT is a Stepping-Stone to Higher Places

8 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20047 What is NMRT? As a gateway, pathfinder and stepping stone, NMRT has played - - and continues to play -- a vital role not only within ALA but also the library profession at large.

9 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20048 NMRT Goals to structure formal opportunities for involvement and/or training for professional association committee experiences on the national, state, and local levels;

10 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 20049 NMRT Goals to provide a wide variety of programs to assist, encourage, and educate people who are new to the profession;

11 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200410 NMRT Goals to offer a variety of leadership training and opportunities to help those approaching the end of their NMRT eligibility to make the transition to future positions in the Association and the profession; and

12 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200411 NMRT Goals to develop and implement ongoing programs for library school students that encourage professional involvement and networking.

13 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200412 Want to join NMRT? To join NMRT, you must be a member of ALA for 10 years or less Dues are $10 a year

14 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200413 Benefits of joining NMRT Footnotes Mentoring Program Resume Review Service NMRT-L NMRT Committees SASCO Grants & Awards Friends from across the country!

15 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200414 The official newsletter of NMRT, Footnotes is published four times a year and is free to members.

16 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200415 Footnotes Purpose of Footnotes: –to disseminate information and news to NMRT members; –to alert members to developments of interest in ALA and in the library world; and –to inform members of NMRT Board actions, state and regional events, and NMRT conference programs and committee activities.

17 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200416 Article in August 2004 Footnotes Generation X meets Generation Y - A Mentoring Success Story by Jennifer Cella - Document Delivery Services Librarian, University of Miami And Anne Robert - Student, Louisiana State University

18 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200417 Need help? Get a mentor. The NMRT Mentoring Committee sponsors the Conference Mentoring Program at the ALA Annual Conference each year. The program is open to all ALA members, enabling the program to cover a broad area of interests and specialties. The goal of the program is to match new librarians and library school students with a more seasoned professional who can provide guidance in conquering the daunting task of attending your first professional conference.

19 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200418 Attention job seekers! Want to update your resume? Trying to get that interview? Unsure about your cover letter? Would you like an experienced professional to give you feedback? Then you should visit…

20 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200419 Have your resume reviewed by experienced librarians who have served on search committees or who are involved in the hiring process! Available via email (for NMRT members) and at ALA conferences (for anyone) Visit to sign up today!

21 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200420 Contact other NMRTers easily using NMRT-L NMRT-L is the electronic listserv for postings about NMRT or any library issues Messages for distribution should be sent to

22 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200421 Participate in a NMRT Committee! 3M/NMRT Social 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Booth Conference Planning Taskforce Diversity EBSCO Scholarship Exhibitor Contact and Relations Footnotes Handbook Leadership Development Forum Liaison Coordination and Support Ad Hoc Membership Meeting and Program Membership Promotion and Relations Mentoring Midwinter Activities Nominating President's Program Resume Reviewing Service Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Students and Student Chapter Outreach These are just a few of the committees you could join!

23 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200422 Get involved with your ALA student chapter! The NMRT Student and Student Chapter Outreach (SASCO) Committee can help you share your ALA experience with classmates.

24 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200423 More about SASCO SASCO can assist with: Setting up workshops Arranging speakers Gathering membership and promotional materials And much more!

25 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200424 SASCO also presents the ALA Student Chapter of the Year award With your initiative and SASCO’s support, your student chapter could be the winning chapter!

26 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200425 Need money for the ALA conference? 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Airfare, lodging, conference registration fees December 15, 2004 Shirley Olofson Memorial Award $1000January 1, 2005 NMRT’s ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award A certificate to the winner and runner-up. March 31, 2004 (for 2004 award) Name of Award AwardDeadline

27 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200426 Conference Activities NMRT Booth NMRT Social Activities Orientation Programs

28 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200427 Conference Activities NMRT Booth at the ALA Annual Conference 2004

29 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200428 Conference Activities Dancing at the NMRT Social (Orlando, 2004)

30 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200429 Conference Activities NMRT Student Social (Orlando, 2004)

31 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 2004 30 Interested in attending an ALA conference? The next ALA conference will be held in January 15-17, 2005

32 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200431 Visit the NMRT Website at

33 September 14, 2004 Anne Robert, SLIS Student Fall 200432 Thanks for watching my presentation! Author: Anne Robert SLIS Graduate Student 267 Coates Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (225) 578-3158

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