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The Primary and Secondary School of Maximilian Hell Štiavnické Bane - lokality UNESCO, Slovakia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Primary and Secondary School of Maximilian Hell Štiavnické Bane - lokality UNESCO, Slovakia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Primary and Secondary School of Maximilian Hell Štiavnické Bane - lokality UNESCO, Slovakia

2  Capital city – Bratislava  Population – 5, 5 mil.  Attractions: Slovakia has 5 cultural monuments of UNESCO and 2 natural monuments of UNESCO. For turism – 300 of castles, old cities, wooden churches, hundred of caves, national parks, open-air museums, mountains and the folklor events. Many celebrities have the slovak ancestors, for example : the actress Angelina Jolie, the musician Jon Bon Jovi and the inventor of a parachute Štefan Banič.

3  History - the first notice about the village is from 1352.  The first using a blusting-powder for the peaceful reason – a mining.  The first using of the machines for breathing.

4 The school is named after the world famous astronomist and biologist Maximilián Hell (*15. 5. 1720 – †14. 4. 1792) native from the village Štiavnické Bane, Slovakia. Is situated in the heart of Štiavnické vrchy, directly under the Sitno Hill ( 1 009 m ) which is mentioned in many legends and near the town Banská Štiavnica (lokality UNESCO).

5  There are about 130 students in 9 classes and 30 children in the primary school  1 headmaster, 15 teachers, 3 teacher assistents and 6 workers The school area consists of three buildings (school, school canteen, gym). In the school area you can see  birds area-Aves with a wide collection of the birds of pray and the owls  area for the parrots  two small lakes capturing rainwater  vertical garden with a 3500 pieces of plants  Japanese and English garden  stables for horse  aquariums representing the habitats of two African lakes Why is our school so unique?

6 o teaching in the 1., 7., 8. a 9. class o an hour for week o compulsory o graded The school is the only primary & secondary school in the world where the subject Falconry is taught as a part of the regular curriculum. A special school- the world´s unique

7 The intentions of teaching falconry: o childrens responsibility, o first aid to hurted birds of prey, o healing the birds of prey and to give them a freedom, o recognizing the birds of prey in the wild nature, o giving publicity to falconry, o keeping traditions of the falconry, the hunting and the forestry, o being able to employ themselves, o being unique.



10 o Options to study at the high schools with forestry, vets, agricultural and tourism trends. o Options to study at the universities with forestry and agricultural trends. o Versatility in Slovakia and also abroad (Italy, Danmark, Canada, Osterreich, Germany a Swittzerland).

11 o biological protection of airports, agriculture, o rearing house of falconry, courts of falconry, falconry presentations and clinics.

12 o presentations of students – falconers, o public events, o official events of Slovak republic – inviting Norwegian and Swedish king and queen, celebrations of admittance SR into EU in Brusel, o presentations of Slovakia in foreign countries– in United Arab Emirates, Czech, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Ostterreich, Great Britain or Malta, o presentations for ambassadors in SR o from Cuba, Poland, Norway, Hungary, o Denmark, Greece.

13 o Beginning – 1966 (ČSSR) o Members to 8. 3. 2014 – 236 o Honorable and extraordinary members– 31 o Candidates - 19 o Be a member in SCF (SKS) beside SHO (SPK) – one year practices, hunting exams, falconers exams. o SCF (SKS) beside SHO (SPK) is o self-employed hunting o organization.

14 The young falconers have a motto: „A falconry is love, and until the birds of prey are flying in the blue sky, the falconry will live forever, because the love is eternal.“

15 Thank you for your attention and good luck Mgr. Pavel Michal, headmaster of ZŠ s MŠ M. Hella,,

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