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New York State Department of Transportation
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Terry Rd. to Gibbs Pond Rd. Design-Build Project PIN , Contract No. D900033 Town of Smithtown, Suffolk County Request for Proposals RFP Informational Meeting December 2, 2015
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Rules of Contact Catherine Traina Attn: NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6th Floor Albany, New York
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Agenda Project Overview Department’s Goals & Project Requirements Scope of Work Status of: ROW and Utilities General Contract Information Alternative Technical Concepts Procurement Schedule One-on-One Meetings RFP Content Quality Control & Quality Assurance Evaluation and Selection Additional Information and Submission Guidelines Questions and Answers
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Location TOTAL FEIS PROJECT LIMIT FEIS studied NY 347 corridor from Northern state Parkway to NY 25A. First Design-bid-build contract recently completed. This is the second phase of Design Build project. Design-Build Phase 3 Project Location Design-Bid-Build Project (Completed) Design-Build Phase 2 Project under construction Design-Build Phase 1 Project under construction
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Goals Improve Safety and Mobility along the Route Corridor. Protect and Improve the Environment. Integrate the Transportation System into the Fabric of the Communities by Implementing the Principles of Traffic Calming measures as Part of the Boulevard or Greenway Design. Deliver the Project safely, on schedule & within budget.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Goals (Continued) Ensure Coordination with Utility Owners, Third Parties, the Surrounding Residential Community, Project Stakeholders and any Adjacent Construction Projects. Ensure compliance with the Project’s environmental commitments and conditions. Provide best value to the Department.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Scope of Work Reconstruction of NY Route 347 with additional travel lanes and shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists in a Manner that Maintains the Corridor Theme; Pedestrian facility design and installation; Bus turnouts and enhanced bus stop design and installation; Extensive landscape design and installation including, but not limited to: vegetated screening, planted raised median, street trees, vegetated drainage features; Invasive species removal; Concrete sound wall design and installation; Pedestrian facility design and installation: Improved sidewalks, curb ramps, signals, and crosswalks for pedestrians. New signal at the Green belt trail crossing. There are four sound walls proposed in this section. We have community consensus from three community and waiting for one more.
Relocation and/or preservation of existing utilities;
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Scope of Work (Continued) Relocation and/or preservation of existing utilities; ITS Installation and integration with the existing INFORM system; Traffic signals; Installation of street and pedestrian lighting; Signing & pavement markings; Work Zone Traffic Control; Drainage. There are total three signals- two existing and one new. Includes installation of pedestrian level lightings at median crossings, bus stops and green stop. Relocation of existing street lights. Water quality basin is proposed on the north side east of the culvert crossing. The scope also includes culvert replacement.
(Based in part on Projected Future Traffic Volumes)
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Scope of Work (Continued) All Other Items of Work Necessary to Complete the Project Safely, On Schedule, and in Compliance with the Contract Documents. Proposers are advised that Phase 3 differs from Phases 1 & 2 in that there are no indicative Plans included in the RFP; the Design-Builder will have greater responsibility to develop Project Designs (Based in part on Projected Future Traffic Volumes) Don’t think this slide is necessary
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Possible Typical Cross Section New Sound Wall(s) or Low Screen at/near ROW Line 3.3. m lanes with 1.8 m shoulder in general. The shoulder width will be 1.2 m where right turn lane exist. A 1.2m imprinted concrete shelf and 3.6m shared use path on south side and 1.5m sidewalk on north side. Imprinted raised concrete median with planting and potential sound wall at the ROW line.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Possible Typical Plan
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Possible Greenway Stop
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Aesthetic Design 13 Think holistically about how the design and construction decisions will affect the final aesthetic design of the roadway. The Technical Solutions should reflect a collective design of related elements: Tree Inventory, anticipated vegetation removals, and proposed planting Aesthetic design of concrete materials i.e. sound walls, retaining walls, and median barrier Shared-use path alignment, Greenway Stop, and associated transportation features i.e. bio-swales, drainage basins, rain garden, etc. Bus stop enhancements i.e. decorative pavement, bus shelter, solar lighting, bike racks Design exceptions require approval by the State Roadway Design Office and FHWA (for oversight projects). This requires extensive coordination in a short time frame. All such variances/exceptions must be shared with all short listed firms prior to the information cut-off date (final information cut-off date shown in RFP).
