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Welcome to Mrs. Sebren’s & Ms. Barker’s First Grade Classes Open House September 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Sebren’s & Ms. Barker’s First Grade Classes Open House September 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Sebren’s & Ms. Barker’s First Grade Classes Open House September 29, 2015

2 Mrs. Heidi Sebren 6 th year teaching/5 th at Schultz Charlie and Emma are my puppies Klein Oak Grad Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Grad Masters from Sam Houston Born in Slidell, Louisiana (Grew up in Dallas and Houston) Traveled all over the world! My favorite things to do are spend time with friends and family, shop, be creative, and be outside! Ms. Barker

3 Don’t be tardy! The tardy bell rings at 8:20am. Tardy Information Each campus in Klein ISD is to have a tardy policy in place. The following policy went into effect, October 17, 2005. Students who are tardy four (4) times during a nine-week grading cycle will receive a letter. A student who has accrued five (5) tardies in a nine-week grading cycle will receive a phone call from the teacher and 1 after or before school detention. At seven (7) tardies, the student will have a phone call home from the principal and 2 days of before or after school detention

4 Lunch 11:15-11:45am daily Library Sebren Homeroom- Tuesday/ return Monday Barker Homeroom- Wednesday/return Tuesday Specials- Monday – Wednesday 1:30 – 2:15 Thursday 12:45 – 1:30 Friday (Double) 12:45 – 2:15

5 Sebren Homeroom Specials –Monday: PE –Tuesday: Art –Wednesday: PE –Thursday: Music –Friday: PE & Music Barker Homeroom Specials –Monday: PE –Tuesday: Music –Wednesday: Music –Thursday: PE –Friday: PE & Art

6 No holes in clothing, especially the knees in jeans No spaghetti straps Shorts under dresses No short shorts As the kids grow up their clothes get too short and may not be appropriate for school.

7 Help your child learn how to tie their shoes.

8 Conference Times Monday – Wednesday: 1:30 – 2:15 Thursday 12:45 – 1:30 Any day before or after school

9 Contact Information Sebren Phone #: 832-484-7042 E-mail: Barker Phone #: 832-484-7010 Email:

10 Homework Procedures Our class has a monthly homework sheet. Homework is sent home at the beginning of the week. Homework is not to be returned until the end of the week (Friday). This allows for the students to manage their own time for homework and extracurricular activities. Monthly menus allow for scheduling.

11 Eagle Hour Eagle hour is beginning! Students will be grouped in either an enrichment or intervention group based on their need for a particular skill. Students will meet daily from 2:15 – 3:15

12 Subject Overview Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies

13 Grading Guidelines Minor and Major Grades 96-100 – Advanced 90-95 – Exceeds Expectations 85-89 – Meets Expectations 80-84 – Approaching Expectations 70-79 – Below Expectations (experiencing some difficulties) 69 & below – Experiencing difficulties Methods of Evaluation Teacher Observation Satisfactory Participation Daily Class Work Individual & Group Assessment Redo & Make-up Assignments Grade circled is grade in gradebook Minor assignments will be corrected up to a 75. Major corrected up to an 80.

14 Grades At A Glance 96 – 100% 90 – 95 % 86 - 89 % 80 – 89% 70 – 79% 69% - 

15 Behavior Expectations - Be respectful to self, others and the environment - Be responsible, life long learners New Behavior Chart: Color Explanation –If circled in green: Mrs. Sebren –If circled in blue: Ms. Barker

16 New Behavior System Allows students to move up and down as their day progresses Dark blue: E Light Blue- Light Green: S Gold – Vanilla: N Red: U Show Daily Folder/Explain

17 Consequences 1.Warning 2.Move clip *Loss of Privilege or Time Out 3.Note or Phone Call Home to Parent 4.Office Visit

18 Rewards Eagle Bucks –10 Eagles = reward Stinky Feet Pass Eat with a Friend Bring a Stuff Animal to School

19 Websites Go To… Campuses – Elementary – Schultz Teachers First – Heidi Sebren or Mason Barker

20 Remind App Sebren- Homeroom: @hsebrenhr Sebren- Switch: @hsebrensc Barker- Homeroom: @mbarkerhr Barker- Switch: @mbarkersc

21 Parent Teacher Conferences October 12, 2014 Please sign up on the Google Form on any of the computers. They are 20 minutes. If you would like a phone conference, please sign up for a time slot and specify phone.

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