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Today’s Goals – Review Geography Skills Vocabulary – Introduce Five Themes of Geography – Collaboratively Apply Five Themes of Geography to Dallas – Apply.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Goals – Review Geography Skills Vocabulary – Introduce Five Themes of Geography – Collaboratively Apply Five Themes of Geography to Dallas – Apply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Goals – Review Geography Skills Vocabulary – Introduce Five Themes of Geography – Collaboratively Apply Five Themes of Geography to Dallas – Apply Five Themes of Geography – World Geo. the News World Geo. Skills Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

2 Five Themes of Geography P P lace R R egions I I nteraction (Human/Environment) L L ocation M M ovement

3 Place What is Place? It is a description of what makes that place different to others Dallas Characteristics of Place Physical Physical - things that occur naturally, such as mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate etc. (Permanent) Human Human - things that have changed due to people, such as roads and buildings, how people live and their traditions. (Malleable)

4 Regions What are regions? Areas that can be grouped together by a set of things special to that region. Dallas Types of Regions Formal Formal – areas designated by official boundaries Examples – Examples – township, city, state, country. Functional Functional – areas defined by their connections Examples Examples – newspaper circulation, cable services, etc. (temporary)

5 Interaction (Human/Environment) How humans adapt to and modify the environment. Dallas Types of Interaction (Human/Environment) Adaptation Modification Dependence

6 Location What is location? It is where a place is located. Dallas Types of location Absolute Absolute definite location of a place Example Example – Latitude and Longitude, street address, state, zip code, country Relative Relative describes a place with respect to its environment and its connection to other places. Example Example – Pennsylvania is south of New York and North of Maryland. Sweden is northwest of the Baltic Sea.

7 Movement What is movement? It is the movement of people, things, such as goods, as well as communications (the movement of ideas). Dallas Examples of movement Migration Types of communications systems Transportation services Goods being imported/exported.

8 Assignment Apply the five themes of Geography to any country found in the Culture Gram Binder (2006). Format – Country Place – Human – Physical Region – Functional – Formal Interaction – Adaptation – Modification – Dependence Location – Absolute – Relative Movement – Migration – Transportation – Communication

9 Every other week you will be responsible for bringing in a newspaper, magazine, or internet article that relates to any of the five themes of Geography. What you will do. – Find an article in newspaper, magazine or internet that relates to geography and print or cut it out. – Write a summary about how it relates to any of the five themes of Geography. – In class you will present the article and discuss how it relates to Geography and the Five Themes. – At the end of the week there will be a World Geo. News quiz on the articles presented. World Geo. in the News

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