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1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Basic IDL Commands SIMG 726.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Basic IDL Commands SIMG 726."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Basic IDL Commands SIMG 726

2 2 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Objective Quick Tour of IDL Writing IDL Programs

3 3 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Before we start % source ~rvrpci/.simg726.rc % script % set history=100 AT THE END OF THE UNIX SESSION, DON’T FORGET TO TYPE % ^D

4 4 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Before we END AT THE END OF THE UNIX SESSION, DON’T FORGET TO TYPE % ^D You now have file called typescript which contains a log of your UNIX session

5 5 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Starting IDL in UNIX To start command line interface IDL environment % idl To start graphical interface IDL environment % idlde

6 6 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño IDL Help MOST IMPORTANT IDL COMMAND OF ALL IDL> ?

7 7 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño IDL Help Window

8 8 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other IDL Help Facilities IDL> doc_library,’moment’ Allows specially formatted code comments to be viewed without having to view the source code

9 9 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño General IDL Information N.B. Platform specific limitation –UNIX File name conflict between lower and upper case characters –e.g. vs. Recommend use of strictly lowercase file names

10 10 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño IDL Character Set IDL is not case sensitive Commands and arguments are delimited by comas. –e.g. IDL> print, a Comments are started by a semicolon (;) –e.g. IDL> ; This is a comment Command options are set using a backslash (/) –e.g. IDL> tv, a, /order

11 11 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other IDL Characters System variables are started with an exclamation point (!) e.g. IDL> print, !PI e.g. IDL> y = sin( x*!DTOR ) Command line continuation with $ e.g. IDL> print, 180 / $ !PI

12 12 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other IDL Characters Multiple IDL commands can be separated by the & symbol –e.g. IDL> a=0.0 & b=1.0 UNIX Command execution –e.g. IDL> $ls -la

13 13 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Journal Facility of IDL The journal command allows you to record all IDL activity during a particular session IDL> journal, ‘’ IDL> print, 3*5 IDL> journal

14 14 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño ; IDL Version 3.6.1a (MacOS Macintosh) ; Journal File for Rolando Raqueño@green ; Working directory: Raqueño's Hard Drive:Applications:ENVI: ; Date: Tue Sep 17 00:56:18 1996 print,3*5 ; 15

15 15 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Sample Commands Some sample command IDL> print,3*5 IDL> print,SysTime() IDL> num = 5*12 IDL> help,num NUM INT = 60 IDL> print,num 60

16 16 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Creating an Array Some sample command IDL> num = fltarr(40) IDL> help,num NUM FLOAT = Array(40) IDL> print,num 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

17 17 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Creating an “Indexed Array” Some sample command IDL> for i=0,39 do num(i)=i IDL> help,num NUM FLOAT = Array(40) IDL> print,num 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000 6.00000 7.00000 8.00000 9.00000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 21.0000 22.0000 23.0000 24.0000 25.0000 26.0000 27.0000 28.0000 29.0000 30.0000 31.0000 32.0000 33.0000 34.0000 35.0000 36.0000 37.0000 38.0000 39.0000

18 18 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Shortcut Creating Indexed Array Some sample command IDL> num = findgen(40) IDL> help,num NUM FLOAT = Array(40) IDL> print,num 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000 6.00000 7.00000 8.00000 9.00000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 21.0000 22.0000 23.0000 24.0000 25.0000 26.0000 27.0000 28.0000 29.0000 30.0000 31.0000 32.0000 33.0000 34.0000 35.0000 36.0000 37.0000 38.0000 39.0000

19 19 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Indexed Array Example Some sample command IDL> num = findgen(40)*10 IDL> print,num 0.00000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000 60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.000 110.000 120.000 130.000 140.000 150.000 160.000 170.000 180.000 190.000 200.000 210.000 220.000 230.000 240.000 250.000 260.000 270.000 280.000 290.000 300.000 310.000 320.000 330.000 340.000 350.000 360.000 370.000 380.000 390.000

