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Unit 2 Research Proposal Tentative Schedule (Updated)

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1 Unit 2 Research Proposal Tentative Schedule (Updated)
Week 6 2-18-Intro to research proposals 2-20-Intro to primary research/research questions Week 7 2-23-Interivew strategies /SoP 2-25- Survey +Observation strategies, Methods 2-27-Short Proposal Peer Review, Statement of Qualification, APA format Minor Essay 2- Short Research Proposal Due Week 8 3-2- Debates 3-4- Lit Review & Abstract 3-6-Peer Review Research Proposal Final Draft- Due 3/6 by midnight

2 U20 Debate Topics 3/2 Genetic modification War on terror 3/4
Work placement & rehabilitation for former prisoners

3 U23 Debate Topics 3/2 Police Effects of social media 3/4
Effects of video games

4 U65 Debate Topics 3/2 Mental health patient sentencing
Social media and its effects 3/4 Polygamy

5 Debate Structure The pro-group for each issue will open the topic and introduce their first speaking point to prove their argument. The opposing group will then have the opportunity to refute the pro-group’s argument and bring up their own first speaking point Each speaker will have 60 seconds to speak Every team member must speak Each group must utilize all three of the rhetorical appeals This will proceed back and forth until every team member has spoken

6 Debate Rules Each group member may bring in a single primary or secondary source to support their argument. Any source used must be printed, brought to the debate, and clearly identified when referenced. Consider how this will affect your ethos. The groups not taking place in the current discussion will judge and vote for the winning side. In the event of a tie, the professor will select the winning group The debate will be a final quiz grade for the class The winning team for each group will receive an extra credit quiz grade (100%) as well

7 Debate Grading System Arguments 50% Counterarguments 20%
At least 1 salient point per group member Utilize all rhetorical appeals Arguments are rhetorically sound Propose a solution(s) Counterarguments 20% Did the group take advantage of any rhetorical weak points? Time Management 10% Are all speaking points adequately explained? Individual Participation 10% Groupwork 10% How well coordinated is the group? Do speaking points overlap?

8 The first time you speak in the debate
State the following: Your name Your source (if using one) and what publication or institution it is from. The organization, affiliation, publication, or university responsible for creating your source

9 On a sheet of paper Write out: Your name Your group topic
Your side on the group topic The group and side that you are voting for (based on which side you think presented the most effective argument) Save this until you have voted for both groups or until we conclude the class today

10 Homework Journal Check Research Proposal Rough Draft (Due Monday 3/16)
Due Friday 3/6 Entries 1-21 will be checked Compilation of all journal entries available on class website Research Proposal Rough Draft (Due Monday 3/16) Bring a printed copy to class Should include all sections of your research proposal

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