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The Teaching of Spelling Wednesday 4 th February.

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1 The Teaching of Spelling Wednesday 4 th February

2 This evening features 18 Power Point slides, some pie charts, a new spelling scheme and an adult spelling test! (One of the above is completely untrue!!)

3 Our current spelling scheme Using the “Look, Cover, Write and Check” method. Words learnt for a weekly spelling test. Ranging from 10 – 16 spellings per week. A mixture of “target / tricky” words + words linked to phonics (Lower school) Larger lists of patterned words. (Upper school) Children learning spellings in “spelling groups” – grouped with children of similar ability. Words assessed every half term – unknown words revisited in future terms.

4 Our findings Children in most cohorts achieved spelling age well above their chronological age. (A couple cohorts had a large percentage below). Children not applying or retaining the learning. Classes using different “tricky word” lists (due to so many updated lists in recent years)

5 Spelling survey results. Spellings not necessarily matched. Year 5 spelling this week is “to”. This is a useful and important word, however it is an insult for a Year 5. My child has often brought home spelling that are way too easy for them. Other weeks they are exceptionally hard. Often words with “sion” or “tion” together which lends itself to rote learning. Sometimes miss spellings because of INSET days. There was a lot of duplication of spellings in year 2 of year 1 spellings. They were not challenging enough. Could be pushed more in Year 2.

6 Spelling survey results (continued)

7 It’s good to have weekly spellings, however I am not convinced the children are retaining the learning or applying the knowledge. The children do not apply the knowledge to written work. On reading my child’s work the spelling is inconsistent, however they score full marks in spelling tests. I would like to see errors revisited. Don’t see any knowledge of spelling rules. To help the children apply the words in context they need to write them in full sentences.

8 So what now? How many word should the children learn? How do we avoid children in spelling groups repeating words they do not need ensuring all children move forward at the correct rate? How do we revisit errors? How do we standardise the tricky word lists? How do we ensure the children apply their spelling words?

9 The suggestions! Smaller, more focused word lists – learning individual words than the spelling patterns and rules (these should be taught in phonic lesson) Individually target word lists – so all children can work at their own pace / level. Incorrect spelling words revisited immediately. A whole school standardise scheme. Spelling practice and tests to include words written in sentences.

10 The answer! The Willows Primary School Spelling Scheme

11 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School A range of 14 books Garden Bee Circus Pelican Under the Sea Pirate Farmyard Down Under Detective Monster Space Rock Band Skate Park Safari

12 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School

13 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School “Letters and Sounds”  purple - Phase 3 (and phase 2, but only reading the words, not spelling)  green - Phase 4  burgundy - Phase 5 Garden and Bee books How to test Garden and Bee books

14 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School  How often do we test?  When do we test?  How do we test? – strategies and systems Garden book to Skate Park book

15 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School  Blank boxes  Speech bubbles  Safari Book Extra Features

16 Spelling Books April 2014Willows Primary School Certificates

17 Any questions?


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