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My Trip to Wolf Ridge Mira Kammueller. I Wonder about Wolf Ridge… I wonder what our dorms will be like… Will we be able to choose who we’re with? Will.

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Presentation on theme: "My Trip to Wolf Ridge Mira Kammueller. I Wonder about Wolf Ridge… I wonder what our dorms will be like… Will we be able to choose who we’re with? Will."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Trip to Wolf Ridge Mira Kammueller

2 I Wonder about Wolf Ridge… I wonder what our dorms will be like… Will we be able to choose who we’re with? Will it be nice? What will it look like? I hope that it’s nice in our dorms. I have no idea what the beds will be like, I hope they are very comfortable. The dorms have to be pretty nice if we’re staying for a week. I hope they’re nice. I hope the bus is nice and has bathrooms. I think it probably will though and if it doesn’t we’ll probably stop for bathroom breaks or something. How long will it be? I hope we can bring things like an ipod or something like that. I heard that it’s around six hours long. I hope the bus is nice. I hope the food is as good as the Camp St. Croix food. They say that the food is ok but I hope it’s good. I wonder what they have there. I think the food will probably be decent tasting after hiking and stuff. I hope Wolf Ridge is really fun. I Wonder about Wolf Ridge… I wonder what our dorms will be like… Will we be able to choose who we’re with? Will it be nice? What will it look like? I hope that it’s nice in our dorms. I have no idea what the beds will be like, I hope they are very comfortable. The dorms have to be pretty nice if we’re staying for a week. I hope they’re nice. I hope the bus is nice and has bathrooms. I think it probably will though and if it doesn’t we’ll probably stop for bathroom breaks or something. How long will it be? I hope we can bring things like an ipod or something like that. I heard that it’s around six hours long. I hope the bus is nice. I hope the food is as good as the Camp St. Croix food. They say that the food is ok but I hope it’s good. I wonder what they have there. I think the food will probably be decent tasting after hiking and stuff. I hope Wolf Ridge is really fun.

3 Geology of Lake Superior The Geology of Lake Superior is very interesting. The area around lake superior was created from volcanoes and glaciers a very long time ago. Lake superior was shaped by the mid-continental rift. One billion years ago lava erupted from the mid-continental rift.The lava continued moving for twenty years. That lava hardened and made a layer of basalt five miles thick. Billions of tons of lava moving underground made the land where Lake Superior is now sink down. That created the Superior Basin, witch is made of basalt rock. The Superior Basin was very dry until about one million years ago, when the glaciers came through. Ten thousand years ago the last glaciers melted. Then, once the glaciers melted, the water was five hundred feet above the level it is today. At times the water would also drain to 250 feet below the level it is today. The water level now is 600 feet. The north shore is a very rocky area. Glaciers formed its rugged shoreline. Most of the rocks around the Lake Superior are volcanic. The lava sometimes went into puddles and hardened. That made the Duluth complex, made of igneous rocks.

4 Our fort

5 Cloudy day

6 Chipmunk!

7 Chipmunk running

8 Stream

9 The Ropes Course I think the ropes course looked even higher from the first tower than from the ground. I think we were about 30 feet off the ground. We did it in partners, so half of the people went while the others were our ground partners. They told us when we could switch our carabineers on the harnesses to the next part of the course. When it was finally my turn it was dark except for the bright lights on each tower. I slowly started to walk across the swinging bridge. It was actually really easy, but the next part was called the rainbow bridge. It was a single wire that had a wire on either side that you could use as handles and they were connected to the wire that you walk on by little colored streamers. I slowly took the first step onto the wire, it sank down a little, but it was pretty easy to balance on with the handle wires. I actually thought that it was more fun than scary.

10 The Ropes Course The next part was two logs that start together, then gradually split apart. That one was really easy. The logs were pretty big. The next one was the single wire. That one looked kind of freaky. It was actually pretty easy thought, but when I got to the middle, I decided to look down and I almost fell off. Once I made it past the single wire, there was a single log. That was probably the easiest thing besides the swinging bridge. The last thing on the ropes course was the zip line. The zip line was my favorite thing on the ropes course. You would go off the tower and it would feel like you ’ re falling and then it picks you up and it feels like you ’ re flying the rest of the way. It was really fun. I really loved the ropes course. It was my favorite thing at Wolf Ridge. I ’ m really glad I did the ropes course because it was really fun. Wolf Ridge really cool, but I think that was the best part.

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