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Spanish Intensifiers Realidades – Page 255.

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1 Spanish Intensifiers Realidades – Page 255

2 Spanish Intensifiers In Spanish, there are a number of words that can be placed words that can be use before an adjective, and one suffix that can be added to an adjective that can intensify the meaning of other words.

3 Spanish Intensifiers Intensifiers that come before the word
can be used with adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. They include words like: muy (very), mucho (much, a lot), sumamente (extremely)

4 Spanish Intensifiers Sample sentences: Es muy bonita.
She is very pretty. Tenemos mucho dinero. We have a lot of money.

5 Spanish Intensifiers The suffix “–ísimo” is an intensifier that can be attached to the end of many adjectives. It changes for gender and number: -ísimo, -ísimos, -ísima, -ísimas If the adjective ends in a vowel, drop it before adding the ending: malo > malísimo buena > buenísima

6 Spanish Intensifiers Sample sentence:
bello (a) ¡Esta cocina es bellísima! This kitchen is very (extremely) beautiful.

7 Spanish Intensifiers When the last consonant in the adjective is
c, g or z spelling changes are required before adding ísimo (a, os, as). c > qu rico > riquísimo g > gu largo > larguísimo z > c feliz > felicísimo

8 Spanish Intensifiers 4 EASY STEPS TO ADDING “ÍSIMO”: 1. Word ends in vowel? > remove vowel largo > larg 2. Word end in c, g or z? > make spelling change larg > largu 3. Add “ísimo” largu > larguísimo 4. Add gender/number ending novelas (larguísimo) > novelas larguísimas

9 Spanish Intensifiers 4 EASY STEPS TO ADDING “ÍSIMO” - REVIEW: 1. Word ends in ______ > _____________ 2. Word end in ______? > make ________ 3. Add _______________ 4. Add _____________________ending

10 Spanish Intensifiers Now translate these 4 sentences:
The homework is really easy (facil). Ana is extremely beautiful (bella). They are super rich (rico). Marisela has super long hair.

11 Spanish Intensifiers La tarea es facilísima. Ana es bellísima.
Ellos son riquísimos. Marisela tiene el pelo larguísimo.

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