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Basics of Letter Writing Hora Hedayati Islamic Azad Univeristy South Tehran Campus.

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1 Basics of Letter Writing Hora Hedayati Islamic Azad Univeristy South Tehran Campus

2 Components of a Letter  Sender’s address  Recipient's address  Date  Salute (Beginning)  Paragraph(s)  Ending  Signature

3 53 Down’s Road East Shilton, SH175PG Peter Jackson 22 Market Square Lancs MR21 2ST 21 September 2009 Dear Peter, It was really nice to see you last week after such a long time. I very much enjoyed our chat and hope to meet you soon again. Sincerely yours, Jack

4 Stages in writing a letter 1. Pre-writing Stage: Analyze 2. Writing Stage: Write 3. Post-writing Stage: Check

5 Analyzing  Consider the following:  Audience  Purpose  Situation  Gather information  Outline

6 Audience  Tone  Formal  do not know the recipient  Salute: To whom it may concern:, Dear Sir/Madam  Ending: Yours faithfully,  Know the recipient  Salute: Dear Mr./ Dr./Ms./Mrs./Miss + Last Name  Ending: Sincerely yours,/ Best regards,  Informal  Salute: Dear + First Name  Ending: Best wishes/ Best regards/Best/Yours/Love

7 Purpose  Invite  Complain  Thank  Request  Apologize  …..

8 Situation  What is the subject (Topic)?  What happened that you are writing?  What does the recipient need to know?

9 Gather Info.  Have all your information at hand, such as copies of previous correspondence on the topic  Consider what you should include in your letter based on the purpose of your letter

10 Outline  Organize the information you want to put in your letter in a logical order

11 Write  Start writing your letter, including all the parts

12 Check  Ensure all parts of a letter are included  Ensure your message is clear  Ensure the tone of letter is appropriate  Ensure there are no spelling mistakes  Ensure there are no grammatical mistakes  Ensure you write your name at the end

13 Example  You borrowed an important textbook from a classmate last term. You now realize your classmate has returned home (another city) and you still have the book.  Audience: a person I know, friendly relationship  Purpose: apologize, say what you will do or ask what to do  Situation: as described above, topic: textbook

14  How to begin?  Dear + First Name  How to start your message?  Start with a friendly comment  What points to include  Apologize-borrowed book for the exams  Ask whether she needs the book for studies now  Suggest- send the book by the mail or send money instead.  How to end your message  Will wait to hear before deciding what to do  How to end?  Best wishes

15 Practice- Task 1  You have received a letter from your bank, asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card. However, the card was missing from the envelope.

16 Practice- Task 2  You have seen an old friend at a party after a long time. You want to stay in touch with him/her.

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