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Truman’s Domestic Policy 1 st job: reconversion after World War II Soldiers transported home quickly Easing of price controls leads to massive inflation.

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Presentation on theme: "Truman’s Domestic Policy 1 st job: reconversion after World War II Soldiers transported home quickly Easing of price controls leads to massive inflation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Truman’s Domestic Policy 1 st job: reconversion after World War II Soldiers transported home quickly Easing of price controls leads to massive inflation 1946: 4.6 million go on strike: autos, steel, coal Workers demanded wage increases—strikes increase and success leads to labor union recruitment (Truman thought demands were unrealistic) 1946 Railroad strike. Truman asks Congress for permission to draft strikers, make them join army and then stay on job. Senate says NO to increase of presidential power. Courts served injunctions against United Mine Workers and the union is fined $3.5 M

2 1947 Taft-Hartley Act Passed by Republican Congress over Truman’s veto Allowed President to declare 80-day “cooling off period” when strikes that threaten the national interest occurred—strikes could be paused Outlawed closed shop Unions billed for damages in jurisdictional disputes Union leaders must take non-Communist oath Federal mediation and consolidation service Act deemed hostile towards unions

3 Truman’s “Fair Deal” Raise the minimum wage—Yes, but only after election of 1948. Created Council of Economic Advisors to help President in meantime Extend social security—Yes, but only after election of 1948 National Health Insurance—failed Federal aid to education—failed Government sponsored housing projects for the poor—compromised after 1948 election Civil rights legislation to protect blacks--failed Strong anti-lynching law--failed Abolish poll taxes—tax paid to vote--failed Atomic energy commission--passed Desegregate armed forces—accomplished in 1948 by executive order STOPPED BY REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS, CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS

4 Ike’s "Dynamic Conservatism“ or ”Modern Republicanism” Budget cutting—balance budget Returning federal functions back to state and local levels—stop creeping socialism. Transferred control of federal oil rich lands to states, that could lease them for revenues No free distribution of Salk polio vaccine/socialized medicine Price supports for farmers Support of big business Encouraged competition Recessions hit in 1954 and 1957 DID support hike in minimum wage 75¢  $1.00/hour Soviet’s launch Sputnik in 1957 1956 National Highway Act and 1958 National Defense Education Act

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