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1 Vilnius

2 Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and the largest city in the country. The first time Vilnius was mentioned in written sources was February 16, The independence of Lithuania was published on this date. Present-day Vilnius is the most rapidly growing and modernizing capital in the Baltic states, pretending to be the most attractive business, political and cultural meetings and events center in the surrounding region. Vilnius Old Town is one of the biggest in Eastern Europe, and in 1994 was included in the heritage of UNESCO list. Vilnius – Lietuvos sostinė ir pats didžiausias šalies miestas, jaukumu supantis Lietuvos gyventojus. Dabartinis Vilnius – sparčiausiai auganti ir modernėjanti Baltijos šalių sostinė, pretenduojanti būti patraukliausiu verslo, politinių ir kultūrinių susitikimų bei renginių centru aplinkinių šalių regione. Vilniaus senamiestis yra vienas didžiausių Rytų Europoje ir 1994 m. įrašytas į Pasaulio paveldo sąrašą.

3 Vilnius Old Town Vilnius Old Town is the oldest part of the city, which is situated on the left bank of Neris river and is the most beautiful part of the city by its architecture and a number of churches.

4 Vilnius University The University of Vilnius, one of the oldest and most famous establishments of higher education in Eastern and Central Europe, was founded in Functioning for a long time as the only school of higher learning in Lithuania, it was a preserver of cultural and scientific traditions, and has played a significant part in the cultural life not only of Lithuania but the neighboring countries as well. The University is a unique witness to the history of the Lithuanian state.

5 Gediminas Castle Vilnius upper castle remains stands on the Gediminas hill as a symbol of the city. Inside of it there are a lot of Gothic style details and a small museum on the midievil times.

6 Vilnius Cathedral Vilnius Cathedral Basilica is located in Vilnius Old Town. The 57 meter high bell tower is close to the cathedral and they both were built in 1801.

7 St. Anne’s Church St. Anne's Church is in the Old Town, on the left bank of Vilnelė. Started in 1495 and completed in 1500 it is a remarcable late Gothic style example.The prays here go only in the Lithuanian language.There’s a story that retreating from Russia, Napoleon visited Vilnius and fascinated by the church, said that if he could, he would take St. Anne's Church with him to Paris. First St. Anne's church mentioned in written sources in 1390.

8 Vilnius TV Tower The Vilnius TV Tower  is a 326.5 m. tower in Karoliniškės residential area of Vilnius. It is the tallest structure in Lithuania, and is occupied by the SC Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre. The construction of the tower was finished in 1980.

9 St. Peter and St. Paul's Church
St. Peter and St. Paul's Church in Vilnius is a Roman Catholic church located in Antakalnis neighbourhood of the city. Its interior has masterful compositions of stucco mouldings by Giovanni Pietro. It is considered to be a Lithuanian Baroque masterpiece.

10 Vilnius - the green capital
Admiring Vilnius view from The Gediminas Tower which is situated in the heart of the city you can see not only the newest ending tangle of streets and small lanes, but also everywhere you can see trees, small parks and green avenues. Even when you are in the city centre it’s not hard to find a quiet spot to hide from all the city’s racket: to have a lunch on a small grassland in one of the parks. Have a nice walk by the Vilnelė river in the Sereikiskės Park or test your endurance going up the Kalnu Park hills. It may seem unexpected, but in Vilnius city you can find some unique natural monuments as Trinapolis Monastery, little bit farther from the city center the green waters of Green Lakes.

11 Parks in Vilnius Belmontas Park Sereikiškės Park Vingis Park
Kalnų Park

12 Green lakes In the outskirts of Vilnius there are the district of Green Lakes surprising us with its bright green color. These lakes are loved by the people from Vilnius, especially through the heavy summer heat when they come here to enjoy the refreshing swims in it is waters.

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