20 20 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Indexed Array Example Some sample command IDL> num = findgen(40)*10-195 IDL> print,num -195.000 -185.000 -175.000 -165.000 -155.000 -145.000 -135.000 -125.000 -115.000 -105.000 -95.0000 -85.0000 -75.0000 -65.0000 -55.0000 -45.0000 -35.0000 -25.0000 -15.0000 -5.00000 5.00000 15.0000 25.0000 35.0000 45.0000 55.0000 65.0000 75.0000 85.0000 95.0000 105.000 115.000 125.000 135.000 145.000 155.000 165.000 175.000 185.000 195.000 In general you will be using a linear form y=m*x+b

21 21 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Extracting Array Subset Some sample command IDL> num1 = num(0:36) IDL> print,num1 -195.000 -185.000 -175.000 -165.000 -155.000 -145.000 -135.000 -125.000 -115.000 -105.000 -95.0000 -85.0000 -75.0000 -65.0000 -55.0000 -45.0000 -35.0000 -25.0000 -15.0000 -5.00000 5.00000 15.0000 25.0000 35.0000 45.0000 55.0000 65.0000 75.0000 85.0000 95.0000 105.000 115.000 125.000 135.000 145.000 155.000 165.000 IDL> help,num1 NUM1 FLOAT = Array(37)

22 22 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Scalar Operation on Arrays Some sample commands IDL> num = findgen(37)*10 IDL> print,num 0.00000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000 60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.000 110.000 120.000 130.000 140.000 150.000 160.000 170.000 180.000 190.000 200.000 210.000 220.000 230.000 240.000 250.000 260.000 270.000 280.000 290.000 300.000 310.000 320.000 330.000 340.000 350.000 360.000 IDL> help,num NUM FLOAT = Array(37)

23 23 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Two-Dimensional Plotting Displaying Two-Dimensional Graphics IDL> line = Sin(num * !DtoR) IDL> plot,line

24 24 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Two-Dimensional Plotting Displaying Two-Dimensional Graphics IDL> plot,line IDL> plot,num,line

25 25 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Two-Dimensional Plotting Options IDL> plot,num,line,/Psym

26 26 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Two-Dimensional Plotting Options IDL> plot,num,line,Psym=1

27 27 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other Plotting Options IDL> plot,num,line,linestyle=1

28 28 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Labeling IDL Plots IDL> plot,num,line,xrange=[0,360],$ ytitle='Sin(x)',Title='Sine Plot'

29 29 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other Plot Facilities plot IDL> plot,num,line,xrange=[0,360],$ ytitle='Sin(x)',Title='Sine Plot' IDL> plots,[0,360],[0,0]

30 30 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Polygon Filling IDL> loadct, 5 IDL> polyfill,num(0:18),line(0:18),color=120 IDL> polyfill,num(18:36),line(18:36),color=50

31 31 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Data File Inputs Copy the following files from ~rvrpci/pub/IDL/training surface.dat ctscan.dat

32 32 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Three-Dimensional Plotting Displaying Three-Dimensional Graphics –To get the data into IDL, you will need to open a file and read it into an array using the following commands (N.B. this is specific for this particular data set) IDL> file=‘surface.dat’ IDL> openr,lun,file,/get_lun IDL> peak=fltarr(40,40) IDL> readf,lun,peak IDL> free_lun, lun

33 33 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Surface Plots Displaying Three-Dimensional Graphics IDL> print, max(peak), min(peak) IDL> surface,peak

34 34 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Surface Plots IDL> x = findgen(40)*2.5 & y=findgen(40)+50 IDL> surface,peak,x,y

35 35 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Color Look-up Tables –The following command lets you view the current colors loaded into the color look-up tables IDL> cindex

36 36 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Background/Foreground Colors –The following surface command lets you manipulate the background and foreground colors IDL> surface,peak,background=200,color=45, title='Surface Projection',charsize=2.0

37 37 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Shaded Surface Plotting IDL> shade_surf, peak

38 38 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Draping Data Over a Surface –We can drape a given surface over another one by the following command (we read in the data snow the same manner as peak) IDL>shade_surf,peak,$ shade=snow

39 39 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Surface Plot Colored by Altitude –We can generate a simple elevation color map. IDL> shade_surf, peak, shade=bytscl(peak)

