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Presentation on theme: "Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation

2 What is transportation?
To move products or people from one place to another. Moving people and things from point A to point B. Also going from point A to point B then to point C then back to A.

3 Transportation There are four types of transportation Land Water Air

4 Land Transportation Probably the oldest form of transportation
People had to walk where they wanted to go at first Then used animals to move them and their stuff

5 Land Transportation The invention that had the biggest impact on transportation was the wheel. Probably took place in the Middle East about 5000 years ago. How has this invention helped us today?


7 Land Transportation What are some types of land transportation? People
Animals Cars Buses Trains Other?


9 Water Transportation With land transportation water transportation one of the oldest forms of transportation. In the beginning logs were used to transport people and goods. Rafts and dugout canoes were among the first water transporting vehicles

10 Water Transportation With time it was realized that water transportation was a good way to move heavy loads. Bigger boats were need. Soon people realized the wind could be harnessed to move a boat. It was also discovered that if you add bigger and more sails the boat would go faster.

11 Water Transportation In the 1700’s ships began to be constructed out of iron. Soon after the steam engine replaced the sail. By the early 1900’s the diesel engine became a popular power supply In the 1950’s Nuclear power began to be used as a source of power for ships.

12 Water Transportation What are some types of water transportation vehicles? Cruise Ship Aircraft Carrier Tanker Hovercraft Tug Boat Jet Ski


14 Air Transportation The fastest, but most expensive form of transportation for people to use. People have wanted to fly since watching the birds sore in the air. In 1783 two brothers from France made the first hot air balloon flight.

15 Air Transportation In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first powered air flight. The flight only lasted for 12 seconds, but this was the beginning. Since the Wright brothers flight air transportation has really taken off.


17 Air Transportation Air transportation has gone from a 12 second flight to non-stop flights around the world in less than 100 years. The first plane could only carry one man Now planes can carry hundreds of people with their baggage half way around the world.

18 Air Transportation What are some types of air transportation vehicles?
Hot Air Balloons Blimps Jets Helicopters Hang Gliders


20 Space Transportation The newest form of transportation
In 1926 Robert Goddard launched the first liquid fueled rocket. During World War II the Germans began to develop rocket technology. They used it to launch rockets on England.

21 Space Transportation After World War II the United States and the Soviet Union used captured German technology to develop their own rocket programs. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite called Sputnik. In 1961 the Soviet Union put the first man in space and orbit.

22 Space Transportation The United States also launched a man into space in 1961. The United States landed the first men on the moon in 1969. Until 1981 all of the space craft used to take men into space were only used once. In that year the United States made the first space shuttle.

23 Space Transportation What are some types of space transportation vehicles. Rockets Space Shuttle Satellites Space Stations


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