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The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics ACTION PLAN.

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Presentation on theme: "The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics ACTION PLAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics The City School Mr. Mustajab Haider Prep II – Mathematics ACTION PLAN

2 Provide students with a variety of more challenging tasks. GOAL ACTIONPLAN

3 OBJECTIVES ACTIONPLAN 1.To further develop a balanced elementary mathematics program that emphasizes both conceptual understanding and traditional math practice that leads to mastery. 3. To provide the means to assure consistency in the use of materials across elementary buildings and the gathering of evidence-based data for evaluation. 2. To provide a balanced elementary mathematics program that includes rigor in number systems and operations, particularly in fact fluency and in the four major operations, combined with a conceptual understanding of the mathematical concepts

4 How to enhance 21st century skills in students ACTIONPLAN Provide opportunities to express opinions Provide exposure to critical thinking situations Provide opportunities to express opinions Provide exposure to critical thinking situations Provide exposure to real life situations Provide opportunities to work collaboratively Provide opportunities to develop problem solving skills Provide exposure to real life situations Provide opportunities to work collaboratively Provide opportunities to develop problem solving skills

5 ACTIONPLAN 21 st Century Approaches 1.Listening & Speaking Skills 2. Giving Direction Skills 3. Questioning Skills 4. Observing & Monitoring Skills 5. Encouraging Skills 6. Intervening Skills 21 st Century Skills 1. Accountability & Adaptability 2. Communication Skills 3. Creativity & intellectual Curiosity 4. Critical Thinking & Systems 5. Information & Media Literacy Skills 6. Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7. Problem Identification Formulation & Solution 8. Self Direction 9. Social Responsibility

6 ACTIONPLAN TopicsMonths Rate, Ratio and SpeedJanuary 2010 Application of Math in practical situations February 2010 Volume and surface areaMarch 2010 Simultaneous equationsApril 2010 RevisionMay 2010 Final ExamsMay 2010 Summer vacations June – July Topical Time Line

7 ACTIONPLAN Revised Taxonomy Understanding/ Remembering ApplyingAnalyzingEvaluatingCreating

8 ACTIONPLAN Action Plan Focus Areas 1. Assessment 2. Differentiation to Meet Student Needs 3. Math Instruction Time 4. Professional Development 5. Parent Component 1. Assessment 2. Differentiation to Meet Student Needs 3. Math Instruction Time 4. Professional Development 5. Parent Component

9 ACTIONPLAN Prerequisites for Success Understanding of the number system Knowledge of basic facts Flexibility with relationships among operations

10 Instructional Strategies and Tasks ACTIONPLAN I. Prepare a Unit plan that includes all necessary topics needed to be covered Including knowledge ad skill requirements Gather necessary references Refer to previously made plans Incorporate new tasks

11 Instructional Strategies and Tasks ACTIONPLAN II. Attend seminars that would help gain new insights Look for seminars that would help deepen insights for involving students into new tasks Ask peers for seminars that they are acquainted

12 Instructional Strategies and Tasks ACTIONPLAN III. Collaborate with contemporaries as regards to best practices Make schedule for possible collaboration Meet peers and discuss best practices in the field

13 Instructional Strategies and Tasks ACTIONPLAN IV. Seek students response Make a survey as regards to what students want for activities Summarize the survey and take the top activities that students want

14 Instructional Strategies and Tasks ACTIONPLAN V. Seek for other best practices in other related fields Refer to references citing best practices in other fields Ask teachers of other fields for best practices.

15 Challenges and Solutions ACTIONPLAN Challenge: Difficulty with the extent of time that would be used. Solution: Making a schedule for meeting the different Tasks

16 Challenges and Solutions ACTIONPLAN Challenge: Cooperation of key persons such as students and peers Solution: Making good deals such as plus points and treats for peers

17 Resources ACTIONPLAN Human Resources Groups/Organizations Students Responses Internet Sources Books/General References Higher Officials Human Resources Groups/Organizations Students Responses Internet Sources Books/General References Higher Officials


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