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9.3 Pest Control Look, Earl! No more pests!. Pests damage crops Stats: –NA – 10% crop damage –Kenya – 75% crop damage –World wide – 1/3.

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Presentation on theme: "9.3 Pest Control Look, Earl! No more pests!. Pests damage crops Stats: –NA – 10% crop damage –Kenya – 75% crop damage –World wide – 1/3."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.3 Pest Control Look, Earl! No more pests!

2 Pests damage crops Stats: –NA – 10% crop damage –Kenya – 75% crop damage –World wide – 1/3

3 Pest – any org that occurs where you don’t want it or in large enough numbers to cause damage. cotton stainer - minor pest of cotton in the southern Florida

4 Adult armyworm larva of the armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, sugarcane, timothy, and wheat may be consumed, as well as wild or weed grasses.


6 Why problem for crops? B/c easy to find & damage

7 Pesticides – substance that kills pests Ex: Aldrin, DDT, Lindane, Malathion, Carbaryl Insecticides – kill insects

8 Drawbacks of Pesticides Health concerns –Cancer –Chemical leaks Carlitos, child of farmworkers, born with birth defects attributable to pesticides (PBP). Source: Sarasota/Manat ee Farmworker Supporters Sarasota/Manat ee Farmworker Supporters

9 A train derailment near Milligan, Florida. The train carried chemicals, which were spilled at the site. (©Bettmann/Corbis. Reproduced by permission.)


11 Pollution & Persistence –Persistent pesticides – don’t break down fast into harmless chem – accumulate in soil & H2O DDT – 1940s to kill mosq. & lice (malaria & typhus) Water – fish – birds – thin shells Penguins, pelicans, peregrines, eagles Banned In US, 60 diff pesticides found in ground water



14 Penguins, pelicans, peregrines, eagles

15 Resistance ability to tolerate a particular chemical. It evolves through natural selection 500 species have developed res. Since 1940s

16 Biological Pest Control – using living orgs or naturally produced chem. to control pests. resistance takes longer to evolve usually don’t harm orgs other than pests Predators & Pathogens –pathogen – org that causes disease. These are sometimes used against pests. Ex: Bacillus thuringensis – bacteria that kills insect larvae

17 A range of products to keep unwanted visitors out of your garden and buildings.

18 Predators & Pathogens Pathogen – org that causes disease. These are sometimes used against pests. Ex: Bacillus thuringensis – bacteria that kills insect larvae

19 Chemicals from plants Extracts from plants used against pests Ex: chrysanthemum

20 Disrupting Insect Breeding Pheromones – chemicals produced by one org that affect the behavior of another. Farmers spray to interfere w/ mating Reduce numbers better than pesticides Expensive to make so not widely used Treat males w/ x-rays – can’t reproduce

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