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1 CBR in the real world a practitioner's pov  Copyright, GfK Custom Research North America, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CBR in the real world a practitioner's pov  Copyright, GfK Custom Research North America, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CBR in the real world a practitioner's pov  Copyright, GfK Custom Research North America, 2011

2 2 There is nothing so practical as a good theory - Kurt Lewin Lewin, K. (1951) Field theory in social science; selected theoretical papers. D. Cartwright (ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

3 3 Some good theories Exit, Voice & Loyalty –Albert O. Hirschman, 1970 Commitment and satisfaction in romantic relationships: A test of the investment model –Caryl Rusbult, 1980 & ff Hirschman, A.. (1970) Exit, voice & loyalty: Responses to decline in firms, organizations and states. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rusbult, C. (1980) Commitment and satisfaction in romantic relationships: A test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 3

4 4 Responses to decline in firms, organizations and states DestructiveConstructive ActiveExitVoice PassiveNeglectLoyalty commitment higherlower alts better worse

5 5 Rusbult investment model COM = f(SAT + INV – ALTs)

6 6 Investments IntrinsicExtrinsic Material Unique/proprietary channel paths or ways of interacting Rewards programs Supplies/gear Property (shared) Contracts Psychological/ Social Time/tenure Predictability Emotional involvement/ participation Identification with the brand Mutual friends/ acquaintances or co- worker relationships Normative/social/ moral pressures Community ties

7 7 Brand commitment Performance Alternatives Investment Persistence Pro-Relationship Behaviors > Devaluing alternatives > Positive illusions > Accommodation behaviors > Willingness to sacrifice > Forgiveness > Cognitive interdependence Trust Commitment

8 8 GfK relationship model TrappedCommitted Exit/ Inert Switchable A>altsalt>A High Low Competitive Performance Investment

9 9 Model validation Trapped Committed Exit Switchable Trapped Committed Exit Switchable Account Price Difference ($) Increase Decrease SOW$ sensitivity ∆ SOW profitability

10 10 Time series validation attrition growth

11 11 Practical application Size & Trend Stimulators & Simulators TrappedCommitted Exit/ Inert Switchable A>altsalt>A High Low Competitive Performance Investment

12 12 Size & trend C* S T E Brand ABrand BBrand ZBrand DBrand CBrand YBrand X Favorability/Intention Target>AltAlt>Target High Low Psychological Investment *Committed (C) Switchable (S) Trapped (T) Exit/Inert (E)

13 13 Stimulators & simulators Primary Secondary Tertiary

14 14 New directions Pro-relationship behaviors CBR in social networks CBR metaphors

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