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 Strengths Difficulty Questionnaire.  In academic RtI, we screen everyone.  In behavior RtI, we only screen a few. o No need to screen the entire population.

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Presentation on theme: " Strengths Difficulty Questionnaire.  In academic RtI, we screen everyone.  In behavior RtI, we only screen a few. o No need to screen the entire population."— Presentation transcript:

1  Strengths Difficulty Questionnaire

2  In academic RtI, we screen everyone.  In behavior RtI, we only screen a few. o No need to screen the entire population when many are not facing emotional and behavioral challenges It’s too time consuming False identification More effective ways available

3  Refer to “VISD RtI Behavior Screener – Tier 1” procedure for details  You’ll need to complete the “Tier 1 Data Gathering Form” o Those appearing on this form from data gathered from Five or more office referrals for high-ticketed items Teacher nominations because of internalizing or externalizing behaviors  Students with “lightening bolt” behaviors will automatically be screened

4  Refer to schedule listed in detail on the “VISD RtI Behavior Screener – Tier 1” page o The basic rule is to screen once a year at the end of the first nine weeks o Twice a year on transition years (5 th & 8 th grade) o Screening Grades 10 th -12 th is optional

5  Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)  Designed to identify behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents  THIS IS NOT USED TO DIAGNOSE!

6  Administration of Screener o Computer based Recommended Rater completes items on the computer Report immediately generates o Paper based Someone will be need to be responsible for entering the scores Could have data entry errors Time consuming & cumbersome

7  Free administration  Immediate online scoring  Estimated 10 minutes to complete  Available in numerous languages

8  Five Subscales o Conduct problems “behavioral difficulties” o Hyperactivity “hyperactivity and concentration difficulties” o Emotional problems “emotional distress” o Peer problems “difficulties getting along with other young people” o Prosocial behavior “kind and helpful behavior”  Overall Stress Score

9  Parent and teacher versions are available for those aged 3 to 16  A youth self-report version is available for youth aged 11 to 16.  VISD Requirements o Teacher version o Parent & Youth Self-Report is opitonal

10  There are two other ways to access the SDQ o These are for informational purposes only

11  This is the website that it recommended for online administration





16 There are four screens of questions to answer.

17 Cool

18 Over 18 Go to Tier 2

19 This is NOT to diagnose


21 What do high scores mean?

22  Somatic complaints  Seems worried/anxious  Nervous in new situations  Loses confidence easily  Difficulty initiating or maintaining personal relationships

23  Has temper tantrums or hot tempered  Fights with other children or bullies them  Lies or cheats  Steals from home, school or elsewhere

24  Restless  Overactive  Cannot stay still for long  Constantly fidgeting or squirming  Easily distracted  Concentration wanders

25  Rather solitary  Tends to play alone  Picked on or bullied by other children  Gets along better with adults than with other children

26  Considerate of other’s feelings  Shares readily with other children  Helpful when someone is hurt, ill, or upset  Kind to younger children  Often volunteers to help others

27  With the data from the screener, the RtI team can make decisions on which intervention to use.

28 See general education counselor or social worker Curriculum that can be used is: Why Try Ripple Effects Coping Cat Stop & Think

29 Check In / Check Out Goal Setting Self - Monitoring Behavior Contracts

30  Self-Regulation Strategies -strategies-for-schoolage-children/22 Slides 18 & 19 give interventions

31  Social Problem Solving o Social Skills Instruction o Behavior Contracts o Problem Solving Activities

32  Social Problem Solving o Social Skill Instruction

33  Tammy Gendke   Kim Motley o

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