Utilities and Suffolk Co Water
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Status Status of : Adjacent Projects ROW Utilities and Suffolk Co Water
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Adjacent Projects PIN/Description: (D900014) – NY 347 Safety and Mobility Improvements from Mt. Pleasant Road to Terry Road This is a Design-Build project with anticipated completion in Fall 2016. WZTC: Long term lane closures Design Build Team: Grace Construction and LIRO
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Right-of-Way The Department anticipates that all additional ROW it deems necessary for the Project will be acquired prior to the Notice to Proceed (June, 2016) in accordance with DB § No relocations are required as a result of this project. Should the Design-Builder identify any additional ROW needs for the project, it shall be acquired in accordance with DB §
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities In accordance with Part 4 – Utility Requirements, Design-Builder is responsible for: Verifying utility facility locations; Identifying & resolving any conflicts not yet documented; Coordinating with owners for utility relocations; Providing stakeout and final layout of utility relocations; Protecting existing utilities; Cost to repair damages to utilities caused by Design-Builder; Informing the Department of all meetings/correspondence with utility owners;
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations Existing Utilities are fully described in RFP Part 4 Two types of Utility Work to be discussed: Relocations to be performed by Others Relocations to be performed by the Design-Builder
Relocations to be performed by Others
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Relocations to be performed by Others
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Aerial – LIPA / Verizon / Cablevision: LIPA, Verizon and Cablevision will require approx. 10 to 12 months to relocate utility poles and aerial facilities within the Project Limits. Underground – Verizon: Verizon’s Conduits may require relocation due to conflicts with new drainage lines; Verizon will require approx. 1 to 2 weeks per offset at duct bank and buried cable (Manholes cannot be re-located).
National Grid will be responsible for relocations and Tie-ins.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Underground – Cablevision: Cablevision will require 2 to 3 weeks after coordination with Design-Builder to relocate underground cables. National Grid (Gas): National Grid will require 8 to 10 weeks to relocate the Gas Main from the Center Median to the South Side of Route 347; National Grid will be responsible for relocations and Tie-ins.
Relocations to be performed by the Design-Builder
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations By DBer Relocations to be performed by the Design-Builder
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DBer All Utility Work related to LIPA, Verizon, Cablevision and National Grid Facilities to be performed by the owner. Design-Builder will coordinate with impacted utilities 2 weeks in advance of a relocation and conduct surface preparations and rough grading as needed prior to the relocation.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DBer Suffolk County Water Authority: The 12 inch water main on NY 347 in the vicinity of the center median from Terry Rd to Lake Ave. shall be relocated to the north side of NY 347 by the Design-Builder; The Design-Builder shall be responsible for all costs to design and reconstruct these mains as well as all service connections, hydrants, valves, water meters, etc.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) Requirements / Restrictions The Design-Builder shall provide access to all commercial properties and driveways within the Project Limits at all times; Closure Restrictions for NY Lane Sections (2EB & 2WB lanes): Westbound: No lane closures permitted between 6 AM – 10 PM; Eastbound: No lane closures permitted between 11 AM – 10 PM. No Full Closures with Detours Permitted; See RFP for Additional Restrictions. MO: mention ROW acquisition for BIN Region: Right of Way has already been purchased for BIN – Chenango Rd/Sauquoit Creek. Acquisition maps have been posted as reference documents. We can delete the last bullet, there is no existing ROW fencing in the vicinity of the 5 bridges. PB: - added note in regards to ROW acquisition at BIN - Last bullet has been deleted. [Any Right-of-Way fencing damaged or removed by the Design-Builder during construction shall be replaced with new Right-of-Way fencing meeting current Department standards.]