40 40 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Simple Contour Plots –We can generate a simple contour map. IDL> contour,peak

41 41 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Contour Plots Spacing –We can generate a simple contour map and adjust spacing. IDL> contour, peak, nlevels=10

42 42 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Contour Plots Labelling –We can generate a simple contour map and label them IDL> contour, peak, nlevels=10, /follow

43 43 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Contour Plots Spacing Adjustment –We can generate a simple contour map and adjust spacing along with line styles. IDL> contour, peak, nlevels=10, c_linestyle = indgen(5)

44 44 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Colored Contour Plots –We can generate a simple contour map and adjust spacing along with line color. IDL> contour, peak, nlevels=10, c_colors = indgen(5)*20+80

45 45 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Images Data Displaying Image Data –You can read in image data in a manner similar to other forms of two-dimensional data. You will need to ascertain whether the data is an ASCII file or a binary file IDL> openr, lun,’ctscan.dat’,/get_lun IDL> scan=bytarr(256,256) IDL> readu, lun, scan IDL> free_lun, lun

46 46 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Image Data Displaying Image Data IDL> window, /free, xsize=256, ysize=256 IDL> tvscl, scan

47 47 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Image Data Displaying Image Data IDL> window, /free, xsize=256, ysize=256 IDL> tvscl, scan IDL> tvscl,hist_equal(scan)

48 48 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Image Processing Displaying Image Data IDL> window, /free, xsize=256, ysize=256 IDL> tvscl, scan IDL> tvscl, sobel(scan)

49 49 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño XLOADCT Routine Displaying Image Data IDL> xloadct IDL> tvscl, scan

50 50 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Writing IDL Programs

51 51 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño General Form of an IDL Program Parts of an IDL program pro program_name [, arg1, arg2,..., argn] IDL statement #1 IDL statement #2. IDL statement #n end

52 52 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Compiling an IDL Program Create a program to take celsius arguments and print out fahrenheit values pro celsius_to_fahrenheit, celsius print, 9/5*celsius+32 end To compile: IDL>.compile

53 53 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Executing an IDL Program To use the program in scalar mode: IDL> c = 100.0 IDL> celsius_to_fahrenheit, c To use the program in array mode: IDL> c = findgen(201)/2 IDL> celsius_to_fahrenheit, c

54 54 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño General Form of an IDL Function Parts of an IDL function function program_name [, arg1, arg2,..., argn] IDL statement #1 IDL statement #2. IDL statement #n return, answer end

55 55 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Compiling an IDL Function Create a function to take celsius arguments and print out fahrenheit values function celsius_to_fahrenheit, celsius answer=9/5*celsius+32 return, answer end To compile: IDL>.compile

56 56 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Executing an IDL Function To use the program: IDL> c = findgen(201)/2 IDL> f = celsius_to_fahrenheit(c) IDL> print, f IDL> plot, c, f Equivalently: IDL> print, celsius_to_fahrenheit(c) IDL> plot, c, celsius_to_fahrenheit(c)

57 57 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Program Design program file vs. function file Use functions in case of mathematical functions to allow composition of functions IDL> k=celsius_to_kelvin(fahrenheit_to_celsius(f)) Use program file in case of process not requiring the return of data IDL> write_to_file,’temperature.dat’,k

58 58 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Parameter Passing in IDL IDL passes parameters into functions and programs by reference This means parameters can be modified through “side effect” pro celsius_to_fahrenheit, celsius celsius =9/5*celsius+32 end

59 59 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Problems with “Side Effect” Parameter Passing IDL> a=32.0 IDL> celsius_to_fahrenheit,a % Compiled module: CELSIUS_TO_FAHRENHEIT. IDL> print,a 64.0000

60 60 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño A Debugging Exercise The IDL function and program examples celsius_to_fahrenheit all compile, but generate incorrect answers in some cases. This is left as a debugging exercise

61 61 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Hints for Statistics Problem Study the IDL functions n_elements() size() Try to reuse as many of the functions as possible. Do not be concerned with efficiency at this point.

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