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Meet Ronald Reagan February 6, 1911-June 5, 2004.

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1 Meet Ronald Reagan February 6, 1911-June 5, 2004

2 His Early Years Born on February 6, 1911 Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. He went to Dixon High School where soon after he went to Eureka College and studied sociology and economics.

3 Into a BIG World Ronald Reagan’s first job was a lifeguard which helped pay a lot of his college money. His second job was a sports broadcaster. Which was an immediate success.

4 Hollywood Career Reagan joined Warner Brothers and starred in movies such as Brother Rat (1938), This is the Army(1943), and over 50 other movies.

5 Called To Duty Reagan had already joined the army but had been on reserve the whole time. During World War II Ronald Reagan was called to duty. ◦ But it required a physical exam. They soon figured out Reagan had cheated on his last eye test because he had weak eyesight. ◦ so instead they sent him to a movie acting studio to make a film on what the army is like. His movie Rear Gunner soon came out.

6 Governor of California Ronald beat Democratic Edmund “Pat” Brown for governor of California on November 8, 1966 by 1,000,000 votes. He got California out of 194,000,000 dollars of debt.

7 Candidate for President November 4, 1980 Reagan beat Jimmy Carter 489 electoral votes to 49.

8 Into The Oval Office On January 20, 1981 Ronald Reagan swore in along side George H. W. Bush and became the 40 th President of the U.S.A and the oldest. I won!!!!

9 Assassination Attempt Three months after being elected president, he was shot in the chest. John W. Hinckley Jr. planned out the whole thing. He went to a hospital for reasons of insanity. Ronald Reagan made a full recovery. (Shot ½ inch from the heart) The mental man also shot 3 people. Two Secret Service

10 Economic Reform President Reagan used deep across- the-board tax cuts, and market deregulation. He asked people to take chances on things that would make them a profit. There was a lot of risk but the risk was worth the reward.

11 The Fall of the Wall The Berlin Wall fell November 9, 1989 ending the separation between Western and Eastern Germany. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

12 Strategic Defense Initiative The Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars, was started to create the technology to protect the US from the Soviet missiles, and to create a economic burden they couldn’t carry.

13 1980s Group Work/Posters The class will be divided into seven groups. Each group will read a worksheet regarding their topic. In your notebooks as # 3: ◦ Who: Who was involved? ◦ What: What happened? ◦ When: Time frame ◦ Where: Location of the event? ◦ Why: What was the background leading up to the event? ◦ How: How was it able to happen? ◦ Result: What was the result?

14 1980s Group Work/Posters Posters must include: ◦ Name of Person or Event ◦ Five facts regarding the incident ◦ Results of the Event ◦ At least 3 pictures that represent or symbolize the event or individual.  All group will present their finding and take notes on all other presentations as # 4 in your notebooks.

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