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. There are 2 ways in which Cable Ties can use the technicians smartphone to track their current location. 1. GPS – uses satellites to triangulate the.

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2 There are 2 ways in which Cable Ties can use the technicians smartphone to track their current location. 1. GPS – uses satellites to triangulate the exact position of the technician. But the GPS facility must be turned on for this to work. 2. Mobile phone positioning – uses a minimum of 3 mobile phone masts to calculate the technician’s position. This method will work as long as the phone is turned on. Ethical thought – finding the position of a mobile phone and the person using it, can invade the privacy of the phone user. You can locate someone without their permission.

3 A key logger is a piece of hardware or software that records the use of a computer by an employee. It can include keyboard use, websites visited and documents opened. Employees leave an electronic trail of their computer use. All of this can be achieved without the employees knowing!!! Ethical thought – should employees use of computers at work be monitored without their knowledge?

4 Cable Ties LTD can record the telephone calls and SMS messages made from the technician’s smartphone. This means they have recorded evidence of all the technician’s use of the smartphone – both business and personal. This evidence could be used at a later date if needed. Recorded calls can also be used for training purposes for new technicians to train them how to deal with customers. Cables Ties can monitor if the technician has kept to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) they signed when they took the smartphone. Ethical thought – should employees use of their smartphones at work be monitored?

5 CCTV cameras can be used to monitor what employees are doing. CCTV camera can be placed throughout the building and monitor employees on their breaks. Ethical thought – should employees at work be monitored when they are on their free time? ID badges can be used to monitor employees as they move around the building. Badges can be set to only allow staff access to certain areas or rooms. An electronic trail can be kept to see where employees have been. Ethical thought – should employees movement around the building be monitored at all times?

6 A cookie is a text file that can be read using a program such as Notepad. The file usually contains 2 pieces of information: a site name and a user ID. When a website is first accessed a cookie can be downloaded onto the computer and the next time the website is accessed the computer checks to see if it has a cookie from that website. The computer then sends a message to the website telling it the computer it has accessed that website before. The website can then personalise the page and this process continues each time the website is accessed. Some cookies will also contain extra information such as, how long is spent on the website, what links are clicked and what is put in the shopping cart. At present every website has to declare if it uses cookies and the user has to accept them. Ethical thought – should websites use cookies at all and track your purchases etc.

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