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054.18, D900033)
General Contract Information
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Contract Information Lump Sum Design-Build Contract; Best Value Selection Process (50% Price, 50% Quality); Project Completion Date shall be the earlier of: May 31, 2018; or The number of days past NTP proposed by the successful Proposer on Form SCD (ITP Appendix E) Liquidated Damages will be imposed for not meeting the Interim Completion and/or Project Completion dates indicated on form SCD, or for exceeding the number of Commercial Driveway Access Impact days indicated on form SCD; Early Completion Bonus for achieving the Interim Milestone and/or Project Completion in fewer than the number of calendar days indicated on form SCD; and/or for impacting Commercial Driveway Access for fewer than the Number of Commercial Driveway Access Impact Days indicated on form SCD; Escrow Submission of Bid Documents for Successful Proposer.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Contract Information (Continued) There is a Schedule of Prices and a Work Payment Schedule provided in the RFP; Schedule of Prices (Form SP) Construction Work Design Services Construction Inspection Services Quality Control Services (Material Testing) Force Account Work (amount provided by Department) Mobilization - % of Construction + Force Account (4% max) Work Payment Schedule (Form WPS) Breakdown of construction work items Input by Proposer (100% max)
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Contract Information (Continued) Stipend to Unsuccessful Proposers (50% of Qualified Costs, $100K max.); Must satisfy criteria in ITP General Instructions; Pass All Pass/Fail Factors Achieve at least 60 points on Quality Factors Proposal must be Competitive and Reasonable Proposal not Selected by Department as providing the Best Value There is a Buy America Clause There is an Iran Divestment Act Clause There is a DBE Participation Goal of 14% All ROW owned by NYSDOT Any additional Environmental and Construction Related Permits by Design-Builder
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Anticipated Procurement Schedule Activity Due Date Draft RFP Informational Meeting December 2, 2015 Final RFP to Shortlisted Firms December 16, 2015 Date Proposers may start submitting ATCs for review December 17, 2015 Proposal period one-on-one meetings with all Proposers, specific dates to be determined. December 18, 2015 to January 14, 2016 Final date for Proposers to submit ATC’s for review January 15, 2016 Final date for requests for changes to Proposer’s organization and personnel January 18, 2016 Final date for Department’s responses to ATCs submitted for review January 20, 2016 Final date for receipt of Proposer questions February 3, 2016 Issue Date for Final Addendum and/or answers to Proposer questions February 5, 2016 Final Date for proposers to respond to conditional approval of ATC’s Proposal Due February 17, 2016 Post Proposal meetings (if required) TBD Selection of Best Value Mid March, 2016 Limited Negotiations (if required) Contract Award Mid-May, 2016 Notice to Proceed Early June, 2016
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) ATCs Alternate Technical Concepts (ATCs) are proposals from the Proposer to design and construct the Project in a manner that is different than the Contract Requirements and which: are submitted to the Department for review, consideration and approval prior to Proposal submittal; have significant savings in time, and/or reduction of traffic impacts, and/or community disruption, and/or project costs, and/or environmental impacts, and/or other beneficial impacts to Project parameters; in the Department’s judgment offers an equal or superior Project.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) ATCs (Continued) Proposers may submit, on a confidential basis, any number of ATCs, using Form ATC, for the Department’s approval; The proposed end product of each alternative must, in the Department’s judgment, be equal to or better than the Work product described in the Contract Documents; Department may provide ‘Conditional Approval’ of an ATC; The Design-Builder is solely responsible for obtaining approvals from any local municipality, public agency or permit issuing agency for ATC concepts which would affect their facilities, operations or issued permit.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) One-On-One Meetings One-On-One Meetings may be requested by proposers during the period stated in the RFP; If One-On-One Meetings are held, at least one meeting will be offered to each Proposer; Department reserves the right to disclose to all Proposers any issues raised during the meetings that may materially affect the project; Department will not disclose information pertaining to an individual Proposer’s technical concepts, proposal or ATCs; Additional One-on-One Meetings may be held if required to review ATCs or if the Department believes it is warranted.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents RFP Documents: Instructions to Proposers Part 1: D-B Agreement Part 2: General Provisions, Section DB 100 and Appendices Part 3: Project Requirements (Scope of Work) Part 4: Utility Requirements Part 5: Special Provisions Part 6: RFP Plans Part 7: Engineering Data Part 8: Special Specifications (Including New DB Specifications) Part 9: The Design-Builder’s Proposal Part 10: RFP Addenda (If Any) Reference Documents: On Department’s web site (Not Part of the Contract Documents)
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents RFP Documents: Instructions to Proposers General Instructions Appendix A – Project Information Appendix B – Administrative Submittal Requirements Appendix C – Technical Submittal Requirements Appendix D – Price Proposal Submittal Requirements Appendix E – Forms Appendix F – Conflicts of Interest Policy Appendix G – Abbreviations and Definitions
