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University of Heidelberg Suzanne Heiob Department of Computational Linguistics.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Heidelberg Suzanne Heiob Department of Computational Linguistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Heidelberg Suzanne Heiob Department of Computational Linguistics

2 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 2 CL in Heidelberg: Established in 1988 Magister (masters) degree since 1994 At present 264 students 214 studying CL as major field 50 studying CL as minor field App. 50% foreign students, 50% women

3 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 3 Question: E-Learning: what´s there?

4 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 4 Course materials I In principle, all teachers are expected to provide additional materials with their courses in the web Every teacher is responsible for the design and the contents of his/her own course materials

5 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 5 Course materials II Scripts and slides of the courses are disseminated in pdf-format Exercises and solutions are sent exclusively via the internet Some courses are supplemented by source code, additional links or Java-Applets

6 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 6 Course materials III Student papers are included in the course documentations Programs developped by students are archieved and documented in the web The internet is also used for intense communication (good experiences with Wiki)

7 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 7 Assessment of efforts Lots of efforts spent for each course when it is developped Moderate efforts to adminstrate the infrastructure

8 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 8 Use of the on-line course materials The course materials are used by approximately 79 % of the students During teaching time the course pages are accessed 5,000 times per day from 200 different hosts #1 retrieved by google for keyword „Computerlinguistik“

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12 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 12 Summary Up till now extensive scripts, slides, exercises and solutions are disseminated in html or pdf-format via the internet -> We are very much interested in the exchange of online course materials with other sites -> We are interested in a cooperation in order to provide advanced materials on a common E- Learning platform

13 Suzanne HeiobUniversity of Heidelberg 13 Contact Prof. Dr. Peter Hellwig ( Dr. Anke Holler ( Dr. Markus Demleitner (

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