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Global warming. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants.

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1 Global warming

2 Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants Our ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Every day, more electric gadgets flood the market, and without widespread alternative energy sources, we are highly dependent on burning coal for our personal and commercial electrical supply. -e-waste-us.html

3 E-waste Since the 1990s, e-waste has become the fastest-growing component of the world's solid waste, with the Rapid increase in numbers of small consumer electronic devices, such as cell phones and portable music players, in industrialized and developing countries. Canadians dispose of an estimated 184,000 tonnes of e- waste every year.. The U.S. is the only OECD country that hasn't ratified the Basel Convention which regulates the import and export of hazardous wastes

4 Global warming and Canada Some of the main effects of global warming are visible in the most remote northern regions of Canada. Sea ice is taking longer to form in the winter months and as a result is having a significant impact on the polar bear. As the polar bear can only hunt consistently over sea ice, this is starting to have a significant impact on the population of polar bears. Some critics of global warming say there are many positive effects which may very well outweigh the negatives. These critics see the melting of polar sea ice as an important economical advantage for the future of Canada's economy (See next slide for more details ) /janeashleyphotography/gallery.asp?LID=&pho toID=7664826&cat=106907

5 New species of animals and insects are beginning to appear with reported first time sightings of mosquito's in Resolute Bay, Nunavut. Warmer winters have become a noticeable effect of global warming on Canada with pleasant weather replacing bitterly cold snaps on a more common occurrence. With warmer weather, Canada is beginning to see the ever famous "ice roads" thawing out for a longer period of the year. This is having an impact on the delivery of supplies for not only industry and businesses, but also remote populations who rely on these ice roads. Warmer temperatures will mean more tourists for Canada When it’s warm out, people tend to be healthier A British study says that an increase of two degrees over the next 50 years will increase heat-related deaths by 2,000 in Britain, but would cut cold-related deaths by 20,000 in Canada and Russia. Agriculture will benefit of the warmer climate in canada Some high-value crops, like corn and soybeans, that can mainly be grown in the U.S., will be grown more commonly in Canada the ocean level will also rise, but this won’t be a big issue in Canada, because most of the country’s coastal areas are uninhabited, and it won’t be significant if some of that land is claimed by the ocean, Global warming and Canada part 2

6 What causes Global Warming Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation New energy hungry inventions created in the Industrial Revolution helped spark much of today's global warming. The large hole in ozone layer which was caused by greenhouse gases and ozone depleting chemicals, has increased UV rays making the surface of the Earth hotter. This in turn makes people use more energy to cool down their homes, resulting in even more greenhouse gases and global warming. The invention of the automobile ushered in a new era of pollution and gases and has had a serious negative impact on the environment. The invention of plastic led to a surge in popularity of replacements of natural things consumers were used to. The United States is the biggest contributor to global warming, but the industrialization of China and India suddenly catapulted worldwide energy use, increasing greenhouse gases and demand for resources. Processed foods not only are bad for your body, but bad for the environment. The packaging, refining, and formulating that comes along with creating synthetic foods can cause much environmental damage. Television has contributed to obesity, as well as video games and other indoor electronics, putting demands on doctors, health care, food, production, and waste. The invention of the clothes dryer

7 Global warming quiz

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