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Quality Control (QC) Quality Control is the Design-Builder’s Responsibility The QC Manager shall be responsible for the QC Plan for both Design and Construction Design QC shall be the Design-Builder’s responsibility and shall be performed in accordance with the QC Plan Construction Inspection shall be performed by an Independent Engineering Firm (Hired by the Design-Builder) Materials Testing shall be performed by an Independent Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory (Hired by the Design-Builder) The Materials Testing Firm shall report to the Construction Inspection Firm Offsite Plant Quality Control shall be performed by the Department
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Quality Assurance (QA) Design and Construction Quality Assurance is Department’s Responsibility The Department may perform QA on any of the Design- Builder’s Design and Construction Activities The Department will utilize an independent Consultant to perform QA of the Design-Builder’s Designs Construction QA will be performed by Department Staff Offsite Plant Quality Assurance will be performed by the Department RFP Part 2, Appendix 112C describes in detail the Department’s QA Role for the Project
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) RFP Evaluation and Selection Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors Legal – Financial – Administrative – DBE Compliance - Price Proposal (Bond/Conformance) Quality Evaluation Factors (50%) Key Personnel (25 points) Management Approach (24 points) Overall Design-Build Team Organization (6 points) Design Management Plan (4 points) Construction Management Plan (5 points) Quality Control Plan (9 points) Technical Solutions (45 points) Design Approach (8 points) Construction Approach (7 points) Schedule (30 points) Cohesiveness (5 points) Project Completion (7 points) Interim Completion Milestones (11 points) Impacts to Commercial Driveway Access (7 points) Project Support (3 points) Proposal Format(3 points) Price (50%) Design-Builder must obtain a minimum score of 60 points on Quality Evaluation factors
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines All proposals must be self-contained. Proposals should not have links to external web sites. Proposals should contain all information needed for evaluation. Do not “assume the Department knows” your firm and its experience/qualifications.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines Submit ALL Forms required Do not alter any Form unless indicated on the Form. Do not add any appendices or attachments to the Forms. Do not include photographs or illustrations unless specifically indicated. Do not submit with Proposal: Form SA (Stipend Agreement) => 20 Days after Proposal Due Date Form BDEA (Bid Document Escrow Agreement) PAB (Payment Bond (Labor and Material Bond)) PEB (Performance Bond (Faithful Performance Bond))
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information – Submission Tips Instructions to Proposers (ITP) Appendix E - Forms: Form LSI – Letter of Subcontract Intent Complete one form for each Tier 1 Subcontractor/Subconsultant Dollar value on Form LSI for a DBE firm should match the dollar value on Form LDB Table 1 (List of Proposed DBEs) for that firm. Form NC – Non-Collusion Affidavit Form shall be signed and notarized There is no signature line; sign at bottom of the form. Form R – Summary of Individual’s Experience Information presented on Form R should match information provided on resumes (project title, time spent on project, etc.) Individual’s Total Time on Project should reflect total QUALIFYING time on project. Project Owner should be the entity that owns the infrastructure which was constructed.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information – Submission Tips ITP Appendix E – Forms (continued): Form U – Conflict Questionnaire Be sure to answer all questions on page 2. ITP Appendix C – Technical Proposal Section C4.3.1 Initial Baseline Progress Schedule Submit appropriate number of pages Include Major Design AND Construction activities including breakdown of work by location, type, task. Minimum required information listed in RFP. Section C4.3.3 Gantt Chart Usually 1 page simplified schedule – Major construction activities ONLY. Be sure to follow instructions – pages which do not follow the ITP instructions will be removed and not evaluated.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information – Submission Tips Design-Builder’s Proposal Volume 2, Technical Proposal: Section 1, Key Personnel & Firms Experience and Section 2, Management Approach Submittal Proposed titles for this Project on Resumes should match titles on Organization Chart and Form R. Resumes should reflect individual’s actual duties on each past project, not just a general project description. Information should be consistent between resumes and Form R (project roles, dates, etc.) Place resumes and Forms in the order that they are requested in the RFP.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Additional Information Responses to Proposer Questions will be posted on the Department’s Project Web Site Reference Documents are Posted on the Department’s Project Web Site: Reference Documents include: NY 347 Aesthetic Design Guide; NY 347 Noise Analysis; D Soil Borings; PIN Q5 – Anticipated Peak Flows East of Project Limits; Traffic Signal Detail Sheets – Hidden Ponds and Terry Road; Region 10 Regional design Sheets; Final Design Report, Final Environmental Impact Assessment (Section 4F); Route 347 Re-Evaluation Appendices; D95016 – 347 (454 to Rt. 25) Record Plans D Plans Volumes 1 and 2; and As-Built Drawings Potentially others (To be Determined).
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Rules of Contact Catherine Traina Attn: NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6th Floor Albany, New York
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN 0054
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Questions and Answers Questions ?
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